
LBTUTOR– ISPFv2.2 Tutorial Utility for MVS38J / Hercules
(current version 0.9.02  2024-07-01)

ISPF 2.2 from Wally Mclaughlin is a great addition to MVS 3.8J TSO providing an ISPF-like environment on you personal mainframe.

ISPTUTOR allows help panels to provide help tutorials for ISPF applications when defined and arranged in a special manner.

Under the real-ISPF, the HELP function integrates with ISPTUTOR providing a online tutorial facility.

For example:
– When PF1 is pressed from an application displaying a short error message on the upper right-hand corner, the long message text is displayed on line 3.
– When PF1 is pressed again, a tutorial session is started by displaying a help panel, if the one is declared. The tutorial session may be comprised of one or more than one help panels. Most likely, the ISPF tutorial is started if no application tutorial is declared.

One function absent from ISPF 2.2 is ISPTUTOR, probably due to low demand in terms of functions under development and delivery by Wally Mclaughlin; in my opinion.

ISPF 2.2 conforms to all of the above PF1 processing except ISPTUTOR tutorials!

As a substitute, LBTUTOR emulates ISPTUTOR-like behavior using the ISPF DISPLAY service to display a set of help panels (tutorial) under under ISPF 2.2.

Version 0.9.02 adds CANCEL, PRINT, PRINTR, PRINTF tutor commands. A new alpha-type CP, LBHELP, is introduced to start an LBTUTOR session from the current screen. This function is fully dependent on the value of ZPANELID from ISPF. Lastly, an optional install JCL is included to add the ISPTUTOR alias at installation discretion.

LBTUTOR (stand-alone tutorial program)

The original and basic idea for LBTUTOR is to provide a tutorial facility for ShareABitofIT ISPF MVS 3.8J add-ons while utilizing the same ISPTUTOR navigation commands, tutorial panel definition guidelines, and system variables.

LBTUTOR is a stand-alone utility and not integrated with the ISPF 2.x HELP function or PF key associated with HELP (e.g. PF1).

LBTUTOR uses special defined panels with specific system variables as described in the SPF Dialog Management Services manual (SC34-2036-1) to convey tutorial information to the end user.

LBTUTOR can only be invoked explicitly by using the command LBTUTOR followed by the [panelnam]. Refer to the Command Syntax below for more information.

    Command Syntax
    LBTUTOR [panelnam]
        where, panelnam - 8-byte tutorial panel name         
                          if blank,  LBTUTOR tutorial panel is assumed
                          if /about, LBTUTOR displays version information
    TSO / CLIST examples
    LBTUTOR            /* start default LBTUTOR tutorial     */
    - or -        
    LBTUTOR tutrpnl    /* start tutrpnl tutorial             */
    ISPF Dialogue Management examples
    - or -

Tutorial panels are typically authored and assembled by the ISPF application developer in a hierarchical fashion with a table of contents (TOC). Each TOC entry corresponds to a topic level and/or list of sub-topics.

The tutorial may be viewed sequentially from start to finish by pressing ENTER or from a selected topic to finish by pressing ENTER.

While viewing a tutorial, the following navigation commands can be used:

    B or BACK   -  return to the previously viewed panel
                   (LBTUTOR tracks the last 20 panels viewed)
    S or SKIP   -  advance to the next topic
    U or UP     -  display a higher-level list of topics
    T or TOC    -  display the table of contents
    I or INDEX  -  display the tutorial index
    ? or THELP  -  display LBTUTOR tutorial command information

    Note: If the UP command is used after viewing a portion of a tutorial 
          sequentially and do not select a new topic from the displayed list, 
          the tutorial resumes at the next sequential topic on the list after
          pressing ENTER.

When too many tutorial panels have been viewed, it is recommended using UP or TOC to quickly return to a top level topic or table of contents, respectively.

While viewing a tutorial, the following PF keys can be used:

  ENTER  -  To display the next sequential page
  THELP  -  To display LBTUTOR tutorial command information
  END    -  To terminate the tutorial
  UP     -  To display a higher level list of topics (rather than typing UP)
  DOWN   -  To skip to the next topic (rather than typing SKIP)
  RIGHT  -  To display the next page (rather than pressing ENTER)
  LEFT   -  To display the previous page (rather than typing BACK)
  HELP   -  To display a declared help panel via ISPF 2.x (if one defined)

Tutorial system variables used by LBTUTOR:

  ZHTOP   - Top level TOC (panel name, first page) in tutorial
  ZHINDEX - Panel name of first index page in tutorial 
  ZCONT   - Name of next continuation panel
  ZIND    - YES, specifies an index page  ???
  ZUP     - Panel name of parent panel
  ZSEL    - Panel name of user selected topic

  Note: The variables ZHTOP and ZHINDEX specify the top level table of
        contents and first index page, respectively, in the tutorial.
        They should be initialized by the application in the event that
        the user enters the tutorial and then requests TOP or INDEX. 

  Note: ZSEL is translated (via TRANS verb in panel PROC section) from
        ZCMD to a panel name.  The panel name may be preceded by an
        asterisk (*) to indicate that the topic can be explicitly user
        selected but bypassed when using ENTER to sequentially view
        the tutorial.

        ZSEL should not be used if a panel contains no selectable topics.

