CLIST, ISPF, ISPF 2.x, MVS38J, TSO, Utility



DVTOC – ISPF VTOC DSN Search Utility for MVS38J / Hercules
(current version 1.0.03  2024-01-16)

On Windows or Linux, one can easily and conveniently use the DIR or LS CLI command to obtain a list of files and folders resident on your system (i.e. series of online disk drives).

On MVS 3.8J (public domain version), if using RPF, option 3.4 (LISTDS) can be utilized, but must specify an HLQ (high level qualifier) or DSN partial name (e.g. LARRY01.LO) to initiate a search across all volumes (assuming VOLUME is left as blank). The HLQ cannot be a partial value (e.g. SYS for SYS1 or SYS2) or use wild-cards!

On MVS 3.8J, if using RFE (REVIEW), the experience is similar to RPF.

Remembering to when I first installed MVS 3.8J under Hercules on my Windows system, I needed quick access to a list of all data sets (files) resident on online volumes. Two options to accomplish this was to use the Hercules utility, DASDLS, to list all datasets on a volume basis or issue VTOC displays on each DASD volume.

Unfortunately, this is the experience with MVS 3.8J, out of the box!

Until I discovered, VTOC, a CP contained in the MVS 3.8J distribution. Two parameters that caught my interest were DSN mask and DSN position which facilitate search requests such as listing datasets whose DSN begins with ‘HERC’ (note, partial HLQ with regards to HERC01 on MVS 3.8J).

Another example, listing datasets that contain ‘MACLIB’ anywhere in the DSN.

This was it! A more convenient approach to listing data sets on my system. Of course, this comes with a performance cost due overall processing time as the search request becomes more generic especially when also requesting data set catalog status!!!

VTOC is part of all MVS 3.8J TKx distributions. You can read about functional feature from SYSHELP (TSO HELP VTOC)

Thanks to R.L. Miller for his VTOC contribution to CBT and providing the main power stream behind DVTOC.

Version V1R0M01 adds the command MYTUTOR to invoke a tutorial if LBTUTOR is installed. A new option, CM (Catalog Management), was added to the VTOC Utility menu. See Version History for more change information

Version V1R0M02 combines dataset name string and dataset name string position into one data-entry field, dataset name string. A new dataset attribute filter has been added to further limit the list of fetched VTOC datasets (e.g. List datasets containing ‘HERC01’ dataset name string whose dataset organization is partitioned)!

Version V1R0M03 adds two selection codes, L and VSI. Option L issues a LISTCAT command and presents results in a browse session for the selected dataset. Option VSI issues the command VSI to display VSAM information on a single display screen for the selected VSAM dataset. This option (VSI) requires an optional add-on component.

Note: Review all pre-requisites before starting your installation as several other components are necessary to complete the installation of DVTOC.

The thought behind the software…

…was to create a convenient VTOC function similar to ISPF option 3.7 to facilitate VTOC display services comprised of software already present on MVS 3.8J distributions or software from CBT.ORG creating a hybrid solution.

The VTOC ‘thought’ initiated as a very simple request process but became more sophisticated over ‘thinking’ time. Image that!!!

Starting with the VTOC DASD Utility menu, filters such as DSN and Volume name are provided and passed to the VTOC CP to create a temporary results data set. The temporary results data set is parsed to create an ISPF table of data set names and attributes. Using TBDISPL, data set information is displayed for review. For a displayed data set, a utility request can be invoked such as scratch or print or browse.

All actions from the DVTOC application are captured to a logging data set as part of the CLGLST application add-on.


The menu, PDVTOC0, includes VTOC and other DASD related selections.

PDVTOC0 is the ‘launching pad’ for VTOC and DASD utilities!

Version 1.0.00 adds a display defaults screen to declare an initial screen view, sort order and column. Additionally, option X launches ULXL01 from CBT161 (authored by Greg Price) modified for MVS 3.8J / ISPF 2.x.

 --------------------------------- VTOC UTILITY --------------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                           LARRY02 
    V  - Display VTOC entries              P  - Print VTOC entries      PDVTOC0        
    U  - Display Uncatalog VTOC entries    PU - Print Uncatalog VTOC entries    
    /C - DVTOC Display Defaults    

    F  - DASD Free Space                   D  - DASD UCB List                
   DD  - Display DD/DSN Allocations        X  - Disk Space Info CBT161 ULXL01 
   CM  - Catalog Management                   -  
 VTOC DSN Search Parameters:
    Volume       ===> ALL    Full/Prefixed volume name or ALL                    
    DSNstrPOS    ===> C      Position of DSNstr (S/E/C)                     
    DSNstr       ===> LARR                                                      

 VTOC Processing Parameters:
    Display Mode ===>        blank-ISPF B-Browse T-Terminal
    Show no DSNs ===> N      Display Results when no DSNs (Y/N)
    Show CAT     ===> Y      Show DSN Catalogued status (Y/N)                     
    Sysout Class ===> A      For Print requests                  

Version 1.0.02 combines DSNstrPOS and DSNstr into the DSNstr search parameter. A new limit filter is added to further curtail the search by dataset attribute (e.g. dataset organization).

