DUCBD – Display DASD and TAPE UCB Information Utility for MVS38J / ISPF v 2.x / Hercules(current version 1.1.01 2024-01-01) The UCB (Unit Control Block) stores information regarding input/output devices on a MVS 38J operating system. Sometimes, it is necessary to inquire on some of that information for research purposes or general I/O device verification. DUCBD displays select control information…
Category: ISPF 2.x
DALCDS – Display TSO Allocations Utility for MVS38J / ISPF v 2.x / Hercules(current version 1.2.02 2024-05-01) Many file allocation listing type CPs can be found on the CBT website or various technical journals. DALCDS displays allocated datasets for the current TSO session on a ISPF panel display. DALCDS is written in assembler (IFOX00) using ISPF 2.1 (product from Wally…
** Temporary FIX Notification ** Due to a TBDISPL element limitation in ISPF v2.2 when using a model 2 (24×80) terminal session, the display will fail and not display correctly. To temporarily correct this issue, add two blank lines to the panel PDFSPC0 in the BODY section as shown (in red) below: Note: This limitation is compensated in version v1r2m00…
Overview SHRABIT – MACLIB for ShareABitOfIT software applications for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 1.0.04 2024-07-01) SHRABIT.MACLIB is a PDS that stores a set of common macros and COBOL copybooks for various software offered on this site to the MVS 3.8J hobbyist community. It is an installation requisite for some software and will be listed accordingly in installation instructions. The current…
ULXL01 in MVS38J
About ULXL01 ULXL01 is an application written by Bill Godfrey in 1985 and later updated in 1991 for the MVS and ISPF products of that time. ULXL01 exhibits available disk space information using four panel displays (including a HELP panel) and a dialogue driver (similar to a TSO Command Processor) executing under ISPF. ULXL01 traverses the requested DASD volume VTOC…
ISPF Option 6 in MVS38J
Overview Using ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product), Option 6 is a common panel utilized to execute TSO commands under ISPF on your Hercules/MVS 3.8J system. Simply, type the command plus any parameters (if any), and press ENTER. While developing CLISTs , especially one with two or three parameters where one parameter is a dataset name, retyping that command for…
GETMSG – Get ISPF Message for MVS38J /ISPF / Hercules(current version 0.9.00 2019-09-11) Overview GETMSG is a simple ISPF utility for use under ISPF 2.x (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin). Specifically, this utility will fetch an ISPF message from MLIB and return each message component (e.g. short and long message content) in ISPF Shared variables for CLISTs access. This utility…
ISRZ00 in MVS38J
ISRZ00 – ISPF Generic Messages for MVS38J / Hercules(current version 1.2.00 2022-07-09) When developing application dialogues under ISPF 2.0 (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product) on a Hercules/MVS38J system, some form of error processing and messaging is most likely an application requirement. Even when quickly developing a productivity tool! ISPF 2.0 (referred to ISPF in this post) message facility displays a short…
Overview In late 2018, in the interest of interfacing with Wally’s Mclaughlin’s newly ISPF-like product, I wrote a simple application using different solution sets for educational and learning purposes to demonstrate the versatility of using diffent programming languages. CALNDRs (Calendars) in MVS38J is a post that discusses that application using the compilers offered and supplied with MVS 3.8J in conjunction…
Overview Passing parameters to a program is a common practice when using and/or developing subroutines. The parameter communications protocol (API) can take different forms depending on established APIs or newly defined APIs. This post will focus on two types of parameter layouts encountered in a TSO / ISPF environment when invoking a program or command: Parameter layout used by TSO…