LBTUTOR is not ISPTUTOR! Although the above content may depict much of what ISPTUTOR features, LBTUTOR behavior may or may not simulate ISPTUTOR processing!

Sample Tutorial without Selection Topics

A simple form of a tutorial can be comprised of a single panel or a series of panels displayed in sequence to convey online information to the end user. For example, the LBTUTOR tutorial exemplifies this behavior by using three panels linked together to describe the LBTUTOR function and commands as depicted below:

                               +----------+              ZHTOP=TLB2TR00 
        LBTUTOR Tutorial ----> | TLB2TR00 |              ZCONT=TLB2TR01 
                                 | TLB2TR01 |            ZCONT=TLB2TR02
                                   | TLB2TR02 |          ZCONT=TLB2TR00

Sequential viewing of information (topic) continues by pressing ENTER key.

When the tutorial is started, panel TLB2TR00 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, panel TLB2TR01 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, panel TLB2TR02 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, panel TLB2TR00 displays, restarting the tutorial.

The next panel in the tutorial is declared by setting the system variable &ZCONT in each panels PROC section.

The top level of the tutorial is declared by setting the system variables &ZHTOP and &ZHINDEX to TLB2TR00 allowing the end user to conveniently issue the TOP or INDEX navigation command to quickly return to the beginning of the tutorial or topic.

This tutorial can be viewed by using the demo system as described here.

Sample Tutorial with Selection Topics (menu)

Typically, a more flexible form of a tutorial uses selection codes to directly position on a specific topic from a menu set of topics. This tutorial type is comprised of a single menu panel offering selectable topics to convey online information to the end user. For example, the HT2TR00 sample tutorial exemplifies this behavior by using one menu offering 5 topics.

                                   +----------+              ZHTOP=HT2TR00 
             Sample Tutorial ----> | HT2TR00  |              ZSEL=*see below 
       |                |               |                 |               |
  +----------+     +----------+    +----------+     +----------+     +----------+
  | HT2TR01  |     | HT2TR02  |    | HT2TR03  |     | *HT2TR06 |     | HT2TR07  |
  +----------+     +----------+-+  +----------+     +----------+     +----------+
                     | HT2TR02B |

Sequential viewing of information (topic) continues by pressing ENTER key.

When the tutorial is started with the intension of viewing the tutorial from start to finish,
panel HT2TR00 displays a list of selectable topics.

When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR01 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics.
When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR02 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR02B displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics.
When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR03 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics.
When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR07 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics and
restarting the tutorial.

When the tutorial is started with the intension of viewing a specific topic, the selection code is typed in the command line. For example:

When option 4 is selected and ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR06 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics.
When ENTER is pressed, panel HT2TR07 displays.
When ENTER is pressed, menu panel HT2TR00 displays offering selectable topics and
restarting the tutorial.

The next panel in the tutorial is declared by setting the system variable &ZSEL in the HT2TR00 menu when the end user types the corresponding selection code in the COMMAND line and presses ENTER. Below is a snippet of the PROC section where translation occurs from the ZCMD value to the next panel name to be displayed:


Note: Option 4 assigns panel name of *HT2TR06 designating that
      HT2TR06 is only displayed if explicitly selected by the
      end user and bypassed during sequential tutorial viewing.  

The top level of the tutorial is declared by setting the system variables &ZHTOP and &ZHINDEX to HT2TR00 and HT2TRIX, respectively, allowing the end user to conveniently issue the TOP or INDEX navigation command to quickly return to the beginning of the tutorial or index.

When viewing a tutorial select menu panel, topics may be displayed by entering a selection code. When the end of the selected topic is reached, the selection menu is redisplayed. Pressing ENTER, continues to the next topic or wraps to beginning of tutorial.

When viewing a tutorial select menu panel, topics can be displayed sequentially in entirety by simply pressing ENTER until wrapping to the beginning of the tutorial.

The HT2TR00 set of help panels as a sample tutorial is available here.

An ISPF v2.2 product (including ACETEST) tutorials are available here.


ISPF v2.2+ (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) is necessary to use this software.

Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process CLIST symbolic variables via the IKJCT441 API on MVS 3.8J and using this software installation. More information on user-mods ZP60014 and ZP60038 can be obtained from the following website:

Check your system to determine if one or both user-mods are required. ZP60038 requires ZP60014.

Several other components are pre-requisites. See README file for a complete list of required and/or optional software including download sites.

Software Disclaimer

No guarantee; No warranty; Install / Use at your own risk.

This software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The author requests keeping authors name intact to any modified versions.

In addition, the author requests readers to submit any code modifications / enhancements and associated comments for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit to contributors) thus, improving overall functionality benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain community.

Access LBTUTOR now for a demo!

Take LBTUTOR for a ‘test drive’ before downloading and installing onto your MVS38J system.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator using TLS to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 1.2

Once connected, log on using any of the TK4- default user ids and passcodes.

After successful logon, select option I (I for ISPF) from the TSO Applications Menu. Note, option I is not listed on the menu – this is intentional.

From the ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU, type L in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER to display the ShareABitOfIT Software Demo Menu.

Type 2TOR in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER.

Use PF1 to display help panel.

Use PF3 to end tutorial session.

Use PF3 to exit from ISPF and TSO Applications Menu returning to the TSO READY prompt.

Log off TSO.