 --------------------------------- VTOC UTILITY --------------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                           LARRY02 
    V  - Display VTOC entries              P  - Print VTOC entries      PDVTOC0        
    U  - Display Uncatalog VTOC entries    PU - Print Uncatalog VTOC entries    
    /C - DVTOC Display Defaults    

    F  - DASD Free Space                   D  - DASD UCB List                
   DD  - Display DD/DSN Allocations        X  - Disk Space Info CBT161 ULXL01 
   CM  - Catalog Management                   -  
 VTOC DSN Search Parameters:
    Volume       ===> ALL    Full/Prefixed volume name or ALL                    
    DSNstr       ===> HERC                     
    Limit        Use: Y KW ==> DSO    OP ==> EQ Value ==> VS                                                      

 VTOC Processing Parameters:
    Display Mode ===>        blank-ISPF B-Browse T-Terminal
    Show no DSNs ===> N      Display Results when no DSNs (Y/N)
    Show CAT     ===> Y      Show DSN Catalogued status (Y/N)                     
    Sysout Class ===> A      For Print requests                  

For VTOC requests (option V, P, U, or PU), data set name (DSN) search and processing parameters are necessary before initiating the search action.

For other DASD functions (e.g. option F, D, DD, etc.), no other parameters are necessary. These functions are incorporated into the VTOC Utilities menu and may be optionally and independently installed after DVTOC installation to realize full functionality of DVTOC.

DVTOC Result Panels

After parameters are submitted, the VTOC CP creates results into ISPF tables for display in a tabular format as shown below using sample panels starting with PDVTOK5:

 mm/dd/ccyy.jj hh:mm:ss  ----    VTOC Listing    ----              ROW 1 OF 812
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY02    PDVTOK5
 V :VOL=ALL C=LARR CAT=Y                                     Sorted by: DSN
 PF1-Help   PF3-End   PF7-Up   PF8-Down   PF10-Left   PF11-Right   
 TOTALS -   812 DATA SETS,    62417 TRKS   ALLOC,    18977 TRKS   USED          
  VSAM  nonVSAM    ISAM      DA      PO      PS   Other   VSrch
 00000    00006   00000   00000   00006   00000   00000   ALL
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI
 S   DSN----------------------------------------- CAT VOLUME DSO ALLOC  PCT  EX
     HERC01.KICKS.V1R4M1.CB2.LARRY                C   PUB007 PO     30   90   1 
     LARRY01.$$$TEMP.BACKUP                       C   PUB006 PS     75   92   1 
     LARRY01.$$JOL.LIST                           C   PUB007 PS      5   20   1 
     LARRY01.ACCT.OUT                             C   PUB000 PS      1  100   1 
     LARRY01.APVTMACS                             C   PUB007 PO     20   20   1 
     LARRY01.APVTMACS.TK4V8                       C   PUB007 PO    200   35   1 
     LARRY01.ARCHIVE.LOAD                         C   TSO00B PO     30   13   1 
     LARRY01.ARCHIVE.OBJ                          C   PUB006 PO     30   26   1 
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG                           C   PUB004 PS    150    2   1 
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ                  C   PUB007 PS      1  100   1 
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ1                 C   PUB007 PS      1  100   1 
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ2                 C   PUB007 PS     24  100   1 
     LARRY01.BREXX.V2R1M0.INSTALL                 C   PUB007 PO     45   77   1 
     LARRY01.BRX370.EXEC                          C   PUB002 PO     45   28   1 
     LARRY01.BSPHRCMD                             C   PUB006 PS      2   50   1 
     LARRY01.BSPHRCMD.B                           C   PUB006 PS      2   50   1 
     LARRY01.CARDS.D22053.T131833                 C   TSO00A PS      1  100   1 
     LARRY01.CARDS.D22053.T142404                 C   TSO00B PS      1  100   1 

The above includes data set total statistics (total data sets, tracks allocated, tracks used, totals by DSO).

Details of data sets meeting search criteria include dataset name, cataloged status, volume, data set organization, allocation tracks, percent used and number of extents.

PF10 and PF11 keys facilitate scrolling (left or right) of data set attributes for each data set. Up to 5 different views are displayed (panels PDVTOK5-PDVTOK1).

Only the tabular data is shown for reference purposes in the following PDVTOKn panels.

 03/03/2022.062 20:14:07  ----    VTOC Listing    ----               ROW 1 OF 10
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY01    PDVTOK4                            
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI  
 C   PUB004    15    14 20038 22048 PS  FM    121   121         LARRY01.HELLO.LI
 C   XMIT00    15     7 20032 22050 PS  FBA   121   121         LARRY01.HELLO.TE
 C   PUB001    12    10 22041 22048 PS  FM    121   121         LARRY01.HELLOASM
 C   PUB006    30    30 20041  0000             0     0         LARRY01.HELLOCOB
 C   PUB000     2     1 20032 22053 PS  FB     80   800         LARRY01.TEST.HEL
 C   PUB001    12    11 22051 22053 PS  FB     80    80         LARRY01.TEST.HEL
 C   XMIT00    15    14 21307 21307 PS  FBA   121   121         LARRY02.HELLO.TE
 C   XMIT00    15    14 22048 22048 PS  FM    121   121         LARRY02.HELLOASM
 C   PUB001    12    11 21307 22048 PS  FM    121   121         LARRY02.HELLOASM
 C   PUB001    24    24 21307  0000             0     0         LARRY02.HELLOCOB
 ------------- End of Dataset List -----------                                  

PDVTOK4 displays catalog status, volume serial, allocation in tracks, unused allocation in tracks, create date, reference date, data set organization, record format, logical record size, block size, and data set name (abbreviated).

