MVS38J Software Contributions

Software contributions to the MVS 3.8J enthusiasts and hobbyists community are listed below in chronological order with most current announcement at top.

Also, current development workload in progress is listed for awareness purposes to be published and announced at a later date.

This post serves as an archive of announcements.

Dates are in the format MM/DD/CCYY or monthname-day-ccyy.

Larry Belmontes

Active Development Workload

  1. DFSPC (Display Freespace Information) – remove dependency of temporary panel set for mod-2 displays

  2. ISPF 2.2 Tutorial – add tutorial for option 3 (Utilities)

  3. FINDSRCH (Member Find-Search) – rework add-on request panel (member, DSL), add tutorial

  4. ISPF 2.2 Tutorial – add tutorial for option 5 (Batch Language processors from ISP5000 add-on)

  5. CUTIL00, spilt into multiple modules for modularizion pusminor corrections to REPLACE and ZFILL functions

  6. LISTDSJ, add tutorial screens, minor corrections for RECFM and DSORG when undefined

  7. LBTUTOR, add new CANCEL function

  8. Number Guessing Game…. starts with a BASIC program from the late 1970’s on a microcomputer to COBOL CICS, TSO CLIST and ISPF application. Great educational exercise!
  9. Adding a new volume to JES2 onto TK4- version 8 without losing current queue content!
  10. Transform contributed application TASKLIST from Joe V to execute under MVS 3.8J and ISPF 2.2 (ISPF-like production from Wally Mclaughlin)

Announcement November-24-2024 (11/24/24)

I am pleased to announce the following ISPF (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) add-on updates. Below are highlights and links:

  1. DFSPC (Display Freespace) add-on displays online DASD freespace information using multiple views. This update, DFSPC v1r2m01, includes a new view (screen) showing freespace and device mount status, SYSRES indication, Pagefile indication, and VSAM Catalog Reference.  Additionally, new ABOUT command implemented to display software version information along with updated tutorial content.  See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  2. DUCBD (Display UCB Information) add-on displays select UCB information for DASD and TAPE devices using two views.  This update, DUCBD v1r1m01, introduces two new screens supporting new commands to display devices -UREC (unit-record), DISP (display), COMM (communications), CTCH (channel-to-channel), CHAR (character reader) and ALLU (all UCB devices).  Each device type displays select UCB information on one screen. Additionally, status and PF Key line added to screens, new ABOUT command to display software version information along with updated tutorial content.  See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  3. DALCDS (Display Allocations) add-on displays user TSO allocations.  This update, DALCDS v1r2M02, includes additional columns on the detail view – device unit number, EXCP count, and multi-volume indicator.  Additionally, new ABOUT command implemented to display software version information along with updated tutorial content.  See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

All of the above functions include revised help screens and ISPF tutorials that can be invoked via command MYTUTOR.

The above add-ons include installation JCL requiring adjustments based on your MVS 3.8J system (e.g. TK3, TK4- or TK5).

For all add-ons, please review the readme.txt file and satisfy all pre-reqs before attempting to use.

As always, your feedback is welcomed.

Larry Belmontes

Announcement January-23-2024 (01/23/24)

I am pleased to announce the following ISPF (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) add-on updates. Below are highlights and links:

  1. VSI (VSAM Information) add-on displays VSAM file information on one screen. VSI is a transformation of VI (CBT File #137) originally authored by Steve Kleeves as a ISPF/REXX solution by ‘scraping’ a LISTCAT report. VSI is rewritten using CLIST and ISPF services from ISPF 2.2 (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product). This function will be used as a selection code from the DVTOC VTOC Entries screen. See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  2. CPRT36 (Hardcopy Utility) add-on provides a simple and elementary batch (using IEBGENER) or foreground (using PRINTOFF) dataset printing function. It enables the currently inactive option 3.6 on ISPF 2.2. See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  3. DVTOC (Display VTOC Entries) add-on underwent maintenance to ensure all working-storage (GETMAIN storage) was initialized and utilized accordingly per RENT,REUS attributes. Other modifications included capturing all DVTOC requests to ISPF log (via CLOGIT) , content updates to help / tutorials panels and adding two new selection codes to the DVTOC VTOC Entries dataset list (L – listcat and VI – VSAM information). See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  4. DALCDS (Display Allocations) add-on underwent a minor modification to correct resetting of DD and DSN counters display on the status line of the results display screen and ensure proper use of working-storage (GETMAIN storage) per RENT,REUS attributes. Help and tutorial content was updated accordingly. See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  5. The ISPF 2.2 primary menu has an inactive option T (Tutorial) – Display Information about ISPF. To fill this gap, using the ISPF 2.2 primary option menu as a tutorial guide, I created a ISPF Tutorial set assembled from ISPF 2.2 content (provided in Wally’s ISPF distribution) along with REVIEW content (from Greg Price’s Z/OS panels) resulting in a foundational ISPF tutorial! Some of the options are shell panels. This tutorial is a starting-point and will be incrementally augmented over time. See post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

The above add-ons include installation JCL requiring adjustments based on your MVS 3.8J system (e.g. TK3, TK4- or TK5).

