ISPF 2.x, MVS38J, Tutorial, Utility

Tutorials for ISPF v2.2 / MVS 3.8J


Tutorials for ISPF v2.2 / MVS 3.8J using LBTUTOR
(current version 0.9.01  2023-11-15)

Based on various ISPF manuals, while using ISPF, the HELP function is triggered by PF1/PF13 (default PF keys) to display additional information about a displayed message or transition into a tutorial mode displaying a help (tutorial) panel and/or a series of help panels. The term help and tutorial will be used interchangeably in this post.

Similarly, ISPF v2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) offers a HELP function via PF1/PF13.

However, the HELP trigger for tutorial mode, simply displays the one screen (panel) assigned to the .HELP variable on a panel definition or .MESSAGE variable in a ISPF message declaration. It does not transition or initiate a true tutorial mode as ISPTUTOR is not available! Thus, the single display of a help (tutorial) panel and returning to the originating panel upon pressing ENTER. The term screen and panel will be used interchangeably in this post.

Perhaps in the future, ISPF v2.x will include an ISPTUTOR function facilitating a fully functional integrated online tutorial system.

In the interim, I’ve written a stand-alone (not integrated software-wise with ISPF v2.2 HELP) tutorial program to provide tutorials by directly invoking the tutorial program with an initial tutorial screen (similar to primary main menu option T). More information on LBTUTOR can be found here.

A Tutorial is Born…

In terms of baselining an ISPF tutorial environment and for LBTUTOR testing purposes, a set of ISPF tutorial introductory screens and ISPF tutorial menu (based on ISPF v2.2 primary option menu) were created to provide a foundational ISPF tutorial topics menu. The base tutorial menu is shown below:

  --Tutorial-----------------   Table of Contents   -------------------Tutorial--
 Command ===>                                                                   
                         ¦   ISPF v2.2 Tutorial Menu   ¦                        
 The following topics are presented in sequence, or may be selected by number:  
    G  GENERAL     - General information about ISPF v2.2                        
    0  ISPF PARMS  - Specify terminal and user parms                            
    1  BROWSE      - Display source data using Review                           
    2  EDIT        - Change source data using Revedit                           
    3  UTILITIES   - Perform utility functions                                  
    4  FOREGROUND  - Invoke language processors                                 
    5  BATCH       - Submit job for language processing                         
    6  COMMAND     - Enter TSO command or CLIST                                 
    7  DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing                                     
    A  ACETEST     - APF-authorized test facility                               
    C  CHANGES     - Summary of changes for this release                        
    T  TUTORIAL    - Display information about ISPF                             
    X  EXIT        - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults                 

The next step was to create content for each selection topic. This task is/was a massive undertaking… too many words, paragraphs, research, etc. As an alternative, shell topic screens were added (allowing for future incremental updates) with some topics seeded with existing author/owner product information.

Candidate selection options for using existing product information includes:
 G    GENERAL     - General information about ISPF v2.2
 1    BROWSE      - Display source data using Review
 2    EDIT        - Change source data using Revedit
 3.8  OUTLIST     - Display, delete, or print held (Class Q) JOB output
 A    ACETEST     - APF-authorized test facility
 C    CHANGES     - Summary of changes for this release

Option G – General Information about ISPF v2.2

The purpose of the option is to present product information. Thus, this option is sourced directly from ISPF v2.2 documentation from distribution HET.

The authors content was inserted into help panels with a hierarchy per ISPF v.2.2 table of contents.

The ISPF introductory screen and tutorial menu is shown below:

  --Tutorial----------------   ISPF on MVS 3.8J TSO   -----------------Tutorial--
 Command ===>                                                                   
                         ¦          ISPF v2.2          ¦                        
  This product was written for the Hercules MVS 3.8 system and attempts         
 to re-create the functionality of the IBM Program Product ISPF from            
 that era.  The objective is to support most of the familiar features of        
 ISPF, such as menus, panels, variables, tables, messages, ISPF commands        
 and PFKeys, thereby providing the look and feel of the original product.       
 ISPF Version 3.2 was used as the base for development, although some           
 features from subsequent versions, such as AREA support, are included.         
 This product does not perform any of the functions of the IBM Program          
 Product PDF.  Review is an excellent product for this, and is invoked          
 effectively as an ISPF application to perform browse, edit and other           
 Wally Mclaughlin                                                               
                            (continued on next page)                            
  --Tutorial----------------   ISPF on MVS 3.8J TSO   -----------------Tutorial--
 Command ===>                                                                   
                         ¦          ISPF v2.2          ¦                        
 The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected manually.    
    1 -  Features   A Summary of the Features Supported                         
    2 -  Prereq     Software Pre-requisites                                     
    3 -  Install    Installation Instructions                                   
    4 -  Commands   ISPF System Commands                                        
    5 -  Services   ISPF Services                                               
    6 -  Panels     Panel Definition Statements                                 
    7 -  Messages   ISPF Message Support                                        
    8 -  Clists     Clist Attention Exit Warning                                
    9 -  Estae      Application Program Estae Considerations                    
   10 -  Contvars   ISPF Control Variables                                      
   11 -  Zvars      ISPF system variables                                       
   12 -  Recovery   Recovery Process Internal Description                       
   13 -  Acedoc     Documentation to use the ACETEST Application                
   14 -  Limits     Describes some of the Product Limitations                   
   15 -  Optional   Optional enhancements contained in the OPTxLIB files        
   16 -  Future     Future enhancements under consideration                     

Option 1 and 2 – Browse and Edit

The purpose of options 1 and 2 are to exhibit all REVHELP information contained in Z/OS ISPF Help panels contained with the public domain REVIEW product from Prycroft Six.

