SHRABIT Distributions for MVS38J

(updated 2023/10/31)


Packaging and distributing hobbyist-type software applications requires some pre-planning, not to undermine the actual documentation, development and testing of the candidate application, and, to avoid overtasking the overall process including prevention of the ‘reinvent the wheel’ syndrome.

The first set of SHRABIT software distributions were HET virtual tapes accompanied by load JCL. Later, that process required some minor adjustments due to a more complex package. Then, the XMI distribution format was added to facilitate RECV370/XMIT370 users. Later, Later… came standardizing the SHRABIT load steps.

With the debut of TK5, TSO RECEIVE is another XMI load utility alternative.

Ultimately, providing a repeatable process to ease the software packaging, distribution and actual loading of software on a guest MVS 3.8J system.


This post will describe the current distribution package and load schemes utilized by SHRABIT Software Distributions for the MVS 3.8J hobbyist / enthusiast community.

For discussion purposes, it is assumed that a personal desktop device is hosting a Hercules Emulator running MVS 3.8J.

The term MVS is used synonymously referring to MVS 3.8J OS TK3 or TK4- or TK5 on Hercules Emulator.

All SHRABIT software is built (assembled and/or compiled) on the receiving MVS OS including loading components such as TSO / ISPF library members.

Distribution Package

The distribution package (bundle) is a compressed ZIP file containing informational ascii text files (dscaimr.txt, prereq.txt and readme.txt), HET format distribution library, XMI format distribution library and MVS ascii load JCL (#INST00.JCL, $INST02.JCL, and $RECVTSO.JCL).

The above ascii JCL text files are meant to provide an fast-lane avenue to copy-paste JCL content to a terminal emulator edit session to initiate the software load process.

Distribution Library

A distribution library is comprised of multiple PDS files. The naming convention of each PDS is as follows:

 |   |    |
 |   |    |
 |   |    +----> Type of PDS Content 
 |   |           o  CNTL   - Readme, Disclaimer, PreReq and MVS Load JCL Members
 |   |           o  CLIST  - TSO CLISTs Members
 |   |           o  HELP   - TSO SYSHELP Members
 |   |           o  ISPF   - ISPF Component Members (CLIB, MLIB, PLIB, SLIB, etc.)
 |   |           o  ASM    - Source Code Members (Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, etc.)
 |   |           o  MACLIB - Application specific MACRO and COPYBOOK Members
 |   |
 |   |
 |   +---------> Software Version
 |               o  V - Version number
 |               o  R - Revision number
 |               o  M - Modification number
 +--------------> HLQ
                  o  SHRABIT Application HLQ

Additional PDS files may be added at a future date containing executable members to facilitate a load-n-go approach, thus shortening the overall installation time, and offering an alternative software load approach.

Distribution Library in two formats

1 . HET tape file; this file is EBCDIC based since it is generated under MVS.

2. XMI file; this file is EBCDIC based since it is generated under MVS.

Loading Distribution to MVS 3.8J

  1. After downloading the distribution package (ZIP file) to host environment (where Hercules is running MVS 3.8J), extract the ZIP file content to a desired location (directory) on your device.
  2. Use $INST00.JCL to declare / verify the software application HLQ on the MVS User Catalog.
  3. At this point, consult the software installation readme file and determine which software distribution load method to use (HET or XMI format).
    • The HET format uses $INST01.JCL to initially load the CNTL PDS which contains additional JCL referenced in the readme.txt ascii file (or README member in the CNTL PDS). The HET virtual tape is accessed by MVS after issuing a MOUNT Hercules command.
    • The XMI format can use $RECVXMI.JCL to load all distribution PDS files The XMI file must be transferred as a binary file from your personal device to MVS using a 3270 emulator before submitting $RECVXMI.JCL.
    • Alternatively, the XMI format can use $RECVTSO.JCL to load all distribution PDS files. The XMI file must be transferred as a binary file from your personal device to MVS using a 3270 emulator before submitting $RECVTSO.JCL
  4. Continue and complete the load process per the installation readme document.

When distribution libraries are loaded to MVS 3.8J, the below naming convention is used based on add-on application version number.

For older versions, the HLQ is the application HLQ.

e.g. DVTOC add-on version V1R0M01 loads to PDS names -

For new versions, the HLQ is a concatenation of 
software and application HLQ.

e.g. DVTOC add-on version V2R0M00 load to PDS names -


Thus, isolating and wrapping all SHRABIT software under one HLQ alias 
for ease of lookup tasks!


This approach imposes a standard PDS load process (steps) across the various SHRABIT software distributions offering multiple distribution library formats for PDS load flexibility regardless of MVS system features (e.g. from a custom generated system without RECV370/XMIT370 to a more current TK4- type system with RECV370/XMIT370 and FTP!).

TK5 offers TSO Receive via NJE (product from Bob Polmanter). NJE can be installed on other MVS 3.8J systems for additional data transfer flexibility.

Larry Belmontes


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