For all add-ons, please review the readme.txt file and satisfy all pre-reqs before attempting to use.

While corresponding recently with Rob Prins, some of the above add-ons will be included in the upcoming release update of TK5.

As always, your feedback is welcomed.

Larry Belmontes

Announcement October-25-2023 (10/25/23)

I am pleased to announce the below updates to several ISPF (using ISPF 2.2 from Wally Mclaughlin) add-on applications.  Below are some highlights with post links for additional details:

  1. CATMGT (Catalog Management) add-on allows for defining / deleting aliases and listing catalog entries via IDCAMS real-time with results being displayed in a browse session.  Optionally, catalog entries can be printed to hardcopy via PRINTOFF.  This option was 3.4 in early versions of ISPF! This add-on is integrated into the DVTOC menu along with other DASD type functions. See the  CATMGT post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.
    Note: A tutorial is available by using MYTUTOR as the CATMGT command if LBTUTOR is installed.

  2. RECVXMIT (RECV370 and XMIT370 using ISPF panels) add-on underwent a minor incident correction, relocated userid and panel name on panels, and added a tutorial set of panels. See the RECVXMIT post for more details including download link.
    Note: A tutorial is available by using MYTUTOR as the RECV or XMIT option if LBTUTOR is installed.

  3. DVTOC (Display VTOC Datasets) add-on underwent minor incident correction, cosmetic panel changes, and added a tutorial set of panels. See the DVTOC post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.
    Note: Two tutorials are available by using MYTUTOR from the VTOC Utilities menu or VTOC Entries list as the COMMAND if LBTUTOR is installed.

  4. FYI…    DALCDS and DFSPC (current versions) include tutorial panels that can be invoked by using the MYTUTOR keyword in the COMMAND line.

  5. Access to my MVS 38J TK4- demo system now requires TLS 1.2 encryption.  SSL v3 is not longer utilized.  See DEMO post for more information.

  6. Over the past months, I wrote and continue updating a post with my personal development experiences with ISPF v2.2 regarding constraints, limitations and solutions applied to meet a development requirement.  This post is updated when new discoveries arise. 

  7. Also, as tutorial content is being assembled for ISPF v2.2, I created a post around this topic from my point of view.  Any feedback or suggestions are welcomed.

  8. LBTUTOR (Tutorial program) is a stand-alone ISPTUTOR-like program that is invoked similar to option T from the ISPF primary main menu.  This program is used exclusively by my ISPF add-on application to display associated tutorials.  The program, at this time, is rated at alpha-level.  It is being hosted on my demo system in attempt to host an ISPF v2.2 online tutorial.  If you elect to use this program, please communicate any incidents via my post link.  See the LBTUTOR post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

For all add-ons, please review the readme.txt file and satisfy all pre-reqs before attempting to use.

If you elect to install LBTUTOR, the following current version add-ons already have tutorials that can be invoked by using the command, MYTUTOR:

  • Other add-ons will be retrofitted over time

This is a major announcement from my point of view.  If any installation process or add-on encounters a ‘hic-up’, please communicate directly to myself for immediate resolution.

In addition, your feedback is welcomed. 

Any suggestion and/or improvement is a benefit to the community.

Thanks and have fun ‘mainframing’!!!
Larry Belmontes

Announcement September-14-2023 (09/14/23)

I am pleased to announce updates to three ISPF (using ISPF 2.x from Wally Mclaughlin) add-on applications.  Below are some highlights with post links for additional details:

  1. DFSPC (Display Freespace) v1r2m00 was enhanced to show disk volume space usage depicted in a bar-graph (3270 nostalgic style using dashes and arrow!!) and numeric percent using a new panel.  Also, the new VOL command is introduced to limit the volumes selected and displayed. The same information from the previous version can be displayed by using the PF10 or PF11 to swap between views.  Nice addition.  See the DFSPC post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version from your 3270 emulator.