This option extensively uses the REVHELP panels included in release 48.3 of the Z/OS ISPF panels. However, relevant REVIEW help panels were ‘back-leveled’ for compatibility with ISPF v.2.2 using 3270 model 2 terminal (24×80). Again, the content is sourced directly from source product distribution XMI.

The browse set of panels include REVHB* panel names for the most part.

The edit set of panel include REVHE* panel names for the most part.

All topic menus, content, presentation and navigation are per REVIEW authors panel definitions.

Option 3.8 – Outlist

When tutorial main menu option 3 (Utilities) is selected, the Utility Selection menu is displayed allowing selection of specific utilities for tutorial presentation.

Option 3.8 (Outlist) uses the public domain REVIEW product from Prycroft Six, specifically, REVOUT.

The Outlist set of panels include REVHJ* panel names.

All topic menus, content, presentation and navigation are per REVIEW authors panel definition.

Option A – APF-authorized test facility

This option is sourced directly from ISPF v2.2 authors Acetest documentation from the product distribution HET.

The Acetest Facility menu is shown below:

  --Tutorial---------------------    ACETEST    -----------------------Tutorial--
 Command ===>                                                                   
                  ¦  ACETEST - APF-AUTHORIZED TEST FACILITY  ¦                  
   The below topics are presented in sequence or may be selected manually.      
     1  - Introduction                                                          
     2  - Storage Display and Alteration                                        
     3  - Testing                                                               
     4  - Breakpoints                                                           
     5  - Locating and Identifying Storage                                      
     6A - Commands (1 of 2)                                                     
     6B - Commands (2 of 2)                                                     
     7  - Control Block Commands                                                
     8  - ISPF Mode                                                             
     9  - PA1 Key Operation                                                     
    10  - Non APF-Authorized Mode                                               
    11  - Installation                                                          
  ACETEST topic content source: ISP.V2R2M0.DOC(ACEDOC)                          

Option C – Summary of Changes for this release

This tutorial content is literally a copy of ISPF primary option C panel.

The content was sourced from the authors panel pointed to by ISPF primary menu option C using two continuation tutorial panels.

Other Options

The remaining tutorial menu options (topics) are seeded with a ‘under development’ shell screen. The intent for the shell screens is replacement with actual tutorial information at a future date(s).

Below is a sample shell screen for option 4, Foreground:

  --Tutorial-----------------   Table of Contents   -------------------Tutorial--
 Command ===>                                                                   
                         ¦         FOREGROUND          ¦                        
           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *            
           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *            
           *                                                       *            
           *                                                       *            
           *    The content for this topic is under development.   *            
           *                                                       *            
           *                    Stay tuned ...                     *            
           *                                                       *            
           *                                                       *            
           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *            
           * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *            

Access ISPF v2.2 Tutorial now for a demo!

Take LBTUTOR for a ‘test drive’ with the ISPF Tutorial mentioned on this post.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator using TLS to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 1.2

Once connected, log on using any of the TK4- default user ids and passcodes.

After successful logon, select option I (I for ISPF) from the TSO Applications Menu. Note, option I is not listed on the menu – this is intentional.

From the ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU, type T in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER to display Information of ISPF v2.2 with REVIEW tutorial screen.

Press ENTER to view the remaining two introductory screens until ISPF v2.2 Tutorial Menu is displayed.

At this point navigate the tutorial, but some options may display an ‘under development’ shell screen.

Use PF3 to end tutorial session.

Use PF3 to exit from ISPF and TSO Applications Menu returning to the TSO READY prompt.

Log off TSO.

Terminate 3270 session.

Next Steps

Start to create content for the Utilities (tutorial menu option 3) topics:
    1  LIBRARY     - Library utility                                    
    2  DATASET     - Data set utility                                   
    3  MOVE/COPY   - Move, copy, or promote members or data sets        
    4  DSLIST      - Data set list                                      
    5  RESET       - Reset statistics for members of ISPF library       
    6  HARDCOPY    - Initiate hardcopy output                           
    7  VTOC        - Display DISK Volume Table Of Contents              
    8  OUTLIST     - Display, delete, or print held (Class Q) JOB output
    9  COMMANDS    - Create/change an application command table         

References for the above materials include ISPF user manuals with cross-reference and/or consultation of REVIEW HELP panels containing relevant and related information to a specific topic (e.g. MOVE/COPY).

Tutorial Downloads

Due to the nature and source of the tutorial content, two separate distribution files exist:

  • ISPF Tutorial containing tutorial main menu with ISPF v2.2 Product (includes ACETEST) and ISPF Intercept Tutorial panels (see Panel not Found message regarding Intercept panels at this link)
  • REVIEW Tutorial containing REVIEW and REVEDIT tutorial panels converted (downgraded) from Z/OS ISPF to ISPF v2.2

Installing ISPF Tutorial Panels

After downloading the ZIP file, open the ZIP file, open readme.txt for directions.

The initial installation task is to transfer the distribution content file (HET or XMI) from your personal computing device to MVS.