Terminate 3270 session.


This is not an exhaustive list. Some limitations include:

  • By design, LBTUTOR is a stand-alone ISPF add-on application and is not triggered or seamlessly integrate with ISPF 2.x HELP function
  • No support for scrolling panel dynamic areas
  • DISPLAY service and PANEL definitions governed by ISPF v2.2
  • LBTUTOR keeps track (remembers) of the last 20 panels displayed in a tutorial session for backward navigation
  • Maximum of 5 nested topic levels
  • Maximum of 20 panel sections per selection menu
  • ZSEL statement must use the following format as shown in sample:
         &ZSEL = TRANS (&ZCMD

Installing LBTUTOR Software

After downloading the ZIP file, open the ZIP file, open readme.txt for directions.

The initial installation task is to transfer the distribution content file (HET or XMI) from your personal computing device to MVS.

When the transfer is completed, use the associated ASCII load JCL ($inst01.JCL for HET, $RECVXMI.JCL for XMI via RECV370 or $RECVTSO.JCL for XMI using TSO RECEIVE) to submit from your personal computing device provided a TCP/IP socket reader is setup on your hosting Hercules / MVS 3.8J system.

Alternatively, copy-paste the associated JCL from the readme.txt to your 3270 emulator for MVS submission

Once the distribution files are on MVS, continue the installation procedure using supplied JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO per the readme.txt instructions.

  • Click here to download the zip file to your PC local drive.

The below README file includes a ZIP file content list, pre-installation requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

LBTUTOR for MVS 3.8J / Hercules                                            . 
===============================                                            .

Date: 05/01/2024  Release V0R9M02
      11/15/2023  Release V0R9M01
      07/10/2023  Release V0R9M00  **INITIAL software distribution
      09/11/2019  Release V0R5M00

*  Author:  Larry Belmontes Jr.
*           Copyright (C) 2019-2024  Larry Belmontes, Jr.

|    LBTUTOR      I n s t a l l a t i o n   R e f e r e n c e        |

   The approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the
distribution content from your personal computing device to MVS with
minimal JCL and to continue the installation procedure using supplied
JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO.

   Below are descriptions of ZIP file content, pre-installation
requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

-Larry Belmontes

|    LBTUTOR      C h a n g e   H i s t o r y                        |
*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Name / Description                                       
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------          
*  07/01/2024 0.9.02   - Add CANCEL tutor command
*                      - Add PRINT, PRINTF, PRINTR tutor commands
*                      - Accomodate &ZSEL defaulting to SPACES
*                        on tutorial selection menus
*                      - New CP LBHELP to obtain .HELP panel name
*                        (if one is defined) and start LBTUTOR
*                      - Correction to LBSTRC utility:
*                        Add detection of blank string when using
*                        RTRIM option
*                      - Update affected tutorial and help panels
*  11/15/2023 0.9.01   - Isolated version of NCZ93205 by including            
*                        soource code as LBPDSIOM to prevent conflict
*                        with existing version of NCZ93205.
*  07/10/2023 0.9.00   - Alpha version released to MVS 3.8J                   
*                        hobbyist public domain
*  06/01/2019 0.5.00   Initial prototyping and development                      
*                      w ISPF 2.x       
* I. C o n t e n t   o f   Z I P   F i l e                           |

o  $INST00.JCL          Define Alias for HLQ in Master Catalog

o  $INST01.JCL          Load CNTL data set from distribution tape

o  $RECVXMI.JCL         RECV370 Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  $RECVTSO.JCL         TSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HET  Hercules Emulated Tape (HET) multi-file volume
   volser=VS0902        containing software distribution library.

o  LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMI  XMIT file containing software distribution library.

o  DSCLAIMR.TXT         Disclaimer

o  PREREQS.TXT          Required user-mods

o  README.TXT           This File
   Note: See application web page for any updates to readme.txt

Note:   ISPF v2.2+ (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) must be     
-----   installed under MVS 3.8J TSO including associated user-mods
        per ISPF Installation Pre-reqs.

Note:   Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process
-----   CLIST symbolic variables via the IKJCT441 API on MVS 3.8J before
        using this software.
        More information and download links at:

