ISPF v.2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) provides two specific Z-variables to expose terminal size, ZSCREEND and ZSCREENW, screen depth and screen width, respectively. Each variable is 4-bytes, zero-filled.
For example, to display terminal size on a panel (e.g. primary menu, ISP@PRIM), one row (line) could be defined in the )BODY section as shown below:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \ 1...+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0 <-- Ruler for reference % This is a sample non-select panel / /%Term {z %x{z + <-- )BODY section with the appropriate .ZVARS setting (assuming no other &Z variables are defined) .ZVARS = '(ZSCREEND ZSCREENW)'
The menu would display terminal size as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1...+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0 This is a sample non-select panel Term 0027 x 0132
Pretty it up!
One solution (I’m sure others exist…) is to apply some logic in the )INIT section of the panel. Remember, a limited set of statements are available for panel definition use.
The objective is to compose a final result where terminal size is displayed as:
TermSize – 27×132
where screen depth and width are concatenated with no leading zeros or embedded spaces with an ‘x’ separator.
The )BODY section of the one line changes to:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \ 1...+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0 <-- Ruler for reference % This is a sample non-select panel / /%TermSize -^&SS + <-- )BODY definition using variable &SS
Insert the following logic into the )INIT section:
)INIT . . . &XX = TRUNC (&ZSCREEND, '0') /* Trunc up to first 2 zeros */ &SD = .TRAIL &XX = TRUNC (&SD, 1) IF (&XX = 0) &SD = .TRAIL &XX = TRUNC (&ZSCREENW, '0') /* Trunc up to first 2 zeros */ &SW = .TRAIL &XX = TRUNC (&SW, 1) IF (&XX = 0) &SW = .TRAIL &SS = '&SD.x&SW' /* Screen Size var */ . . .
The final result displayed on your 3270 terminal is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1...+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0....+....0 This is a sample non-select panel TermSize - 27x132