 03/03/2022.062 20:14:07  ----    VTOC Listing    ----               ROW 1 OF 10
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY01    PDVTOK5                            
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI
 S   DSN----------------------------------------- CAT VOLUME DSO ALLOC  PCT  EX 
     LARRY01.HELLO.LIST                           C   PUB004 PS     15    6   1 
     LARRY01.HELLO.TERM                           C   XMIT00 PS     15   53   1 
     LARRY01.HELLOASM.TERM                        C   PUB001 PS     12   16   1 
     LARRY01.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C   PUB006        30    0   1 
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.ASM                       C   PUB000 PS      2   50   1 
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.OBJ                       C   PUB001 PS     12    8   1 
     LARRY02.HELLO.TERM                           C   XMIT00 PS     15    6   1 
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.LIST                        C   XMIT00 PS     15    6   1 
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.TERM                        C   PUB001 PS     12    8   1 
     LARRY02.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C   PUB001        24    0   1 
 ------------- End of Dataset List -----------                                                                    

PDVTOK5 displays data set name, catalog status, volume serial, data set organization, allocation in tracks, percent of allocation used, and number of extents.

 03/03/2022.062 20:14:07  ----    VTOC Listing    ----               ROW 1 OF 10
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY01    PDVTOK1                            
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI
 S   DSN----------------------------------------- CAT VOLUME DSO RFM LRECL BLKSZ 
     LARRY01.HELLO.LIST                           C   PUB004 PS  FM    121   121
     LARRY01.HELLO.TERM                           C   XMIT00 PS  FBA   121   121
     LARRY01.HELLOASM.TERM                        C   PUB001 PS  FM    121   121
     LARRY01.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C   PUB006             0     0 
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.ASM                       C   PUB000 PS  FB     80   800 
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.OBJ                       C   PUB001 PS  FB     80    80
     LARRY02.HELLO.TERM                           C   XMIT00 PS  FBA   121   121
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.LIST                        C   XMIT00 PS  FM    121   121
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.TERM                        C   PUB001 PS  FM    121   121
     LARRY02.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C   PUB001             0     0 
 ------------- End of Dataset List -----------                                                                    

PDVTOK1 displays data set name, catalog status, volume serial, data set organization, record format, logical record size, and block size.

 03/03/2022.062 20:14:07  ----    VTOC Listing    ----               ROW 1 OF 10
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY01    PDVTOK2                            
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI
 S   DSN----------------------------------------- CAT    ALLOC UNUSE CDATE REFDT
     LARRY01.HELLO.LIST                           C         15    14 20038 22048
     LARRY01.HELLO.TERM                           C         15     7 20032 22050
     LARRY01.HELLOASM.TERM                        C         12    10 22041 22048
     LARRY01.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C         30    30 20041  0000
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.ASM                       C          2     1 20032 22053
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.OBJ                       C         12    11 22051 22053
     LARRY02.HELLO.TERM                           C         15    14 21307 21307
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.LIST                        C         15    14 22048 22048
     LARRY02.HELLOASM.TERM                        C         12    11 21307 22048
     LARRY02.HELLOCOB.TERM                        C         24    24 21307  0000
 ------------- End of Dataset List -----------                                                                    

PDVTOK2 displays data set name, catalog status, allocation in tracks, unused allocation in tracks, create date, and reference date.

 03/03/2022.062 20:14:07  ----    VTOC Listing    ----               ROW 1 OF 10
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
                                                             LARRY01    PDVTOK3                            
  Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT L VI
 S   DSN----------------------------------------- VOLUME CAT                 
     LARRY01.HELLO.LIST                           PUB004 C                   
            15     14   6 20038 22048  0000 PS  FM    121   121     1    C  1
     LARRY01.HELLO.TERM                           XMIT00 C                   
            15      7  53 20032 22050  0000 PS  FBA   121   121     1    C  1
     LARRY01.HELLOASM.TERM                        PUB001 C                   
            12     10  16 22041 22048  0000 PS  FM    121   121     1    C  1
     LARRY01.HELLOCOB.TERM                        PUB006 C                   
            30     30   0 20041  0000  0000             0     0     1    C  1
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.ASM                       PUB000 C                   
             2      1  50 20032 22053  0000 PS  FB     80   800     1    T  1
     LARRY01.TEST.HELLO.OBJ                       PUB001 C                   
            12     11   8 22051 22053  0000 PS  FB     80    80     1    C  1
     LARRY02.HELLO.TERM                           XMIT00 C                   
            15     14   6 21307 21307  0000 PS  FBA   121   121     1    C  1   

PDVTOK3 displays all data set attributes using two lines per data set. It includes data set name, volume serial, catalog status, allocation in tracks, unused allocation in tracks, percent of used allocation, create date, and reference date, expiration date, data set organization, record format, logical record size, block size, secondary extent quantity, secondary extent type and number of extents.