  2. DALCDS (Display Allocations and Data Sets) v1r2m00 was enhanced to display additional attributes about each allocated dataset using two views (summary DD allocations and detail DD/DSN attributes).  The displays can be swapped for viewing using PF10 or PF11.  Added new commands to include or exclude DD names, COUNT members of a PDS, and find a MEMBER in a PDS (similar to ISRDDN). See the DALCDS post for more details, download link, and information on accessing a demo version using your 3270 emulator.

  3. DVTOC (Display VTOC) v1r0m00 introduces two new menu selections.  The /C command to declare personal preferences for initial display view including sort order and column).  The X command launches a new modified version (for MVS 3.8J / ISPF 2.2) of the Disk Space Info utility (CBT161 ULXL01) written by Bill Godfrey (from 1985).  See the DVTOC post for more details, download link and information on accessing a demo version using your 3270 emulator.

    This utility from Bill Godfrey fits ‘just right’ with Wally’s ISPF product with a couple of minor mods for MVS 3.8J / ISPF v2.2.  It requires downloading CBT161 and applying modifications as detailed here.

After downloading the add-on ZIP archive to your device:

  • Unzip the ZIP archive which includes txt, JCL, HET and XMI files
  • Review the readme.txt file regarding software pre-requisites and your software distribution load approach (HET using tape, or XMI using RECV370/TSO RECEIVE).
  • Follow the readme.txt instructions to load and install the software add-on.

For TK5 users, the above 3 enhanced add-ons are already installed and available from Rob Princ’s website (per his announcement on 9/9/2023).

Enjoy the enhanced add-ons and look forward to your feedback.
Larry Belmontes

Announcement April-17-2023 (04/17/23)

Fellow Members,

I am pleased to contribute the following to the community.  Below is a brief summary including URLs:

  1. ISPF Log and List Add-on v0r9m01 for ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product)
    Minor corrections to FREE delete statements for both LOG and LIST datasets

  2. ISPF AUTOEXEC v0r9m00 Add-on for ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product)
    Add support for user AUTOEXEC-like script to trigger at ISPF user session sign-on

  3. ISPF Calendar View Add-on v0r9m00 for ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product)
    Add a calendar view to a panel to display the current calendar month.
    This add-on is not as ‘powerful’ as the real calendar view under a current
    version of ISPF, but provides a handy calendar in a dynamic area on a panel
    for quick reference.

  4. ISPF Personal Dataset Manager Add-on v0r9m00 for ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product)
    This add-on is from CBT File#47 from Jim Lane retrofitted to MVS 3.8J / TSO / ISPF v2.x.
    Nice add-on for maintaining a list of frequently used DSNs including actions (e.g. edit, browse)
    on that list!

  5. ISPF RECVXMIT Add-on v0r9m01 for ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product)
    Added support for mixed-case filenames.  This was actually pointed out to me last year
    a Linux user.  Great suggestion!
    Also, the PUTCARD utility was rewritten to support mixed-case and must be installed for this version.

  6. PUTCARD 80-byte record writer to sequential dataset
    PUTCARD is used by some of my add-ons.  This version is a rewritten to provide addition
    flexibility in passing data to the utility and setting a DD name.

A quick shout-out to Wally Mclaughlin for his ISPF-like tool and Rob Prins for ‘wrapping’ a more complete current set of tools into a TK4- DASD rollup pack for the community. 

Some of my add-ons are included in Rob Prins TK4 DASD rollup package for TK4-. 

Enjoy and look forward to your feedback.

Larry Belmontes

Announcement October-13-2022 (10/13/22)

I am contributing several projects to the MVS 3.8J community using ISPF v2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin).

1. Perpetual Calendar on ISPF Panel
This application is updated to include the monthly JULIAN date as an aid to quickly determine a calendar date from a julian date.
This was suggested by a member of this community.  Great suggestion!
Please refer my updated page for more details at:

2. LOG and LIST add-on for ISPF 2.2
This project has been an ongoing item since my intro to Wally’s ISPF product which uses CLISTs.  I finally completed a post and
download file.  As mentioned, this is an add-on! 
You can read more at:

3. VTOC Search
This is another project that has been a long-running task for me!  It is a hybrid-like ISPF aid between VTOC (3.6) and VTOC search.
I like it because in provides a ‘windows file explorer’ type search given a partial or portion of a DSN looking across all online DASD.
You can read more at:

4. Upgrades to 3 other ISPF utilities that integrate into #3 above and makes use of logging activity to LOG data set.
More information at the below links…
– DASD Freespace
– TSO Allocations

The above items allows me to better ‘peak’ into my DSNs on my system including integrating (enabling) logging
into other functions on my ISPF system.