When the transfer is completed, use the associated ASCII load JCL ($inst01.JCL for HET, $RECVXMI.JCL for XMI via RECV370 or $RECVTSO.JCL for XMI using TSO RECEIVE) to submit from your personal computing device provided a TCP/IP socket reader is setup on your hosting Hercules / MVS 3.8J system.

Alternatively, copy-paste the associated JCL from the readme.txt to your 3270 emulator for MVS submission.

Once the distribution files are on MVS, continue the installation procedure using supplied JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO per the readme.txt instructions.

  • Click here to download the ISPF Tutorial zip file to your PC local drive.

The below README file includes a ZIP file content list, pre-installation requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

T#ISPF22 for MVS 3.8J / Hercules                                            . 
================================                                            .

Date: 11/15/2023  Release V0R9M00  **INITIAL software distribution

*  Author:  Larry Belmontes Jr.
*           Copyright (C) 2023  Larry Belmontes, Jr.

|    T#ISPF22     I n s t a l l a t i o n   R e f e r e n c e        |

   The approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the
distribution content from your personal computing device to MVS with
minimal JCL and to continue the installation procedure using supplied
JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO.

   Below are descriptions of ZIP file content, pre-installation
requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

-Larry Belmontes

|    T#ISPF22     C h a n g e   H i s t o r y                        |
*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Name / Description                                       
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------          
*  11/15/2023 0.9.00   Larry Belmontes Jr.                                      
*                      - Initial version released to MVS 3.8J                   
*                        hobbyist public domain
* I. C o n t e n t   o f   Z I P   F i l e                           |

o  $INST00.JCL          Define Alias for HLQ in Master Catalog

o  $INST01.JCL          Load CNTL data set from distribution tape

o  $RECVXMI.JCL         RECV370 Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  $RECVTSO.JCL         TSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HET Hercules Emulated Tape (HET) multi-file volume
   volser=VS0900        containing software distribution library.

o  T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMI XMIT file containing software distribution library.

o  DSCLAIMR.TXT         Disclaimer

o  PREREQS.TXT          Required user-mods

o  README.TXT           This File
   Note: See application web page for any updates to readme.txt

Note:   ISPF v2.2+ (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) must be     
-----   installed under MVS 3.8J TSO including associated user-mods
        per ISPF Installation Pre-reqs.

Note:   Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process
-----   CLIST symbolic variables via the IKJCT441 API on MVS 3.8J before
        using this software.
        More information and download links at:

