Calculator, Perl, WebApp

How to Create a Four Function Web Calculator using PERL

  Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator PL (Perl) page uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and Perl programming logic. This application utilizes a client-server architecture where the client (Web Browser) initiates a request by POSTing…

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Calculator, Python, WebApp

How To Create a Four Function Web Calculator using Python

  Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator PY (Python) page uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and Python programming logic. This application utilizes a client-server architecture where the client (Web Browser) initiates a request by POSTing…

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Calculator, JavaScript, WebApp

How To Create a Four Function Web Calculator using JavaScript

Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials (e.g. books, technical manuals, Internet) is a plus! The four-function calculator page uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and JavaScript for program logic.  As the image to the left implies, all processing takes place on the…

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ASPX, Calculator, WebApp

How To Create a Four Function Web Calculator using ASPX

  Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator ASPX (Active Server Page Extended using Microsoft ASP.NET framework) uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and VBScript  (Visual Basic Scripting) programming logic for ease of reading. This application utilizes a…

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Calculator, PHP, WebApp

How To Create a Four Function Web Calculator using PHP

Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator page uses HTML for web page presentation and PHP (initally known as Personal Home Page, now known as PHP HyperText PreProcessor) programming language. This application utilizes a client-server architecture where the client (Web Browser) initiates…

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ASP, Calculator, WebApp

How To Create a Four Function Web Calculator using ASP

  Overview It is assumed that the reader has some knowledge of HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and programming logic.  Access to reference materials is recommended! The four-function calculator ASP (Active Server Page) uses HTML, CSS and JQuery for web page presentation and VBScript  (Visual Basic Scripting) programming logic for ease of reading. This application utilizes a client-server architecture where the client…

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Calculator, WebApp

Four Function Web Calculator

Another calculator?  Developing a four function interactive calculator may be a rare request for a web application!  Although this  ubiquitous tool is found in every cell phone today, the purpose is to emulate a simple web page calculator using a tiered approach and client-server solutions as a learning experience. The presentation layer (tier), referred to  “look and feel”, is the…

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