Note:   SHRABIT.MACLIB is macro library required to assemble/compile this
-----   software.  A version as-of this distribution is included for
        installation as a pre-requisite.
        More information including current version download link at:
Note: DYNBLOAD is a subroutine to dynamically call programs ----- from MVT COBOL and must be installed as a pre-requisite. A version as-of this distribution is included for convenience. More information including current version download link at:
Credit: DYNBLOAD is a modified version of DYNALOAD authored ------- by Ed Liss. Thanks to Ed Liss for his subprogram. More information about DYNALOAD and may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from Jay Moseley's site: Note: NCZ93205 (assembler subroutine) reads PDS members and is a ----- pre-requisite for this install. For convenience purposes, NCZ93205 source is included under member name LBPDSIOM. This source is from Jay Moseley's web site. More information at: FILE #152 (Harold Zbiegien Utilities) - or - may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from Jay Moseley's site: Credit: CBT File#152 contributed by Harold Zbiegien Jan 1990 ------- contains an updated version of NCZ93205. CBT File#430 contains original (11/1982) donated version submitted Smith International Ltd. Thanks to Smith International and Harold Zbiegien for this CBT contribution. More information at: FILE #152, FILE#430 Note: PRTSCR add-on version V0R9M00 or greater is required to capture ----- screen images to the ISPF LIST data set, sequential file or online printer. More information including current version download link at: ====================================================================== * II. P r e - i n s t a l l a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s | ====================================================================== o The Master Catalog name for HLQ aliases. o The Master Catalog password may be required for some installation steps. o If loading via tape files, device 480 is utilized. o DATASET List after distribution library load for reference purposes: DATA-SET-NAME------------------------------- VOLUME ALTRK USTRK ORG FRMT % XT SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.ASM PUB006 25 12 PO FB 48 1 SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.CLIST PUB006 15 1 PO FB 6 1 SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.CNTL PUB006 20 5 PO FB 25 1 SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HELP PUB006 4 1 PO FB 25 1 SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.ISPF PUB006 20 4 PO FB 20 1 SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.MACLIB PUB006 6 3 PO FB 50 1 **END** TOTALS: 90 TRKS ALLOC 26 TRKS USED 6 EXTENTS Confirm the TOTAL track allocation is available on your device. Note: A different DASD device type (e.g. 3380) may yield different usage. o TSO user-id with sufficient access rights to update SYS2.CMDPROC, SYS2.CMDLIB, SYS2.HELP, SYS2.LINKLIB and/or ISPF libraries. o For installations with a security system (e.g. RAKF), you MAY need to insert additional JOB statement information. // USER=???????,PASSWORD=???????? o Names of ISPCLIB (Clist), ISPMLIB (Message), ISPLLIB (Load) and/or ISPPLIB (Panel) libraries. o Download ZIP file to your PC local drive. o Unzip the downloaded file into a temp directory on your PC device. o Install pre-requisite (if any) software and/or user modifications. o JCL from you local device (after unzip) may be edited using Notepad or nano (based on you host OS) and submitted via TCP/IP sockets reader if your system configuration supports this option. This option can replace some copy-paste tasks during installation. For more information on submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J, see
Submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J
o For more information on SHRABIT software distribution library, see
SHRABIT Distributions for MVS38J
o For more information on SHRABIT software installation, see
SHRABIT Installations for MVS38J
====================================================================== * III. I n s t a l l a t i o n S t e p s | ====================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 1. Determine software installation source | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HET or XMI ? | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Software can be installed from one of two sources, HET or XMI. - For tape installation (HET), proceed to STEP 3. **** or - For XMIT installation (XMI), proceed to next STEP. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 2. Load distribution source from XMI file | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($RECVXMI) | | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($RECVTSO) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000A JOB (SYS),'Receive LBTUTOR XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVXMI Receive Application XMI Files * //* * using RECV370 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //RECV PROC HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,TYP=XXXXXXXX, // DSPACE='(TRK,(10,05,40))',DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // DUNIT=DISK,DVOLSER=PUB006 <-- Review and Modify //* //RECV370 EXEC PGM=RECV370 //RECVLOG DD SYSOUT=* //XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&&XMIPDS(&TYP) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,05)),DISP=(,DELETE,DELETE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..&TYP,DISP=&DDISP, // UNIT=&DUNIT,SPACE=&DSPACE,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* RECV370 LBTUTOR Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //XMIPDS EXEC RECV,TYP=XMIPDS,DSPACE='(CYL,(10,05,10),RLSE)' //RECV370.XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.transfer.xmi <-- XMI File //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DSN=&&XMIPDS,DISP=(,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=&DSPACE //* //CNTL EXEC RECV,TYP=CNTL //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //HELP EXEC RECV,TYP=HELP //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(04,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //CLIST EXEC RECV,TYP=CLIST //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(15,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ISPF EXEC RECV,TYP=ISPF //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,05,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ASM EXEC RECV,TYP=ASM //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(25,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //MACLIB EXEC RECV,TYP=MACLIB //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(06,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1a: $RECVXMI.JCL ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000B JOB (SYS),'TSO RECEIVE XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVTSO TSO RECEIVE APPLICATION XMI FILES * //* * for LBTUTOR software distribution * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* This JOB executes two steps: //* //* 1) IDCAMS to ensure parent HLQ alias (SHRABIT) is //* defined on master catalog //* Note: Alias definition bypassed if alias already //* ----- defined. //* //* 2) Executes TSO in BATCH mode and issues //* TSO RECEIVE commands to load the XMI distribution //* library (an XMI SEQ dataset) to a temporary PDS. //* Each software PDS is loaded from before deleting //* temporary PDS. //* //* //* This JCL may be modified to suit your installation //* needs. //* //* The TSO RECEIVE commands use INdataset, DAtaset, VOL, //* and NOPRompt parms. //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PBTSO * //* * Batch TSO * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PBTSO PROC //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSPROC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY Command Line Input //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* TSO RECEIVE LBTUTOR Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //TSORCV EXEC PBTSO //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Review and Modify the DSN of the transferred XMI <----- //* used in the TSO RECEIVE SYSTSIN DD. <----- //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP01.SYSTSIN DD * /* Modify 'SHRABIT.' with your parent HLQ, if different */ /* Modify 'your.transfer.xmi' with transferred XMI SEQ DSN */ /* Modify 'volser' with VOLSER on your system */ RECEIVE IN('your.transfer.xmi') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CNTL */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(CNTL)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.CNTL') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive HELP */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(HELP)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HELP') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CLIST */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(CLIST)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.CLIST') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ISPF */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(ISPF)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.ISPF') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ASM */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(ASM)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.ASM') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive MACLIB */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS(MACLIB)') - DA('SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.MACLIB') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Delete XMIPDS */ DELETE 'SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMIPDS' /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1b: $RECVTSO.JCL a) Transfer LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.XMI to MVS using your 3270 emulator. Make note of the DSN assigned on MVS transfer. Use transfer IND$FILE options: NEW BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB - or - NEW BLKSIZE(3200) LRECL(80) RECFM(FB) Ensure the DSN on MVS exists with the correct DCB information: ORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB b) If using RECV370 to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVXMI JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. - or - If using TSO RECEIVE to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVTSO JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. c) The first step ensures the HLQ alias is defined and the subsequent steps perform the XMI load. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation including the DSN assigned during the transfer above for the XMI file. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the following PDSs: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.ASM SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CLIST SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.HELP SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.ISPF SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.MACLIB f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. g) Proceed to STEP 6. **** +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 3. Define Alias for HLQ LBTUTOR in MVS User Catalog | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST00) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR0 JOB (SYS),'Def SHRABIT Alias', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST00 Define Alias for parent HLQ SHRABIT * //* * Note: The master catalog password may be required * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and Modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 2: $INST00 JCL Note: This distribution is installed under the HLQ alias SHRABIT. $INST00 bypasses the DEFINE ALIAS action when the alias is already defined. a) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. b) Submit the job. c) Review job output for successful DEFINE ALIAS. Note: When $INST00 runs for the first time, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0004 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 4 and DEFINE ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0. Note: When $INST00 runs after the ALIAS is defined, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0000 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0 and DEFINE ALIAS function being bypassed. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 4. Load CNTL data set from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST01) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR1 JOB (SYS),'Install CNTL PDS', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST01 Load CNTL PDS from distribution tape * //* * Note: Uses tape drive 480 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADCNTL PROC THLQ=LBTUTOR,TVOLSER=VS0902, // HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCNTL DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CNTL.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(1,SL) //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //STEP001 EXEC LOADCNTL Load CNTL PDS //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCNTL,OUTDD=CNTL // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 3: $INST01 JCL a) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. b) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE c) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the CNTL data set. f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 5. Load Other data sets from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST02) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR2 JOB (SYS),'Install Other PDSs', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST02 Load other PDS from distribution tape * //* * Tape Volume: File 1 - CNTL * //* * File 2 - CLIST * //* * File 3 - HELP * //* * File 4 - ISPF * //* * File 5 - ASM * //* * File 6 - MACLIB * //* * Note: Default TAPE=480, DASD=DISK on PUB006 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADOTHR PROC THLQ=LBTUTOR,TVOLSER=VS0902, // HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD02 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CLIST.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(2,SL) //INHELP DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..HELP.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(3,SL) //INISPF DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ISPF.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(4,SL) //INASM DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ASM.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(5,SL) //INMACLIB DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..MACLIB.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(6,SL) //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(15,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(04,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,05,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(25,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(06,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //* //STEP001 EXEC LOADOTHR Load ALL other PDSs //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCLIST,OUTDD=CLIST COPY INDD=INHELP,OUTDD=HELP COPY INDD=INISPF,OUTDD=ISPF COPY INDD=INASM,OUTDD=ASM COPY INDD=INMACLIB,OUTDD=MACLIB // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 4: $INST02 JCL a) Member $INST02 installs remaining data sets from distribution tape. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. d) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE e) Submit the job. f) Review job output for successful loads. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 6. FULL or UPGRADE Installation | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($UP0901) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTORU JOB (SYS),'Upgrade LBTUTOR', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $UP0902 Upgrade LBTUTOR Software * //* * Upgrade to release V0R9M02 from V0R9M01 * //* * * //* * Review JCL before submitting!! * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * CLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPCLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPCLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDCLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //CLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * MLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPMLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPMLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDMLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPPLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPPLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDPLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //PLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * SLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPSLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPSLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDSLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * TLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPTLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPTLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDTLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //TLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX,VIO=VIO, // SYSPRM='', // ASMPARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF', // LNKPARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='&ASMPARM&SYSPRM' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=&VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DDNAME=PVTMAC ** PVTMAC ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //PVTMAC DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR * placeholder* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL, // PARM='&LNKPARM', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: COBLKED * //* * COBOL Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //COBL PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT, // CPARM1='LOAD,SUPMAP', // CPARM2='SIZE=2048K,BUF=1024K' //*COB EXEC PGM=IKFCBL00,REGION=4096K, //* PARM='LOAD,SUPMAP,SIZE=2048K,BUF=1024K' //COB EXEC PGM=IKFCBL00,REGION=4096K, // PARM='&CPARM1,&CPARM2' //STEPLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(80,(500,100)) //SYSLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='LIST,XREF,LET', // COND=(5,LT,COB),REGION=96K //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(50,20)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //ISPF EXEC PARTSI,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //ADDCLIB.SYSIN DD * CLIB COPY INDD=((CLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDMLIB.SYSIN DD * MLIB COPY INDD=((MLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=LBHLP0 //ADDPLIB.SYSIN DD * PLIB COPY INDD=((PLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=HLB2TR0 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR01 