For a VTOC data set search request limited to a single volume, volume summary information is included and displayed before the list of datasets as shown below using different panel names but with the same data set details (PDVTOC5-PDVTOC1):

                                                             LARRY02    PDVTOC5
 V :VOL=ALL C=LARR CAT=Y                                     Sorted by: DSN
 Volume Data PUB006           VTOC Data                   Freespace Trks  Cyls 
  Type: 3390   CUU: 196        Trks: 00015                 Total  : 0050  0762 
  Trks: 16710 Cyls: 01114      Used: 020                   Largest: 0000  0739 
  Used: 000   Trks/Cyl: 00015  Avail DSCBs: 00597          Extents: 0010       
 PF1-Help   PF3-End   PF7-Up   PF8-Down   PF10-Left   PF11-Right
 TOTALS -   812 DATA SETS,    62417 TRKS   ALLOC,    18977 TRKS   USED          
  VSAM  nonVSAM    ISAM      DA      PO      PS   Other   VSrch
 00000    00006   00000   00000   00006   00000   00000   ALL

DVTOC Help Panels

The VTOC menu help screen (HDVTOC0) summarizes the VTOC Data Set search and processing parameters.

 --HELP------------------------  VTOC Utility  ---------------------------------
 Command ===>                                                            
  Display or print Data Set Attributes from VTOC.                               
    Volume       - DASD Volume Name(s) to be searched specified as Full Volume  
                   name, Prefixed Volume name or ALL                            
    DSNstr       - Data Set Name string (wildcards not supported)               
    Limit        - Additional search filter (see tutorial)
    e.g.  Lists datasets whose DSN begins w/ SYS1     DSNstr= >SYS1 
    e.g.  Lists datasets whose DSN ends w/ CNTL       DSNstr= <CNTL    
    e.g.  lists datasets containing HERC in DSN       DSNstr= HERC 
    Display Mode - Output method used to display VTOC results                   
                   blank-ISPF Table Display, B-Browse session, T-Terminal lines 
    Show no DSNs - Display Results when no DSNs (Y/N)                           
    Show CAT     - Include/Exclude dataset catalogue status (Y/N)               
    Sysout Class - For print requests, SYSOUT class (0-9,A-Z)                   
  NOTE: Selecting ALL volumes and/or SHOW CAT increases time to build results.  

The VTOC results help screen (HDVTOKCX) summarizes PF keys, data displayed by panel, column sorting and selection codes.

 --HELP-------------------------- VTOC Entries ---------------------------------
 Command ===>                                                           
  Lists VTOC entries as a tabular view scrolled by PFkey as follows:            
   VTOC Entries Paging  PF7/PF8   or UP/DOWN    command                         
   Switch Page View     PF10/PF11 or LEFT/RIGHT command (5 different panels)    
   PANEL    Column Names Displayed                                              
   PDVTOK1  DSN CAT VOL DSO RFM LRECL BLKSZ                                     
   PDVTOK2  DSN CAT ALLOC UNUSE CDATE REFDT                                     
            BLKSZ SECQ SECT EXT                                                  
   PDVTOK5  DSN CAT VOL DSO ALLOC PCT EXT                                        
   PDVTOCx  Same as above with device characteristics for single volume request 
    To sort, use SORT COLname or SORT -COLname  for descending order            
    To locate generic DSNmask, use L DSNmask                                    
    To find DSN with DSNmask,  use F DSNmask                                    
  Data Set Selection Codes:                                                     
    B  Browse          BC Batch Compress  DC Copy            D  Delete          
    E  Edit            FI File Info       P  Print           PI Print Index     
    R  Rename          SC Scratch         UC Uncatalog       CT Catalog         
    L  LISTCAT         VI VSAM Info                          

DVTOC Tutorial Panels

Version V1R0M01 added two sets of tutorial panels and support for the command MYTUTOR that can be typed into the command line of the VTOC Utility menu (PDVTOC0) or VTOC Entries list (PDVTOC1-5, PDVTOK1-5).

Either tutorial can be displayed if LBTUTOR add-on is installed.

The tutorial displayed from PDVTOC0 is a simple two-screen introductory.

The tutorial displayed from a VTOC Entries list is more detailed as shown by the DVTOC tutorial menu below.