Note:   LBTUTOR is an ISPF add-on that performs tutorial dialogs
-----   and is OPTIONAL for this install if LBTUTOR will not be used.
        Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
====================================================================== * II. P r e - i n s t a l l a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s | ====================================================================== o The Master Catalog name for HLQ aliases. o The Master Catalog password may be required for some installation steps. o If loading via tape files, device 480 is utilized. o DATASET List after distribution library load for reference purposes: DATA-SET-NAME------------------------------- VOLUME ALTRK USTRK ORG FRMT % XT SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ASM PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CLIST PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL PUB006 20 4 PO FB 20 1 SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HELP PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ISPF PUB006 40 29 PO FB 72 1 SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.MACLIB PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 **END** TOTALS: 68 TRKS ALLOC 37 TRKS USED 6 EXTENTS Confirm the TOTAL track allocation is available on your device. Note: A different DASD device type (e.g. 3380) may yield different usage. o TSO user-id with sufficient access rights to update SYS2.CMDPROC, SYS2.CMDLIB, SYS2.HELP, SYS2.LINKLIB and/or ISPF libraries. o For installations with a security system (e.g. RAKF), you MAY need to insert additional JOB statement information. // USER=???????,PASSWORD=???????? o Names of ISPCLIB (Clist), ISPMLIB (Message), ISPLLIB (Load) and/or ISPPLIB (Panel) libraries. o Download ZIP file to your PC local drive. o Unzip the downloaded file into a temp directory on your PC device. o Install pre-requisite (if any) software and/or user modifications. o JCL from you local device (after unzip) may be edited using Notepad or nano (based on you host OS) and submitted via TCP/IP sockets reader if your system configuration supports this option. This option can replace some copy-paste tasks during installation. For more information on submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J, see
Submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J
o For more information on SHRABIT software distribution library, see
SHRABIT Distributions for MVS38J
o For more information on SHRABIT software installation, see
SHRABIT Installations for MVS38J
====================================================================== * III. I n s t a l l a t i o n S t e p s | ====================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 1. Determine software installation source | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HET or XMI ? | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Software can be installed from one of two sources, HET or XMI. - For tape installation (HET), proceed to STEP 3. **** or - For XMIT installation (XMI), proceed to next STEP. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 2. Load distribution source from XMI file | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($RECVXMI) | | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($RECVTSO) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000A JOB (SYS),'Receive T#ISPF22 XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVXMI Receive Application XMI Files * //* * using RECV370 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //RECV PROC HLQ='SHRABIT.T#ISPF22',VRM=V0R9M00,TYP=XXXXXXXX, // DSPACE='(TRK,(10,05,40))',DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // DUNIT=DISK,DVOLSER=PUB006 <-- Review and Modify //* //RECV370 EXEC PGM=RECV370 //RECVLOG DD SYSOUT=* //XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&&XMIPDS(&TYP) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,05)),DISP=(,DELETE,DELETE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..&TYP,DISP=&DDISP, // UNIT=&DUNIT,SPACE=&DSPACE,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* RECV370 T#ISPF22 Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //XMIPDS EXEC RECV,TYP=XMIPDS,DSPACE='(CYL,(10,05,10),RLSE)' //RECV370.XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.transfer.xmi <-- XMI File //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DSN=&&XMIPDS,DISP=(,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=&DSPACE //* //CNTL EXEC RECV,TYP=CNTL //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //HELP EXEC RECV,TYP=HELP //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //CLIST EXEC RECV,TYP=CLIST //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ISPF EXEC RECV,TYP=ISPF //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(40,05,40)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ASM EXEC RECV,TYP=ASM //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //MACLIB EXEC RECV,TYP=MACLIB //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1a: $RECVXMI.JCL ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000B JOB (SYS),'TSO RECEIVE XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVTSO TSO RECEIVE APPLICATION XMI FILES * //* * for T#ISPF22 software distribution * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* This JOB executes two steps: //* //* 1) IDCAMS to ensure parent HLQ alias (SHRABIT) is //* defined on master catalog //* Note: Alias definition bypassed if alias already //* ----- defined. //* //* 2) Executes TSO in BATCH mode and issues //* TSO RECEIVE commands to load the XMI distribution //* library (an XMI SEQ dataset) to a temporary PDS. //* Each software PDS is loaded from before deleting //* temporary PDS. //* //* //* This JCL may be modified to suit your installation //* needs. //* //* The TSO RECEIVE commands use INdataset, DAtaset, VOL, //* and NOPRompt parms. //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PBTSO * //* * Batch TSO * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PBTSO PROC //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSPROC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY Command Line Input //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* TSO RECEIVE T#ISPF22 Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //TSORCV EXEC PBTSO //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Review and Modify the DSN of the transferred XMI <----- //* used in the TSO RECEIVE SYSTSIN DD. <----- //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP01.SYSTSIN DD * /* Modify 'SHRABIT.' with your parent HLQ, if different */ /* Modify 'your.transfer.xmi' with transferred XMI SEQ DSN */ /* Modify 'volser' with VOLSER on your system */ RECEIVE IN('your.transfer.xmi') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CNTL */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(CNTL)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive HELP */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(HELP)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HELP') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CLIST */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(CLIST)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CLIST') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ISPF */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(ISPF)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ISPF') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ASM */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(ASM)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ASM') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive MACLIB */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS(MACLIB)') - DA('SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.MACLIB') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Delete XMIPDS */ DELETE 'SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMIPDS' /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1b: $RECVTSO.JCL a) Transfer T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.XMI to MVS using your 3270 emulator. Make note of the DSN assigned on MVS transfer. Use transfer IND$FILE options: NEW BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB - or - NEW BLKSIZE(3200) LRECL(80) RECFM(FB) Ensure the DSN on MVS exists with the correct DCB information: ORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB b) If using RECV370 to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVXMI JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. - or - If using TSO RECEIVE to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVTSO JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. c) The first step ensures the HLQ alias is defined and the subsequent steps perform the XMI load. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation including the DSN assigned during the transfer above for the XMI file. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the following PDSs: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ASM SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CLIST SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HELP SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ISPF SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.MACLIB f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. g) Proceed to STEP 6. **** +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 3. Define Alias for HLQ SHRABIT in MVS User Catalog | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST00) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF22 JOB (SYS),'Def SHRABIT Alias', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST00 Define Alias for parent HLQ SHRABIT * //* * Note: The master catalog password may be required * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and Modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 2: $INST00 JCL Note: This distribution is installed under the HLQ alias SHRABIT. $INST00 bypasses the DEFINE ALIAS action when the alias is already defined. a) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. b) Submit the job. c) Review job output for successful DEFINE ALIAS. Note: When $INST00 runs for the first time, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0004 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 4 and DEFINE ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0. Note: When $INST00 runs after the ALIAS is defined, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0000 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0 and DEFINE ALIAS function being bypassed. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 4. Load CNTL data set from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST01) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF01 JOB (SYS),'Install CNTL PDS', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST01 Load CNTL PDS from distribution tape * //* * Note: Uses tape drive 480 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADCNTL PROC THLQ=T#ISPF22,TVOLSER=VS0900, // HLQ='SHRABIT.T#ISPF22',VRM=V0R9M00, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCNTL DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CNTL.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(1,SL) //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //STEP001 EXEC LOADCNTL Load CNTL PDS //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCNTL,OUTDD=CNTL // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 3: $INST01 JCL a) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. b) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE c) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the CNTL data set. f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 5. Load Other data sets from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST02) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF02 JOB (SYS),'Install Other PDSs', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST02 Load other PDS from distribution tape * //* * Tape Volume: File 1 - CNTL * //* * File 2 - CLIST * //* * File 3 - HELP * //* * File 4 - ISPF * //* * File 5 - ASM * //* * File 6 - MACLIB * //* * Note: Default TAPE=480, DASD=DISK on PUB006 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADOTHR PROC THLQ=T#ISPF22,TVOLSER=VS0900, // HLQ='SHRABIT.T#ISPF22',VRM=V0R9M00, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD02 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CLIST.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(2,SL) //INHELP DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..HELP.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(3,SL) //INISPF DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ISPF.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(4,SL) //INASM DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ASM.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(5,SL) //INMACLIB DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..MACLIB.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(6,SL) //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(40,05,40)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //* //STEP001 EXEC LOADOTHR Load ALL other PDSs //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCLIST,OUTDD=CLIST COPY INDD=INHELP,OUTDD=HELP COPY INDD=INISPF,OUTDD=ISPF COPY INDD=INASM,OUTDD=ASM COPY INDD=INMACLIB,OUTDD=MACLIB // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 4: $INST02 JCL a) Member $INST02 installs remaining data sets from distribution tape. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. d) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE e) Submit the job. f) Review job output for successful loads. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 6. FULL or UPGRADE Installation | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($UP0901) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF0U JOB (SYS),'Upgrade T#ISPF22', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $UP0900 Upgrade T#ISPF22 Software * //* * Upgrade to release V0R9M00 from VxRxMxx * //* * * //* * Review JCL before submitting!! * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * No upgrades for V0R9M00 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //T#ISPF22 EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 5: $UP0900.JCL Upgrade from previous version to V0R9M00 a) If this is the INITIAL software distribution, proceed to STEP 7. b) This software may be installed in FULL or UPGRADE from a prior version. Note: If the installed software version is NOT the most recent ----- PREVIOUS version, perform a FULL install. Note: If the installed software version is customized, a manual ----- review and evaluation is suggested to properly incorporate customizations into this software distribution before proceeding with the installation. Refer to the $UPvrmm.JCL members for upgraded software components being installed. Note: $UPvrmm.JCL members exist in each software version. ----- For example, V1R3M00 software contains $UP1300.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R2M00 distribution. For example, V1R2M00 software contains $UP1200.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R1M00 distribution. c) If a FULL install of this software distribution is elected regardless of previous version installed on your system, proceed to STEP 7. d) If this is an UPGRADE from the PREVIOUS version, execute the below JCL based on current installed version: - V0R9M00 is initial release, thus, no updates available! e) After upgrade is applied, proceed to validation, STEP 11. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 7. Install TSO parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST03) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF03 JOB (SYS),'Install TSO Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST03 Install TSO parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CLIST,DISP=SHR //INHELP DD DSN=SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HELP,DISP=SHR //OUTCLIST DD DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC,DISP=SHR //OUTHELP DD DSN=SYS2.HELP,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((INCLIST,R)),OUTDD=OUTCLIST SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ COPY INDD=((INHELP,R)),OUTDD=OUTHELP SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 6: $INST03 JCL a) Member $INST03 installs TSO component(s). Note: If no TSO components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 8. Install T#ISPF22 Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST04) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF04 JOB (SYS),'Install T#ISPF22', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST04 Install T#ISPF22 Software * //* * * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * IEFBR14 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DUMMY EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: $INST04 JCL a) Member $INST04 installs program(s). Note: If no components are included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 9. Install ISPF parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST05) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF05 JOB (SYS),'Install ISPF Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST05 Install ISPF parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* * * //* * * //* * - Uses ISPF 2.2 product from Wally Mclaughlin * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * CLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPCLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPCLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDCLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //CLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * MLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPMLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPMLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDMLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPPLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPPLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDPLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //PLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * SLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPSLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPSLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDSLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * TLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPTLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPTLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDTLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //TLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //ISPF EXEC PARTSI,HLQ='SHRABIT.T#ISPF22',VRM=V0R9M00, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //ADDCLIB.SYSIN DD * CLIB COPY INDD=((CLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDMLIB.SYSIN DD * MLIB COPY INDD=((MLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDPLIB.SYSIN DD * PLIB COPY INDD=((PLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=LBT00000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT00001 SELECT MEMBER=LBT00002 SELECT MEMBER=LBT00003 SELECT MEMBER=LBTG0000 SELECT MEMBER=LBTG0001 SELECT MEMBER=LBTG01A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG01B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG01C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG02A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG03A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG03B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG04A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG04B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG04C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG04D SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05D SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05E SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05F SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05G SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05H SELECT MEMBER=LBTG05I SELECT MEMBER=LBTG06A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG06B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG06C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG07A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG07B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG07C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG08A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG09A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG09B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG10A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG10B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11D SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11E SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11F SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11G SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11H SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11I SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11J SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11K SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11L SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11M SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11N SELECT MEMBER=LBTG11O SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12C SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12D SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12E SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12F SELECT MEMBER=LBTG12G SELECT MEMBER=LBTG14A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG14B SELECT MEMBER=LBTG15A SELECT MEMBER=LBTG16A SELECT MEMBER=LBT00010 SELECT MEMBER=LBT0001A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0002A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0003A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0004A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0005A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0006A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0007A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0008A SELECT MEMBER=LBT0009A SELECT MEMBER=LBT10000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT20000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT30000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT3101A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3201A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3301A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3401A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3501A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3601A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3701A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3801A SELECT MEMBER=LBT3901A SELECT MEMBER=LBT40000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT50000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT60000 SELECT MEMBER=LBT70000 SELECT MEMBER=LBTC0000 SELECT MEMBER=LBTC01A SELECT MEMBER=LBTT0000 SELECT MEMBER=LBTX0000 SELECT MEMBER=TACE0000 SELECT MEMBER=TACE0600 SELECT MEMBER=TACE0601 SELECT MEMBER=TACE01A SELECT MEMBER=TACE02A SELECT MEMBER=TACE02B SELECT MEMBER=TACE02C SELECT MEMBER=TACE02D SELECT MEMBER=TACE02E SELECT MEMBER=TACE02F SELECT MEMBER=TACE02G SELECT MEMBER=TACE03A SELECT MEMBER=TACE03B SELECT MEMBER=TACE03C SELECT MEMBER=TACE03D SELECT MEMBER=TACE04A SELECT MEMBER=TACE04B SELECT MEMBER=TACE04C SELECT MEMBER=TACE04D SELECT MEMBER=TACE04E SELECT MEMBER=TACE05A SELECT MEMBER=TACE05B SELECT MEMBER=TACE05C SELECT MEMBER=TACE05D SELECT MEMBER=TACE05E SELECT MEMBER=TACE061A SELECT MEMBER=TACE062A SELECT MEMBER=TACE063A SELECT MEMBER=TACE064A SELECT MEMBER=TACE065A SELECT MEMBER=TACE066A SELECT MEMBER=TACE067A SELECT MEMBER=TACE068A SELECT MEMBER=TACE069A