Calculator, Perl, WebApp

How to Create a Four Function Web Calculator using PERL

  Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator PL (Perl) page uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and Perl programming logic. This application utilizes a client-server architecture where the client (Web Browser) initiates a request by POSTing…

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IIS, Perl

Enable Perl 5.20 on Windows IIS

The IIS configuration dialogues will differ between IIS versions.  This post used IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003.   1. Download and Install ActiveState Perl from the Official website Ensure the correct MSI installer file, 32-bit or 64-bit, is downloaded based on your current Windows operating system.  Make note of the installation location.  You will need this information later for IIS…

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