 --Tutorial ------------------    VTOC Entries    --------------------Tutorial--
 SELECTION ===>                                                                 
   The following topics are presented in sequence or may be selected.           
     1  Overview                                                                
     2  Search Request                                                          
     3  Display Defaults                                                        
     4  Result Snippets                                                         
     5  SYSOUT Report                                                           
     6  Column Descriptions                                                     
     7  Selection Codes                                                         
     8  Limit Operators    
     9  Limit Keywords and Values    

DVTOC Software

The DVTOC selection menu (PDVTOC0) offers menu selections and commands. The following table summarized each action service component:

  Menu     Service Utility
 -------   ------------------------------------
    V      DVTOC CP
    U      DVTOC CP
   PV      DVTOC CP
   PU      DVTOC CP
    F      DFSPC CP (separate add-on application)
    D      DUCBD CP (separate add-on application)
   DD      DALCDS CP (separate add-on application)
   CM      CATMGT CP (separate add-on application)

 Command   Service Utility
 -------   ------------------------------------

*FIND searches only the DSN column for the specified string.

*LOCATE searches only the DSN column staring with 1st table row
        until the value is greater than or equal to DSN prefix.

More information on the add-on applications mentioned above at:

Display TSO Allocations (DALCDS)
Display DASD and TAPE UCB Information (DUCBD)
Display DASD Free Space (DFSPC)
Disk Space Info CBT161 ULXL01 (ULXL01)
Catalog Management (CATMGT)

DVTOC makes use of contributed software to fulfill a specific data set action. Below is a summary of function and associated utility when a data set is selected for processing from a results panel (PDVTOCn/PDVTOKn).

 Action   Description                        Service Utility
 ------   -------------------------------    ------------------------------------
   B      Browse dataset                     ISPF Browse Service
   BC     Batch Compress (PDS) w JCL         INSTREAM CP and TSO submit
   DC     Copy dataset (PO or PS)            %CDSCPY0 CLIST
   D      Delete dataset                     DELETE CP
   E      Edit dataset                       ISPF Edit Service
   FI     File Information                   LISTDSI CP
   I      Display data set information       from table variables
   P      Print dataset (PS or PO)           PRINTOFF CP
   PI     Print Index (PO)                   PRINTOFF CP
   R      Rename dataset                     RENAME CP
   SC     Scratch dataset (non-VSAM)         SCRATCH CP (Uncatalog and delete)
   CT     Catalog dataset (non-VSAM)         CATLG CP
   UC     Uncatalog dataset (non-VSAM)       UNCATLG CP
   L      LISTCAT of dataset                 LISTCAT command
   VI     VSAM Information                   VSI CP
   VSI    Alias for VI


ISPF v2.1+ (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) is necessary to use this software.

Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process CLIST symbolic variables via the IKJCT441 API on MVS 3.8J and using this software installation. More information on user-mods ZP60014 and ZP60038 can be obtained from the following website:

Check your system to determine if one or both user-mods are required. ZP60038 requires ZP60014.

Several other components are pre-requisites. See README file for a complete list of required and/or optional software including download sites.

Software Disclaimer

No guarantee; No warranty; Install / Use at your own risk.

This software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The author requests keeping authors name intact to any modified versions.

In addition, the author requests readers to submit any code modifications / enhancements and associated comments for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit to contributors) thus, improving overall functionality benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain community.

Access DVTOC now for a demo!

Take DVTOC for a ‘test drive’ before downloading and installing onto your MVS38J system.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator using TLS to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 1.2

Once connected, log on using any of the TK4- default user ids and passcodes.

After successful logon, select option I (I for ISPF) from the TSO Applications Menu.
Note, option I is not listed on the menu – this is intentional.

From the ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU, type L in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER to display the ShareABitOfIT Software Demo Menu.

Type DVTOC or V in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER.

On the VTOC Utility menu, enter VTOC filter parameters data as depicted in the snippet below:

    Panel PDVTOC0 is displayed.  Enter the following data
        1. Enter  V       for COMMAND
        2. Enter  ALL     for Volume
        3. Enter  HERC    for DSNstr
        4. Enter  space   for Display Mode
        5. Enter  N       for Show no DSNs
        6. Enter  Y       for Show CAT
        7. Enter  A       for Sysout Class

Press ENTER to process the request.

Upon completion, a list of data sets is displayed.

Press PF3 to terminate.

Use PF3 (repeatedly) to exit from ISPF and TSO Applications Menu returning to the TSO READY prompt.

Log off TSO.

Terminate 3270 session.

Installing DVTOC Software

After downloading the ZIP file, the approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the distribution content file (HET or XMI) from your personal computing device to MVS.

When the transfer completes, associated load JCL (HET, RECV370 or TSO RECEIVE) can also be transferred to MVS to load the distribution software.

Alternatively, the load JCL may be submitted from your device if a TCP/IP socket reader is setup on you device hosting Hercules / MVS 3.8J.

Continue the installation procedure using supplied JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO per the readme.txt instructions.

  • Click here to download the zip file to your PC local drive.

The below README file includes a ZIP file content list, pre-installation requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

DVTOC for MVS 3.8J / Hercules                                              . 
=============================                                              .

Date: 01/16/2024  Release V1R0M03
      11/15/2023  Release V1R0M02
      10/09/2023  Release V1R0M01
      06/07/2023  Release V1R0M00
      02/10/2022  Release V0R9M00  **INITIAL software distribution

*  Author:  Larry Belmontes Jr.
*           Copyright (C) 2020-2024  Larry Belmontes, Jr.

|    DVTOC        I n s t a l l a t i o n   R e f e r e n c e        |

   The approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the
distribution content from your personal computing device to MVS with
minimal JCL and to continue the installation procedure using supplied
JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO.

