How To Install VM Additions to DOS 5.0 on MSVPC 2007

  Microsoft Virtual PC (MSVPC) 2007 does not support DOS operating systems including Windows 3.x and Windows 95.  DOS must be installed as an OTHER operating system but requires DOS VM Additions for mouse support, CD-ROM support, extended memory management, file sharing between the client / host, and IDLE.COM to handle idle time in DOS. DOS VM Additions can be…

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Install IBM DOS 5.0 VM on MSVPC 2007 hosted on Windows XP Professional 32-bit Service Pack 3

Start MSVPC 2007 by double-clicking the VPC icon on your desktop. The Virtual PC Console displays.  Click the NEW button to continue. The new Virtual Machine Wizard displays.  Click the NEXT button to continue. Select the option to Create a virtual machine.  Click the NEXT button to continue. Enter the name and location of the new VM.  Click the NEXT…

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