Overview ISPFAUTO – ISPF User AUTOEXEC Processing on MVS 3.8J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.01 2024-07-01) When ISPF v2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) is installed on MVS 3.8J, the command ISPF is used to start ISPF under TSO as listed in ISPF v2.2 installation documentation after all required ISPF resources (e.g. datasets) are allocated to the user…
Overview CALISPF– Calendar on ISPF Panels for MVS38J /ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.00 2023-01-31) Displaying a calendar view for the current month as part of the ISPF Primary Option Menu is a simple panel modification / configuration task in the current ISPF product from IBM. The calendar date is maintained within ISPF similar to the the various z-variables under ISPF.…
Overview CPDM – ISPF Personal Dataset Manager on MVS 3.8J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.00 2022-11-24) Many systems and application development groups create a common set of tools to accomplish repetitive tasks such as standardized compilation procedures or utilities. Such tools may be exposed to development groups in a workbench presentation using ISPF dialogues (CLISTs, Panels, Messages). I…
Overview PUTCARD – Utility to write 80-byte records on MVS 3.8J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.01 2024-07-01) The requirement to write a record to a sequential file from a CLIST or MVS JOB is a more common occurrence than rare for a software developer. Over the years, many application and systems programmers have written different solutions. Browse various…
Repeating CLIST Logic in MVS38J
Overview There are times when the same CLIST logic is repeatedly applied where the only varying item may be one or two command statements and/or variable settings. Instead of repeating the same logic, take advantage of CLIST variable concatenation and substitution by using variables for the varying arguments in a command while using a loop control to execute the main…
Overview RCQCAL– Perpetual Calendar application using ISPF Panels and CLIST for MVS38J /ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.01 2022-10-01) While searching for an application that displays a requested month/day/year in a monthly calendar view, I located a spiffy ISPF Perpetual Calendar application authored by Michael Theys in December 1987 from Rockwell International. This calendar application is contained in CBT File#182, the…
Overview CALNDR2– Simple ISPF Calendar application in FORTRAN(G/H), PL/I(F) and GCC for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 0.9.00 2022-03-20) FORTRAN G, FORTRAN H and PL/I (F) are three other IBM compilers included in the legacy OS MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- distributions. Note, other open-source compilers are available on volume, SYSCPK, of the TK3 and TK4- distributions. SYSCPK is a set…
CPRT36 in MVS38J
Overview CPRT36 – Hardcopy Utility (lite-version) using ISPF Panels and CLIST for MVS38J / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.01 2023-12-15) The Hardcopy Utility (option 3.6) is not available in ISPF v2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin). Rightfully so, as Wally, more than likely, focuses on developing more desired and higher-demand functions of the ISPF tool for the MVS 3.8J community.…
Overview CLGLST – ISPF Log and List add-on for MVS38J TSO / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.03 2025-02-08) As the current version of ISPF 2.x (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) does not offer a LOG or LIST service, the purpose of this post is to discuss an alternate logging and listing application for ISPF 2.x on MVS 3.8J TK3 and…
Overview CPRTOFF – Foreground Print utility using ISPF Dialogue under MVS38J / ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.00 2022-02-10) Printing or spooling a data set using a batch job can be accomplished by simply submitting set of JCL to copy the data set to SYSOUT using IEBGENER. The MVS 3.8J public-domain OS includes many utilities. One TSO command utility I frequently…