   Below are descriptions of ZIP file content, pre-installation
requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.

Good luck and enjoy this software as added value to MVS 3.8J!
-Larry Belmontes

|    DVTOC        C h a n g e   H i s t o r y                        |
*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Change Description
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------
*  01/16/2024 1.0.03   - Modify DVTOC VTOCIN DCB to use GETMAIN        
*                        storage                        
*                      - Modify DVTOCFA to use GETMAIN storage        
*                      - Add L command on PDVTOCx selection list            
*                      - Add VI/VSI command on PDVTOCx selection list
*                      - Modify help and tutorial panels for release
*                      - Capture TERMINAL request via LOGIT
*                      - Delete VTOC temp dataset for BROWSE and
*                        PRINT requests
*                      - Add new msg file DVTC07
*  11/15/2023 1.0.02   - Use software HLQ of SHRABIT                 
*                      - Combine DSNstr position and DSNstr into one
*                        data-entry field
*                      - Updated existing tutorial panels for combining
*                        of DSNstr  
*                      - Add LIMIT processing to VTOC DSN search
*                      - Added tutorial panels for LIMIT processing   
*  10/09/2023 1.0.01   - Misc documenation updates
*                      - Ignore DSNTYP for status and log recording     
*                        when blank in DVTOC                            
*                      - Add PF1 to PF Keys line and    
*                        combined UserID and PanelID on line 4
*                        for panels PDVTOCx and PDVTOKx
*                      - Correct PF5 logic error and rework            
*                        RFIND logic
*                      - Add Option CM to menu PDVTOC0  
*                      - Update msg DVTC011             
*                      - Position DVTOC for LIMIT processing
*  06/07/2023 1.0.00   - Add Option X  to menu PDVTOC0
*                      - Add Option /C to menu PDVTOC0  
*                      - Update panels with consistent placement of
*                        request, PFkeys, and selection codes
*                      - Check for ISPF active system
*                      - Use upgraded ISPF variables for SCRNCLK
*                      - Externalize VDEF, VGET, and VPUT to new
*                        module, DVTOCVR
*                      - Create commarea macros for DVTOCFA, DVTOCFS
*                      - Eliminate panel cursor setting
*                      - Consolidate select logic in DVTOC
*                      - Add RFIND command to DVTOC
*                      - Add MYTUTOR command to menu PDVTOC0 and DVTOC
*  02/10/2022 0.9.00   - Initial version released to MVS 3.8J
*                        hobbyist public domain
*  08/10/2020 0.5.00   Initial prototyping and development
*                      w ISPF 2.x
* I. C o n t e n t   o f   Z I P   F i l e                           |

o  $INST00.JCL          Define Alias for HLQ in Master Catalog

o  $INST01.JCL          Load CNTL data set from distribution tape

o  $RECVXMI.JCL         RECV370 Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  $RECVTSO.JCL         TSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs

o  DVTOC.V1R0M03.HET    Hercules Emulated Tape (HET) multi-file volume
   volser=VS1003        containing software distribution library.

o  DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMI    XMIT file containing software distribution library.

o  DSCLAIMR.TXT         Disclaimer

o  PREREQS.TXT          Required user-mods

o  README.TXT           This File
   Note: See application web page for any updates to readme.txt

Note:   ISPF v2.1+ (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin) must be     
-----   installed under MVS 3.8J TSO including associated user-mods
        per ISPF Installation Pre-reqs.

Note:   Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process
-----   CLIST symbolic variables via the IKJCT441 API on MVS 3.8J before
        using this software.
        More information and download links at:

Note:   VTOC (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and is available on MVS3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.          
        Various versions of VTOC are available from CBT website. 
        More information at:
        - or -                                                  
        may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from
        Jay Moseley's site:
Credit: TSO CP, VTOC, is authored by R. L. Miller.  
------- More information at:  FILE #112

Note:   PRINTOFF (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and may be available on MVS3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.          
        More information at:  FILE #325 
        - or -                                                  
        may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from
        Jay Moseley's site:

Note:   SCRATCH, CATLG, UNCATLG are pre-prequisites for this install
-----   and may be available on MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.
        More information at:  as FILE #163
        - or -                                                  
        may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from
        Jay Moseley's site:
Credit: CATLG (TSO CP), while also supports UNCATLG and SCRATCH,
------- is authored by Dave Phillips. 
        More information at:  FILE #163

Note:   INSTREAM (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and may be available on MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.
        More information at:  as FILE #300
        - or -                                                  
        may be downloaded in a MVS 3.8J install-ready format from
        Jay Moseley's site:
Credit: TSO CP, INSTREAM, originally authored by Bill Godfrey. 
------- More information at:  FILE #163

Note:   DELETE (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and available on MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.

Note:   DELETE (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and available on MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.

