Update:  Thanks to Ron Lucas, version V0R9M11 includes missing ISPF CLIST, C$FNDSRH.  Overview FINDSRCH – ISPF Find/Search Utilities for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 0.9.11  2022-02-14) After installing MVS38J on my personal computer with Hercules, this legacy operating system provides a nice nostalgic development and computing environment similar to one from our days as software developers, systems programmers, operators or other…

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XMI Loads on MVS38J

Preview The public domain MVS 3.8J OS exists in many packaged variations! That is, a specific installation can be a turnkey system such as TK3, TK3UPD, or TK4-, not to mention customized do-it-yourself (DIY) systems. Each of the above stated systems have specific freeware / shareware / home-grown utilities or products! Suffice it to say, not all systems are the…

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ISPF 2.x, MVS38J

ISPF Table Bottom MSG in MVS 3.8J

When using TBISPL to display table data under ISPF, a bottom-of-data message is displayed after the last displayed table row. Below are two snippets exhibiting different bottom-of-data messages: ————————– Employee Serial Listing —————————- OPTION ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE Panel: PEMPL8D PF3-End PF7-Scroll Up PF8-Scroll Down Table: EMPLTBL0 EMPSER Last Name First Name Address 1 Phone —— ————— ————— ————————- ——…

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ISPF 2.x, MVS38J

ISPF Table Top Row in MVS 3.8J

When using TBISPL to display table data under ISPF, a top-row indicator is displayed showing table row information. Below are two sample snippets exhibiting table top-row: ————————– Employee Serial Listing — ROW 1 OF 25 OPTION ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE ————————– Employee Serial Listing — ROW 1 TO 10 OF 25 OPTION ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE By default, ISPF 2.2…

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ISPF TBDISPL Updates in MVS 3.8J

Overview ISPF table service, TBDISPL, is a powerful service! Not only will TBDISPL create a scrollable display of table data using a special ISPF model panel definition, TBDISPL also allows selected row(s) to be processed in a CLIST or dialog manager program one by one. Add, Change, Delete, Inquiry using ISPF TBDISPL In the following panel, PEMPL3US, action request(s) (ADD,…

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CLIST, ISPF 2.x, MVS38J, TSO, Utility


Overview Copying DASD datasets is a common task – whether creating a backup copy of a data set or creating a new data set from an existing data set to change allocations due to data set growth (i.e. PDS directory space). As a programmer in my early years, I remember copying PDS datasets using the following steps under ISPF: Using…

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Overview Displaying TSO session allocations requires a steady eye at deciphering the 2-line layout of the LISTALC STATUS command especially when more than one dataset is allocated to a DD. LISTALC with no keywords merely lists the allocated DSNs! After reviewing the output of LISTALC STATUS as shown below, READY listalc status –DDNAME—DISP– LARRY01.CMDPROC SYSPROC KEEP SYS1.CMDPROC KEEP SYS2.CMDPROC KEEP…

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Demo MVS38J System

Overview Demo MVS SystemUpdated: 2023/10/24 In the interest of providing direct access to my personal MVS38J community software contributions, I wanted to offer real-time access to my software functions to facilitate a ‘test drive’ experience for potential and interested community members before downloading and installing my packaged software onto your system. Therefore, a minimal capacity demonstration system comprised of the…

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ISPF 2.x, MVS38J

Planning for ISPF in MVS38J

Overview After unloading ISPF 2.2 from the distribution tape, Wally Mclaughlin’s version of the ISPF-like product for MVS 3.8J running under the Hercules emulator, some basic ISPF library hierarchy (concatenation) pre-planning is a must to provide ISPF dialogue development while maintaining a stable ISPF environment for the MVS 3.8J hobbyist! This post focuses and shares my experience to implement ISPF…

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Hercules, ISPF 2.x, MVS38J

ISPF Command Table in MVS 3.8J

In release ISPF v2.1 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin), the command table utility was introduced as option 3.9 (Create/change an application command table). A command table is an actual ISPF table stored in the ISPTTLIB library. Depending on your installation standards, the ISPTABL DD most likely points to a user id dataset and may be one of several concatenated datasets…

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