Take a look…  Let me know if you encounter any issues with downloads and/or installation. 
This is a larger distribution than my prior contributions and more ‘eyes’ on these functions
may discover issues I did not!

Thanks and enjoy!
Larry Belmontes

Announcement September-21-2022 (09/21/22)

I am contributing several simple projects to the MVS 3.8J community using ISPF v2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin).

  1.  Perpetual Calendar on ISPF Panel
    This application is retrofitted to run under MVS 3.8J TSO and ISPF v2.2.  Original application is from CBT file#182.  The application is nifty in the sense that it displays the current month in a calendar view including the previous month the next two months on one panel!!.
    You can read more at:
  1. Print Data Set (option 3.6)
    This application is a replacement for the null 3.6 option in ISPF v2.2.  For the most part, it attempts to ‘mirror’ the ISPF 3.6 function.  It will print a sequential data set, member of a PDS data set, or index of a PDS data set using BATCH JCL or PRINTOFF for foreground printing (similar to DSPRINT). 
    You can read more at:
    This application is an add-on for ISPF to display a panel with PRINTOFF options and print a data set in the foreground. 
    You can read more at:

Please provide any feedback via my website especially if you encounter installation and/or functional issues.

Larry Belmontes

Announcement May-25-2022 (05/26/22)


This announcement is for a DSCOPY and ISPOPT5 add-on functions using ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product).

The functions are not the real-iron stuff, but it certainly provides a convenient online tool set to perform two important functions via ISPF.

One other item related to educational learning using legacy compilers and ISPF for dialogue development.  This link describes using FORTRAN, PL/1 F and GCC to display a simple Calendar on a ISPF panel.


Please take a look and let me know your feedback.

Larry Belmontes

DSCOPY (copy a PO/PS data set in one-step!)

ISPOPT5 (Batch Compiles)

Announcement February-09-2022 (02/09/22)


This announcement is for a COMPARE and FIND-SRCH functions using ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product).

The functions are not the real-iron stuff, but it certainly provides a convenient online tool to perform two important function via ISPF.

Please take a look and let me know your feedback.


Larry Belmontes



Announcement January-27-2022 (01/27/22)


Happy Belated New Year!

I have posted some articles and add-ons for ISPF 2.x for the MVS 3.8J community.

Take a look…  Let me know your feedback.


Larry Belmontes

Receive and Transmit (RECVXMIT) panels to load and create XMIT files using RECV70/XMIT370.

Post on using TBDISPL with ISPF 2.x

CLIST utility to list allocated datasets, uses LISTDSJ!

Post on personal task for planning my ISPF installation

Display Calendar on ISPF Panel using CLIST, Assembler and COBOL to exploit different languages using Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF 2.x product

Post on detecting PARM TYPES (length,date  vs. length,offset,buffer) in COBOL!  A thought provoking article….

Post on high-level description on Wally’s ISPF 2.x product…

Conversion of CBT 366 World Clock program under MVS 3.8J and ISPF 2.x

Credit has been given to original authors.

Announcement July-01-2021 (07/01/21)

Fellow Members,

Just a quick note on some new software contributions to the MVS 3.8J community.

I had a small drafting and publishing marathon over the past week that includes hobbyist work I’ve had on the my queue for a while for this community…

  • Using ISPF Table Services in MVS 3.8J
    • This post is a educational and learning read on using ISPF 2.1 table services (ISPF is Wally Mclaughlin’s product).  You can download a set of CLISTs and panels to demonstrate each ISPF table service under ISPF 2.1.
    • Additionally, you can try this series of table services CLISTs via my TK4- system available to the public.  Learn to access this system by reading the post.  If you like, you can download and install in your MVS 3.8J Hercules system with ISPF 2.1
    • This post is an update to a dynamic call routine (DYNALOAD) for MVT COBOL written by Ed Liss.  My modification is to capture the return code from the called program and return to the caller in the communications area.

More links to increase your interest and curiosity!!!

Three functions integrated into ISPF to  display-

  1. DFSPC in MVS38J, display online dasd free space using ISPF TBDISPL
  2. DALCDS in MVS38J, display tso allocations using ISPF TBDISPL
  3. DUCBD in MVS38J, display DASD and TAPE select UCB information using ISPF TBDISPL

Take a look at other posts on my site.

Enjoy and look forward to your feedback.

Larry Belmontes

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