Note:   SHRABIT.MACLIB is macro library required to assemble/compile this
-----   software.  A version as-of this distribution is included for
        installation as a pre-requisite.
        More information including current version download link at:
Note: GETDTE is a utility to obtain date-time-environment ----- information and is OPTIONAL for this install. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: CUTIL00 is a TSO utility that performs various functions using ----- CLIST variables and must be installed as a pre-requisite. More information including current version download link at:
CUTIL00 for MVS 3.8J
Note: LISTDSJ, alias LISTDSI, is a LISTDSI-like utility that creates CLIST ----- variables containing data set attributes and must be installed as a pre-requisite. More information including current version download link at:
Note: CLOGIT is an ISPF add-on that performs transaction logging ----- and must be installed as a pre-requisite. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: DSCOPY is a TSO and ISPF add-on that allows copying of ----- sequential or partitioned data sets and must be installed as a pre-requisite. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: DFSPC is an ISPF add-on that displays volume free space information ----- for all non-VIO online DASD. OPTIONAL for this install if DFSPC will not be used. Typically, DFSPC is invoked as a selection option. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: DUCBD is an ISPF add-on that displays UCB information from ----- MVS 3.8J. OPTIONAL for this install if DUCBD will not be used. Typically, DUCBD is invoked as a selection option. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: DALCDS is an ISPF add-on that displays TSO user allocation ----- information (DD/DSN allocations). OPTIONAL for this install if DALCDS will not be used. Typically, DALCDS is invoked as a selection option. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: ULXL01 is an ISPF add-on (application) that displays available ----- disk space information using three panels and one help panel. OPTIONAL for this install if ULXL01 will not be used. Typically, ULXL01 is invoked as a selection option. More information for enabling ULXL01 for MVS 3.8J at:
ULXL01 in MVS38J
Credit: ULXL01 is authored by Bill Godfrey in 1985 and later updated ------- in 1991. Thanks to Bill for this CBT contribution. More information at: FILE #161 Note: LBTUTOR is an ISPF add-on that performs tutorial dialogs ----- and is OPTIONAL for this install if LBTUTOR will not be used. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: CATMGT is an ISPF add-on that provides real-time execution ----- of IDCAMS functions to define or delete non-VSAM alias entries and list catalog entries. OPTIONAL for this install if CATMGT will not be used. Typically, CATMGT is invoked as a selection option. Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Note: VSI is an ISPF add-on that displays VSAM information on a ISPF ----- panel and OPTIONAL for this install if VSI will not be used. Typically, VSI is invoked as a selection option. VSI is a modified version of the VI tool, rewritten for MVS 3.8J TSO CLIST and ISPF 2.2 (ISPF-like product from Wally Mclaughlin). Current version can be downloaded and more information at:
Credit: VI (REXX Exec / ISPF) is authored by Steve Kleeves (CBT File#137). ------- Enhancements were applied by other contributors. The version used for MVS 3.8J CLIST conversion is from File #964 by William (Bill) Smith. Thanks to Steve and Bill for their contribution to CBT. More information at: FILE #137 - or - FILE #964 ====================================================================== * II. P r e - i n s t a l l a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s | ====================================================================== o The Master Catalog name for HLQ aliases. o The Master Catalog password may be required for some installation steps. o If loading via tape files, device 480 is utilized. o DATASET List after distribution library load for reference purposes: DATA-SET-NAME------------------------------- VOLUME ALTRK USTRK ORG FRMT % XT SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ASM PUB006 30 8 PO FB 26 1 SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CLIST PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL PUB006 20 6 PO FB 30 1 SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.HELP PUB006 2 1 PO FB 50 1 SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ISPF PUB006 25 15 PO FB 60 1 SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.MACLIB PUB006 6 4 PO FB 66 1 **END** TOTALS: 85 TRKS ALLOC 35 TRKS USED 6 EXTENTS Confirm the TOTAL track allocation is available on your device. Note: A different DASD device type (e.g. 3380) may yield different usage. o TSO user-id with sufficient access rights to update SYS2.CMDPROC, SYS2.CMDLIB, SYS2.HELP, SYS2.LINKLIB and/or ISPF libraries. o For installations with a security system (e.g. RAKF), you MAY need to insert additional JOB statement information. // USER=???????,PASSWORD=???????? o Names of ISPCLIB (Clist), ISPMLIB (Message), ISPLLIB (Load) and/or ISPPLIB (Panel) libraries. o Download ZIP file to your PC local drive. o Unzip the downloaded file into a temp directory on your PC device. o Install pre-requisite (if any) software and/or user modifications. o JCL from you local device (after unzip) may be edited using Notepad or nano (based on you host OS) and submitted via TCP/IP sockets reader if your system configuration supports this option. This option can replace some copy-paste tasks during installation. For more information on submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J, see
Submitting JCL to MVS 3.8J
o For more information on SHRABIT software distribution library, see
SHRABIT Distributions for MVS38J
o For more information on SHRABIT software installation, see
SHRABIT Installations for MVS38J
====================================================================== * III. I n s t a l l a t i o n S t e p s | ====================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 1. Determine software installation source | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HET or XMI ? | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Software can be installed from one of two sources, HET or XMI. - For tape installation (HET), proceed to STEP 3. **** or - For XMIT installation (XMI), proceed to next STEP. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 2. Load distribution source from XMI file | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($RECVXMI) | | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($RECVTSO) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000A JOB (SYS),'Receive DVTOC XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVXMI Receive Application XMI Files * //* * using RECV370 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //RECV PROC HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,TYP=XXXXXXXX, // DSPACE='(TRK,(10,05,40))',DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // DUNIT=DISK,DVOLSER=PUB006 <-- Review and Modify //* //RECV370 EXEC PGM=RECV370 //RECVLOG DD SYSOUT=* //XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&&XMIPDS(&TYP) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,05)),DISP=(,DELETE,DELETE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..