SELECT MEMBER=TACE069B SELECT MEMBER=TACE06AA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06BA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06CA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06DA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06EA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06FA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06GA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06HA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06IA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06JA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06KA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06LA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06MA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06NA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06OA SELECT MEMBER=TACE06OB SELECT MEMBER=TACE06PA SELECT MEMBER=TACE07A SELECT MEMBER=TACE07B SELECT MEMBER=TACE08A SELECT MEMBER=TACE08B SELECT MEMBER=TACE08C SELECT MEMBER=TACE09A SELECT MEMBER=TACE10A SELECT MEMBER=TACE11A SELECT MEMBER=TACE99A SELECT MEMBER=TACE99B SELECT MEMBER=TACE99C SELECT MEMBER=TACE99D SELECT MEMBER=TACE99E //ADDSLIB.SYSIN DD * SLIB COPY INDD=((SLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDTLIB.SYSIN DD * TLIB COPY INDD=((TLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 8: $INST05 JCL a) Member $INST05 installs ISPF component(s). Note: If no ISPF components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Review and update DD statements for ISPCLIB (clist), ISPMLIB (messages), and/or ISPPLIB (panel) library names. The DD statements are tagged with '<--TARGET'. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 10. Install Other Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL($INST40) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //T#ISPF40 JOB (SYS),'Install Other Pgms', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * T#ISPF22 for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST40 Install Other Software * //* * Install xxxxxx Programs * //* * * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * IEFBR14 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DUMMY EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 9: $INST40 JCL a) Member $INST40 installs additional software. Note: If no other software is included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 11. Validate T#ISPF22 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) From the ISPF Main Menu, enter the following command: TSO MYTUTOR LBT00000 b) Press ENTER. c) Panel LBT00000 is displayed. ________________________________________________________________________________ --Tutorial------------------- ISPF v2.2 -----------------------Tutorial-- Command ===> ISPF v2.2 with REVIEW This tutorial provides on-line information about the features and operation of the ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin coupled with REVIEW editor, browser, and utility functions integrated into one product, ISPF v2.2. You may view the tutorial sequentially, or you may choose selected topics from lists that are displayed on many of the tutorial pages. The table of contents contains a list of major topics. Subsequent pages contain additional lists that lead you to more specific levels of detail. Topics may also be selected from the tutorial index The next two pages contain a description of how to use this tutorial. Press ENTER key to proceed to the next page, or Enter UP command to go directly to the table of contents, or Enter END command to return to the primary option menu. (continued on next page) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 10a: ISPF v2.2 Tutorial Panel d) Press ENTER to continue tutorial. This tutorial describes tutorial naviagation and ISPF 2.2 tutorial content. e) When complete reviewing the tutorial, press END to terminate tutorial. f) Validation is complete. g) As part of validation, the following ISP HELP panels are available for manual copy from T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ISPF to your installations ISPF panel library. This manual task raises awareness to mediate 'panel not found' condition on PF1 (HELP) requests and facilitates a review to prevent an overlay of existing panels in your installation. Using 3.4, perform a PDS copy for the following: . ISP00000 Intercept panel for ISP00000 . ISP07000 Intercept panel for ISP07000 . ISP07100 Intercept panel for ISP07100 . ISP07200 Intercept panel for ISP07200 . ISP73H00 Intercept panel for ISP73H00 . ISR30000 Intercept panel for ISR30000 h) After the copy completes via 3.4, press PF1 from the ISPF Primary Option menu. Intercept panel, ISP00000, will display instead 'PANEL NOT FOUND' message. The intercept panel solution is temporary until tutorial content is incorporated int the ISPF product +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 12. Done | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Congratulations! You completed the installation for T#ISPF22. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 13. Integrate T#ISPF22 into ISPF Primary Main Menu | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Create a copy of ISP@PRIM in your application panel library instead of the ISPF system panel library to preserve the original system panel in addition to preserving your ISP@PRIM changes when upgrading your ISPF system with a new version. b) Duplicate the option T line in the )BODY section of panel ISP@PRIM and comment the first option T line for later reference as shown below: 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 +---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ )PROC . . . &ZSEL = TRANS(TRUNC(&ZCMD,'.') . . /* T,'PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(ISP00000)' */ T,'PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(ISP00000)' ' ',' ' X,'EXIT' *,'?' ) &ZTRAIL = .TRAIL )END c) Modify the second option T line to invoke LBTUTOR with the parm LBT00000 as shown below: 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 +---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ )PROC . . . &ZSEL = TRANS(TRUNC(&ZCMD,'.') . . /* T,'PGM(ISPTUTOR) PARM(ISP00000)' T,'PGM(LBTUTOR) PARM(LBT00000)' ' ',' ' X,'EXIT' *,'?' ) &ZTRAIL = .TRAIL )END d) Save ISP@PRIM panel changes. e) Logoff and relog on to TSO/ISPF. f) Menu option T should invoke the ISPF v2.2 tutorial! Enjoy T#ISPF22 for ISPF 2.2 on MVS 3.8J! ====================================================================== * IV. S o f t w a r e I n v e n t o r y L i s t | ====================================================================== - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ASM . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CLIST . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.CNTL . $INST00 Define Alias for HLQ T#ISPF22 . $INST01 Load CNTL data set from distribution tape (HET) . $INST02 Load other data sets from distribution tape (HET) . $INST03 Install TSO Parts . $INST04 Install T#ISPF22 Software . $INST05 Install ISPF Parts . $INST40 Install Other Software . $RECVTSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via TSO RECEIVE . $RECVXMI Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via RECV370 . $UP0900 Upgrade to V0R9M00 from V0R9M00 . DSCLAIMR Disclaimer . PREREQS Required User-mods . README Documentation and Installation instructions - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.HELP . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.ISPF T#ISPF22 Tutorial Panels . . . REVHB00 ? Option 1, Display source data using Review . REVHE00 ? Option 2, Change source data using Revedit . . ISP00000 Intercept panel for ISP00000 . ISP07000 Intercept panel for ISP07000 . ISP07100 Intercept panel for ISP07100 . ISP07200 Intercept panel for ISP07200 . ISP73H00 Intercept panel for ISP73H00 . ISR30000 Intercept panel for ISR30000 . LBT00000 Tutorial ISPF v2.2 panel A . LBT00001 Tutorial ISPF v2.2 panel B . LBT00002 Tutorial ISPF v2.2 panel C . LBT00003 Tutorial table of contents (Parent panel, main menu) . LBT00010 Tutorial table of contents (option 0 menu) . LBT0001A Tutorial option 0.1 panel A . LBT0002A Tutorial option 0.2 panel A . LBT0003A Tutorial option 0.3 panel A . LBT0004A Tutorial option 0.4 panel A . LBT0005A Tutorial option 0.5 panel A . LBT0006A Tutorial option 0.6 panel A . LBT0007A Tutorial option 0.7 panel A . LBT0008A Tutorial option 0.8 panel A . LBT0009A Tutorial option 0.9 panel A . LBT10000 Tutorial option 1 panel A . LBT20000 Tutorial option 2 panel A . LBT30000 Tutorial table of contents (option 3 menu) . LBT3101A Tutorial option 3.1 panel A . LBT3201A Tutorial option 3.2 panel A . LBT3301A Tutorial option 3.3 panel A . LBT3401A Tutorial option 3.4 panel A . LBT3501A Tutorial option 3.5 panel A . LBT3601A Tutorial option 3.6 panel A . LBT3701A Tutorial option 3.7 panel A . LBT3801A Tutorial option 3.8 panel A . LBT3901A Tutorial option 3.9 panel A . LBT40000 Tutorial option 4 panel A . LBT50000 Tutorial option 5 panel A . LBT60000 Tutorial option 6 panel A . LBT70000 Tutorial option 7 panel A . LBTC0000 Tutorial option C panel A . LBTC01A Tutorial option C panel B . LBTG0000 Tutorial option G panel A . LBTG0001 Tutorial table of contents (option G menu) . LBTG01A Tutorial option G.1 panel A . LBTG01B Tutorial option G.1 panel B . LBTG01C Tutorial option G.1 panel C . LBTG02A Tutorial option G.2 panel A . LBTG03A Tutorial option G.3 panel A . LBTG03B Tutorial option G.3 panel A . LBTG04A Tutorial option G.4 panel A . LBTG04B Tutorial option G.4 panel A . LBTG04C Tutorial option G.4 panel A . LBTG04D Tutorial option G.4 panel A . LBTG05A Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05B Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05C Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05D Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05E Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05F Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05G Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05H Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG05I Tutorial option G.5 panel A . LBTG06A Tutorial option G.6 panel A . LBTG06B Tutorial option G.6 panel A . LBTG06C Tutorial option G.6 panel A . LBTG07A Tutorial option G.7 panel A . LBTG07B Tutorial option G.7 panel A . LBTG07C Tutorial option G.7 panel A . LBTG08A Tutorial option G.8 panel A . LBTG09A Tutorial option G.9 panel A . LBTG09B Tutorial option G.9 panel A . LBTG10A Tutorial option G.10 panel A . LBTG10B Tutorial option G.10 panel B . LBTG11A Tutorial option G.11 panel A . LBTG11B Tutorial option G.11 panel B . LBTG11C Tutorial option G.11 panel C . LBTG11D Tutorial option G.11 panel D . LBTG11E Tutorial option G.11 panel E . LBTG11F Tutorial option G.11 panel F . LBTG11G Tutorial option G.11 panel G . LBTG11H Tutorial option G.11 panel H . LBTG11I Tutorial option G.11 panel I . LBTG11J Tutorial option G.11 panel J . LBTG11K Tutorial option G.11 panel K . LBTG11L Tutorial option G.11 panel L . LBTG11M Tutorial option G.11 panel M . LBTG11N Tutorial option G.11 panel N . LBTG11O Tutorial option G.11 panel O . LBTG12A Tutorial option G.12 panel A . LBTG12B Tutorial option G.12 panel B . LBTG12C Tutorial option G.12 panel C . LBTG12D Tutorial option G.12 panel D . LBTG12E Tutorial option G.12 panel E . LBTG12F Tutorial option G.12 panel F . LBTG12G Tutorial option G.12 panel G . LBTG14A Tutorial option G.14 panel A . LBTG14B Tutorial option G.14 panel B . LBTG15A Tutorial option G.15 panel A . LBTG16A Tutorial option G.16 panel A . LBTT0000 Tutorial option T panel A . LBTX0000 Tutorial option X panel A . TACE0000 Tutorial table of contents (Parent panel, main menu) . TACE01A Tutorial option 1 panel A . TACE02A Tutorial option 2 panel A . TACE02B Tutorial option 2 panel B . TACE02C Tutorial option 2 panel C . TACE02D Tutorial option 2 panel D . TACE02E Tutorial option 2 panel E . TACE02F Tutorial option 2 panel F . TACE02G Tutorial option 2 panel G . TACE03A Tutorial option 3 panel A . TACE03B Tutorial option 3 panel B . TACE03C Tutorial option 3 panel C . TACE03D Tutorial option 3 panel D . TACE04A Tutorial option 4 panel A . TACE04B Tutorial option 4 panel B . TACE04C Tutorial option 4 panel C . TACE04D Tutorial option 4 panel D . TACE04E Tutorial option 4 panel E . TACE05A Tutorial option 5 panel A . TACE05B Tutorial option 5 panel B . TACE05C Tutorial option 5 panel C . TACE05D Tutorial option 5 panel D . TACE05E Tutorial option 5 panel E . TACE0600 Tutorial table of contents (commands panel menu) 1 . TACE0601 Tutorial table of contents (commands panel menu) 1 . TACE061A Tutorial option 6.1 panel A . TACE062A Tutorial option 6.2 panel A . TACE063A Tutorial option 6.3 panel A . TACE064A Tutorial option 6.4 panel A . TACE065A Tutorial option 6.5 panel A . TACE066A Tutorial option 6.6 panel A . TACE067A Tutorial option 6.7 panel A . TACE068A Tutorial option 6.8 panel A . TACE069A Tutorial option 6.9 panel A . TACE069B Tutorial option 6.9 panel B . TACE06AA Tutorial option 6.10 panel A . TACE06BA Tutorial option 6.11 panel A . TACE06CA Tutorial option 6.12 panel A . TACE06DA Tutorial option 6.13 panel A . TACE06EA Tutorial option 6.14 panel A . TACE06FA Tutorial option 6.15 panel A . TACE06GA Tutorial option 6.16 panel A . TACE06HA Tutorial option 6.17 panel A . TACE06IA Tutorial option 6.18 panel A . TACE06JA Tutorial option 6.19 panel A . TACE06KA Tutorial option 6.20 panel A . TACE06LA Tutorial option 6.21 panel A . TACE06MA Tutorial option 6.22 panel A . TACE06NA Tutorial option 6.23 panel A . TACE06OA Tutorial option 6.24 panel A . TACE06OB Tutorial option 6.24 panel B . TACE06PA Tutorial option 6.25 panel A . TACE07A Tutorial option 7 panel A . TACE07B Tutorial option 7 panel B . TACE08A Tutorial option 8 panel A . TACE08B Tutorial option 8 panel B . TACE08C Tutorial option 8 panel C . TACE09A Tutorial option 9 panel A . TACE10A Tutorial option 10 panel A . TACE11A Tutorial option 11 panel A . TACE99A Tutorial About ACETEST panel A . TACE99B Tutorial About ACETEST panel B . TACE99C Tutorial About ACETEST panel C . TACE99D Tutorial About ACETEST panel D . TACE99E Tutorial About ACETEST panel E - SHRABIT.T#ISPF22.V0R9M00.MACLIB . README Dummy member, this is intentional - After downloading any other required software, consult provided documentation including any configuration steps (if applicable) for software and HELP file installation. $ - Denotes modified software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION # - Denotes new software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION .

Installing REVIEW Tutorial Panels

After downloading the ZIP file, open the ZIP file and UNZIP to your local device.

The initial installation task is to transfer the XMI file from your personal computing device to MVS.

Once the distribution file is on MVS, simply copy all members to your ISPF PLIB library using 3.4 COPY function.

  • Click here to download the REVIEW Tutorial zip file to your PC local drive.


The described tutorial set establish a baseline that can be improved and/or seeded with new tutorial information to eventually provide a more-complete ISPF tutorial online system.

Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections, addition of new content or issues regarding the use of this baseline tutorial system for ISPF v2.2 on MVS 3.8J / TSO via LBTUTOR.

Thanks and Have Fun!

Version History

*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Name / Description                                       
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------          
*  11/15/2023 0.9.00   Larry Belmontes Jr.                                      
*                      - Initial version released to MVS 3.8J                   
*                        hobbyist public domain

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