Overview After unloading ISPF 2.2 from the distribution tape, Wally Mclaughlin’s version of the ISPF-like product for MVS 3.8J running under the Hercules emulator, some basic ISPF library hierarchy (concatenation) pre-planning is a must to provide ISPF dialogue development while maintaining a stable ISPF environment for the MVS 3.8J hobbyist! This post focuses and shares my experience to implement ISPF…
Tag: MVS38J
ISPF Command Table in MVS 3.8J
In release ISPF v2.1 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin), the command table utility was introduced as option 3.9 (Create/change an application command table). A command table is an actual ISPF table stored in the ISPTTLIB library. Depending on your installation standards, the ISPTABL DD most likely points to a user id dataset and may be one of several concatenated datasets…
DALCDS – Display TSO Allocations Utility for MVS38J / ISPF v 2.x / Hercules(current version 1.2.02 2024-05-01) Many file allocation listing type CPs can be found on the CBT website or various technical journals. DALCDS displays allocated datasets for the current TSO session on a ISPF panel display. DALCDS is written in assembler (IFOX00) using ISPF 2.1 (product from Wally…
Overview CHKDSN – Check for DSN Utility for MVS 3.8J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 1.0.01 2024-03-14) Sometimes it is necessary to immediately (in real-time) determine if a dataset (DSN) exists, whether on the system catalog and VTOC or VTOC only. In other words, check for the presence of a cataloged or uncataloged DSN. Under TSO, the SYSDSN function…
Overview GETDTE – Get Date-Time-Environment Utility for MVS 3.8J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 1.0.02 2024-07-01) When writing software, whether a quick report or utility, it may be necessary to display a current date and/or time component on a screen or report. This basic information is so common, why not isolate into a common module? GETDTE, a subroutine utility,…
ULXL01 in MVS38J
About ULXL01 ULXL01 is an application written by Bill Godfrey in 1985 and later updated in 1991 for the MVS and ISPF products of that time. ULXL01 exhibits available disk space information using four panel displays (including a HELP panel) and a dialogue driver (similar to a TSO Command Processor) executing under ISPF. ULXL01 traverses the requested DASD volume VTOC…
Reporting in MVS38J
Overview Report generation continues to be a major product of electronic data processing, whether a preliminary college class roster, class summary of average grades or a detail retail inventory report. Reports are physically printed and distributed to business owners or logically distributed via microfiche or report distribution systems for online viewing using 3270 terminals Wow! This statement sounds so very…
CUTIL00 for MVS 3.8J
Overview CUTIL00 – CLIST Variable Utility for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 1.1.09 2024-04-15) In MVS38J TSO, CLIST commands are limited compared to current TSO systems, naturally! CUTIL00 attempts to fill some of those gaps by providing new functions for CLIST development with a single utility command with 2-3 parameters to service a specific function request via a single CLIST statement.…
Sorting in MVS38J – Part II
Overview The OS/VS2 MVS38J file sorting function is provided by the IBM S360 SORT/MERGE product included in the public domain version of the MVS38J Operating System. The sort/merge product provides exit processing that facilitates calling external user programs at various points within the sort/merge phases such as SORT INPUT PHASE (e.g. add/change/delete input records) or MERGE OUTPUT PHASE (e.g. add/change/delete…
Sorting in MVS38J
Overview The OS/VS2 MVS38J file sorting function is provided by the IBM S360 SORT/MERGE product included in the public domain version of the MVS38J Operating System. Most sorting requirements are satisfied by executing a SORT/MERGE utility job step in a batch environment to order a set of data before applying a processing or reporting activity. Also, the IBM S360 SORT/Merge…