Overview Report generation continues to be a major product of electronic data processing, whether a preliminary college class roster, class summary of average grades or a detail retail inventory report. Reports are physically printed and distributed to business owners or logically distributed via microfiche or report distribution systems for online viewing using 3270 terminals Wow! This statement sounds so very…
Tag: MVS38
CUTIL00 for MVS 3.8J
Overview CUTIL00 – CLIST Variable Utility for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 1.1.09 2024-04-15) In MVS38J TSO, CLIST commands are limited compared to current TSO systems, naturally! CUTIL00 attempts to fill some of those gaps by providing new functions for CLIST development with a single utility command with 2-3 parameters to service a specific function request via a single CLIST statement.…
Sorting in MVS38J – Part II
Overview The OS/VS2 MVS38J file sorting function is provided by the IBM S360 SORT/MERGE product included in the public domain version of the MVS38J Operating System. The sort/merge product provides exit processing that facilitates calling external user programs at various points within the sort/merge phases such as SORT INPUT PHASE (e.g. add/change/delete input records) or MERGE OUTPUT PHASE (e.g. add/change/delete…
ISRZ00 in MVS38J
ISRZ00 – ISPF Generic Messages for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 1.2.00 2022-07-09) When developing application dialogues under ISPF 2.0 (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product) on a Hercules/MVS38J system, some form of error processing and messaging is most likely an application requirement. Even when quickly developing a productivity tool! ISPF 2.0 (referred to ISPF in this post) message facility displays a short…
Calendar on ISPF Panel w MVS 3.8J – Part II
Overview In the previous post, the December 2018 calendar is displayed using one color, green, including an asterisk to indicate today’s date. As a hobbyist, you always want to spruce up displays – apply new features of a tool, ISPF. ___DECEMBER 2018____ S M T W T F S . . . . . . 1 2 3 4 5…
Calendar on ISPF Panel w MVS 3.8J
Overview Adding a calendar display field to a ISPF panel without a built-in function on your MVS 3.8J hobbyist system is a simple implementation using the AREA tag to define a dynamic area in ISPF 2.x! It is assumed the reader has basic working knowledge of TSO CLISTs and ISPF services. Let’s walk through a simple design brainstorm of a…