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR02 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR03 //ADDSLIB.SYSIN DD * SLIB COPY INDD=((SLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDTLIB.SYSIN DD * TLIB COPY INDD=((TLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit LBSTRC to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBSTRC EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBSTRC, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,RENT,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Compile Link-edit LBTUTOR * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBTUTOR EXEC COBL,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBTUTOR, // CPARM1='LIST,LOAD,NODECK,PMAP,DMAP,LIB' //COB.STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr STEPLIB //COB.SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB <-- Copybooks LIB //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR), <-- TARGET // DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr COBLIB // DD DSN=ISP.V2R2M0.LLIB,DISP=SHR <-- ISP SYS LLIB // DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB, <-- DYNBLOAD sub // DISP=SHR <-- DYNBLOAD sub //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit HELPSCAN to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //HELPSCAN EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=HELPSCAN, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,NCAL' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Compile Link-edit LBHELP to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBHELP EXEC COBL,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBHELP, // CPARM1='LIST,LOAD,NODECK,PMAP,DMAP,LIB' //COB.STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr STEPLIB //COB.SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB <-- Copybooks LIB //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR), <-- TARGET // DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr COBLIB // DD DSN=ISP.V2R2M0.LLIB,DISP=SHR <-- ISP SYS LLIB // DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB, <-- DYNBLOAD sub // DISP=SHR <-- DYNBLOAD sub // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 5: $UP0900.JCL Upgrade from previous version to V0R9M02 a) If this is the INITIAL software distribution, proceed to STEP 7. b) This software may be installed in FULL or UPGRADE from a prior version. Note: If the installed software version is NOT the most recent ----- PREVIOUS version, perform a FULL install. Note: If the installed software version is customized, a manual ----- review and evaluation is suggested to properly incorporate customizations into this software distribution before proceeding with the installation. Refer to the $UPvrmm.JCL members for upgraded software components being installed. Note: $UPvrmm.JCL members exist in each software version. ----- For example, V1R3M00 software contains $UP1300.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R2M00 distribution. For example, V1R2M00 software contains $UP1200.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R1M00 distribution. c) If a FULL install of this software distribution is elected regardless of previous version installed on your system, proceed to STEP 7. d) If this is an UPGRADE from the PREVIOUS version, execute the below JCL based on current installed version: - Upgrading directly from V0R9M01, use $UP0902.JCL - Upgrading directly from V0R9M00, use $UP0901.JCL - V0R9M00 is initial release, thus, no updates available! e) After upgrade is applied, proceed to validation, STEP 11. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 7. Install TSO parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST03) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR3 JOB (SYS),'Install TSO Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST03 Install TSO parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.CLIST,DISP=SHR //INHELP DD DSN=SHRABIT.LBTUTOR.V0R9M02.HELP,DISP=SHR //OUTCLIST DD DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC,DISP=SHR //OUTHELP DD DSN=SYS2.HELP,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((INCLIST,R)),OUTDD=OUTCLIST SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ COPY INDD=((INHELP,R)),OUTDD=OUTHELP SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 6: $INST03 JCL a) Member $INST03 installs TSO component(s). Note: If no TSO components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 8. Install LBTUTOR Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST04) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR4 JOB (SYS),'Install LBTUTOR', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST04 Install LBTUTOR Software * //* * * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX,VIO=VIO, // SYSPRM='', // ASMPARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF', // LNKPARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='&ASMPARM&SYSPRM' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=&VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DDNAME=PVTMAC ** PVTMAC ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //PVTMAC DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR * placeholder* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL, // PARM='&LNKPARM', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=&VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: COBLKED * //* * COBOL Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //COBL PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT, // CPARM1='LOAD,SUPMAP', // CPARM2='SIZE=2048K,BUF=1024K' //*COB EXEC PGM=IKFCBL00,REGION=4096K, //* PARM='LOAD,SUPMAP,SIZE=2048K,BUF=1024K' //COB EXEC PGM=IKFCBL00,REGION=4096K, // PARM='&CPARM1,&CPARM2' //STEPLIB DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSUT4 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(460,(700,100)) //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),UNIT=SYSDA, // SPACE=(80,(500,100)) //SYSLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='LIST,XREF,LET', // COND=(5,LT,COB),REGION=96K //SYSLIN DD DSNAME=&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSLIB DD DUMMY //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(1024,(50,20)) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit DYNBLOAD to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DYNBLOAD EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=DYNBLOAD, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit LBSTRC to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBSTRC EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBSTRC, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,RENT,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit ZSELSCAN to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ZSELSCAN EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=ZSELSCAN, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,RENT,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Compile Link-edit LBTUTOR to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBTUTOR EXEC COBL,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBTUTOR, // CPARM1='LIST,LOAD,NODECK,PMAP,DMAP,LIB' //COB.STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr STEPLIB //COB.SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB <-- Copybooks LIB //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR), <-- TARGET // DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr COBLIB // DD DSN=ISP.V2R2M0.LLIB,DISP=SHR <-- ISP SYS LLIB // DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB, <-- DYNBLOAD sub // DISP=SHR <-- DYNBLOAD sub //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit LBPDSIOM to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBPDSIOM EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBPDSIOM, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,NCAL' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Assemble Link-Edit HELPSCAN to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBPDSIOM EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=HELPSCAN, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF,NCAL' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <-- TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Compile Link-edit LBHELP to ISPLLIB * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LBTUTOR EXEC COBL,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02,MBR=LBHELP, // CPARM1='LIST,LOAD,NODECK,PMAP,DMAP,LIB' //COB.STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr STEPLIB //COB.SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB <-- Copybooks LIB //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR), <-- TARGET // DISP=SHR //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.COBLIB,DISP=SHR <--Complr COBLIB // DD DSN=ISP.V2R2M0.LLIB,DISP=SHR <-- ISP SYS LLIB // DD DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB, <-- DYNBLOAD sub // DISP=SHR <-- DYNBLOAD sub // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: $INST04 JCL a) Member $INST04 installs program(s). Note: If no components are included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 9. Install ISPF parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST05) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTOR5 JOB (SYS),'Install ISPF Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST05 Install ISPF parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* * * //* * * //* * - Uses ISPF 2.1 product from Wally Mclaughlin * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * CLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPCLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPCLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDCLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //CLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * MLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPMLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPMLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDMLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPPLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPPLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDPLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //PLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * SLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPSLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPSLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDSLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * TLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPTLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPTLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDTLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //TLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //ISPF EXEC PARTSI,HLQ='SHRABIT.LBTUTOR',VRM=V0R9M02, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //ADDCLIB.SYSIN DD * CLIB COPY INDD=((CLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=C$LB2TR //ADDMLIB.SYSIN DD * MLIB COPY INDD=((MLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=LBHLP0 SELECT MEMBER=LB2TR0 SELECT MEMBER=LB2TR1 SELECT MEMBER=LB2TR2 SELECT MEMBER=LB2TR7 //ADDPLIB.SYSIN DD * PLIB COPY INDD=((PLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=PTUTR00 SELECT MEMBER=HLB2TR0 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR00 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR01 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR02 SELECT MEMBER=TLB2TR03 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTRIX SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR00 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR01 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR02 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR02B SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR03 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR04 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR05 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR06 SELECT MEMBER=HTUTR07 //ADDSLIB.SYSIN DD * SLIB COPY INDD=((SLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDTLIB.SYSIN DD * TLIB COPY INDD=((TLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 8: $INST05 JCL a) Member $INST05 installs ISPF component(s). Note: If no ISPF components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Review and update DD statements for ISPCLIB (clist), ISPMLIB (messages), and/or ISPPLIB (panel) library names. The DD statements are tagged with '<--TARGET'. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 10. Install Other Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL($INST40) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //LBTUTR40 JOB (SYS),'Install Other Pgms', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * LBTUTOR for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST40 Install Other Software * //* * Install ISPTUTOR alias for LBTUTOR * //* * * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Add ISPTUTOR alias on LBTUTOR using IEWL * //* * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='LIST,XREF' //SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB <--TARGET //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) <-- Review and Modify //SYSLIN DD * INCLUDE SYSLMOD(LBTUTOR) ALIAS ISPTUTOR NAME LBTUTOR(R) /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 9: $INST40 JCL a) Member $INST40 installs additional software. Note: If no other software is included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 11. Validate LBTUTOR | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) From the ISPF Main Menu, enter the following command: TSO %C$LB2TR b) The panel titled 'Tutor Demo System' (PTUTR00) is displayed. ________________________________________________________________________________ --Tutorial--------- Tutor Demo System ----------------------- Command ===> Application Main Menu This sample panel is a selection panel that serves as the main menu for an an application. The below numeric options are not operational and are for illustrative purposes. Select option T to start Tutorial Demo 1 - Option 1 2 - Option 2 3 - Option 3 4 - Option 4 5 - Option 5 T - Application Tutorial LT - LBTUTOR Tutorial ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: PTUTR00 Tutor Demo System panel c) Enter T for sample tutorial. - or - Enter LT for LBTUTOR tutorial. d) Press ENTER. e) Validation is complete. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 12. Done | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Congratulations! You completed the installation for LBTUTOR. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 13. Integrate LBTUTOR into an ISPF Selection Menu | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) To integrate LBTUTOR into a selection panel (menu) of your choice, follow the below steps - b) For example, use selection code T1 to display a tutorial about applicationxx whose first panel is PANEL1: Add a selection line to the panel )BODY section similar to the below snippet to display the LBTUTOR option: T1 +TUTORIAL 1 - Display information about applicationxx c) Add a entry to a TRANSlate function similar to the below snippet: 'NEW ENTRY' line can be added to invoke new selection when new option code is typed followed by the ENTER key )PROC &ZSEL = TRANS( TRUNC (&ZCMD,'.') 1,'CMD(xxxxx) NEWAPPL(ISR)' 6,'PGM(xxxxxx)' . . T1,'PGM(LBTUTOR) PARM(PANEL1)' <-- NEW ENTRY . . ' ',' ' *,'?' ) )END d) After applying update, redisplay the modified selection menu. The new menu option should display. e) Select the new option and press ENTER. f) The applicationxx tutorial should display. g) PF3 (END) to end tutorial. Enjoy LBTUTOR! ====================================================================== * IV. S o f t w a r e I n v e n t o r y L i s t | ====================================================================== - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.ASM $ . LBTUTOR Tutorial CP . DYNBLOAD Subroutine - dynamic call for MVT COBOL $ . ZSELSCAN Subroutine - scan help panel for ZSEL $ . LBSTRC Subroutine - concatenate and display strings . LBPDSIOM Subroutine - Version of NCZ93205 to read pds members from COBOL pgm # . HELPSCAN Subroutine - scan panel for .HELP # . LBHELP Help CP - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CLIST . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.CNTL $ . $INST00 Define Alias for HLQ LBTUTOR $ . $INST01 Load CNTL data set from distribution tape (HET) $ . $INST02 Load other data sets from distribution tape (HET) $ . $INST03 Install TSO Parts $ . $INST04 Install LBTUTOR Software $ . $INST05 Install ISPF Parts $ . $INST40 Install Other Software $ . $RECVTSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via TSO RECEIVE $ . $RECVXMI Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via RECV370 # . $UP0902 Upgrade to V0R9M02 from V0R9M01 $ . DSCLAIMR Disclaimer $ . PREREQS Required User-mods $ . README Documentation and Installation instructions - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.HELP . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.ISPF . C$LB2TR CLIST sample app to select tutorial from TSO # . LBHLP0 LBHELP Messages . LB2TR0 LBTUTOR Messages . LB2TR1 LBTUTOR Messages . LB2TR2 LBTUTOR Messages . LB2TR7 LBTUTOR Messages . PTUTR00 LBTUTOR Dummy Main Menu panel $ . HLB2TR0 LBTUTOR Help panel . TLB2TR00 LBTUTOR Tutorial panel 1 $ . TLB2TR01 LBTUTOR Tutorial panel 2 $ . TLB2TR02 LBTUTOR Tutorial panel 3 # . TLB2TR03 LBTUTOR Tutorial panel 4 . Sample Tutorial Panels . HTUTRIX Tutorial Index . HTUTR00 Tutorial table of contents (Parent panel, main menu) . HTUTR01 Tutorial option 1 panel . HTUTR02 Tutorial option 2 panel . HTUTR02B Tutorial option 2 continuation panel (page 2) . HTUTR03 Tutorial option 3 panel . HTUTR04 Tutorial option 3.1 panel . HTUTR05 Tutorial option 3.2 panel . HTUTR06 Tutorial option 4 panel . HTUTR07 Tutorial option 5 panel - SHRABIT.LBTUTOR,V0R9M02.MACLIB . DVCTBL Device Table Entries . ISPFPL ISPF Parameter Address List (10) . ISPFSRV ISPF Service keywords $ . ISPFSRVC ISPF Service keywords (COBOL) . LA#ST Load Address and Store . LBISPL Call to ISPLINK (LarryB version) # . LL#ST Load Length and Store . MISCDC Miscellaneous Constants (i.e. QUOTES) . MOVEC Move VAR at R6, len reflected in R8 (requires MOVEI) . MOVEI Init R6 w/ addr of VAR, init R8 to 0 . MOVER Move VAR at R6 until BLANK is found . MOVEV Move VAR at R6 . RDTECOMA DateTime comm area . RDTECOMC DateTime comm area (COBOL) # . RDTECOMP DateTime comm area (PL/I) . RTRIM Remove trailing spaces . SVC78A SVC78 message area - After downloading any other required software, consult provided documentation including any configuration steps (if applicable) for software and HELP file installation. $ - Denotes modified software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION # - Denotes new software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION


The notion of 'playing' with LBTUTOR started back when Wally released ISPF v1!!!!! At that time, a very simple LBTUTOR version was written as a MVT COBOL ISPF dialog w/ hard-coded actions to prototype and test the concept. Of course over time, subroutines were incorporated to invoke external subroutines dynamically from MVT COBOL (only static calls are supported in the MVS 3.8J COBOL complier), read panels from ISPPLIB, scan panel declaration specifically for ZSEL content for building navigation tables internally in support of ‘walking’ a selection panel sequentially… Over time (again!), it just got a little more sophisticated, but still in beta-mode. I started to add tutorial content from simple continuation panels to selection panels to nested selection panels to expand my test bed.

Today, the conceptual beta prototype is released to the MVS 3.8J community.

Use LBTUTOR to view your own tutorials or product supplied tutorials on your MVS 3.8J / ISPF 2.2 mainframe system.

Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections or issues regarding LBTUTOR.

Thank You.

Version History

*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Name / Description                                       
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------          
*  07/01/2024 0.9.02   - Add CANCEL tutor command
*                      - Add PRINT, PRINTF, PRINTR tutor commands
*                      - Accomodate &ZSEL defaulting to SPACES
*                        on tutorial selection menus
*                      - New CP LBHELP to obtain .HELP panel name
*                        (if one is defined) and start LBTUTOR
*                      - Correction to LBSTRC utility:
*                        Add detection of blank string when using
*                        RTRIM option
*                      - Update affected tutorial and help panels
*  11/15/2023 0.9.01   - Isolated version of NCZ93205 by including            
*                        source code as LBPDSIOM to prevent conflict
*                        with existing version of NCZ93205.
*  07/10/2023 0.9.00   - Alpha version released to MVS 3.8J                   
*                        hobbyist public domain
*  06/01/2019 0.5.00   Initial prototyping and development                      
*                      w ISPF 2.x       
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