&TYP,DISP=&DDISP, // UNIT=&DUNIT,SPACE=&DSPACE,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* RECV370 DVTOC Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //XMIPDS EXEC RECV,TYP=XMIPDS,DSPACE='(CYL,(10,05,10),RLSE)' //RECV370.XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.transfer.xmi <-- XMI File //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DSN=&&XMIPDS,DISP=(,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=&DSPACE //* //CNTL EXEC RECV,TYP=CNTL //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //HELP EXEC RECV,TYP=HELP //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //CLIST EXEC RECV,TYP=CLIST //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ISPF EXEC RECV,TYP=ISPF //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(25,05,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //ASM EXEC RECV,TYP=ASM //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(30,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP //* //MACLIB EXEC RECV,TYP=MACLIB //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DDNAME=&TYP //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(06,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1a: $RECVXMI.JCL ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000B JOB (SYS),'TSO RECEIVE XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVTSO TSO RECEIVE APPLICATION XMI FILES * //* * for DVTOC software distribution * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* This JOB executes two steps: //* //* 1) IDCAMS to ensure parent HLQ alias (SHRABIT) is //* defined on master catalog //* Note: Alias definition bypassed if alias already //* ----- defined. //* //* 2) Executes TSO in BATCH mode and issues //* TSO RECEIVE commands to load the XMI distribution //* library (an XMI SEQ dataset) to a temporary PDS. //* Each software PDS is loaded from before deleting //* temporary PDS. //* //* //* This JCL may be modified to suit your installation //* needs. //* //* The TSO RECEIVE commands use INdataset, DAtaset, VOL, //* and NOPRompt parms. //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PBTSO * //* * Batch TSO * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PBTSO PROC //STEP01 EXEC PGM=IKJEFT01 //SYSPROC DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC //*STEPLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSTSIN DD DUMMY Command Line Input //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Ensure parent HLQ alias is declared //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* TSO RECEIVE DVTOC Software Distribution //* -------------------------------------------------------* //TSORCV EXEC PBTSO //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* Review and Modify the DSN of the transferred XMI <----- //* used in the TSO RECEIVE SYSTSIN DD. <----- //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP01.SYSTSIN DD * /* Modify 'SHRABIT.' with your parent HLQ, if different */ /* Modify 'your.transfer.xmi' with transferred XMI SEQ DSN */ /* Modify 'volser' with VOLSER on your system */ RECEIVE IN('your.transfer.xmi') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CNTL */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(CNTL)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive HELP */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(HELP)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.HELP') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive CLIST */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(CLIST)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CLIST') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ISPF */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(ISPF)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ISPF') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive ASM */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(ASM)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ASM') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Receive MACLIB */ RECEIVE IN('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS(MACLIB)') - DA('SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.MACLIB') - VOL(volser) NOPROMPT /* Delete XMIPDS */ DELETE 'SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMIPDS' /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1b: $RECVTSO.JCL a) Transfer DVTOC.V1R0M03.XMI to MVS using your 3270 emulator. Make note of the DSN assigned on MVS transfer. Use transfer IND$FILE options: NEW BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB - or - NEW BLKSIZE(3200) LRECL(80) RECFM(FB) Ensure the DSN on MVS exists with the correct DCB information: ORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB b) If using RECV370 to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVXMI JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. - or - If using TSO RECEIVE to load XMI, Copy and paste the $RECVTSO JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. c) The first step ensures the HLQ alias is defined and the subsequent steps perform the XMI load. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation including the DSN assigned during the transfer above for the XMI file. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the following PDSs: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ASM SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CLIST SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.HELP SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ISPF SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.MACLIB f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. g) Proceed to STEP 6. **** +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 3. Define Alias for HLQ SHRABIT in MVS User Catalog | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST00) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC000 JOB (SYS),'Def SHRABIT Alias', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC in MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST00 Define Alias for parent HLQ SHRABIT * //* * Note: The master catalog password may be required * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(SHRABIT) /* Review and Modify catalog name below */ IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(SHRABIT) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 2: $INST00 JCL Note: This distribution is installed under the HLQ alias SHRABIT. $INST00 bypasses the DEFINE ALIAS action when the alias is already defined. a) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. b) Submit the job. c) Review job output for successful DEFINE ALIAS. Note: When $INST00 runs for the first time, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0004 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 4 and DEFINE ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0. Note: When $INST00 runs after the ALIAS is defined, Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0000 due to LISTCAT ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0 and DEFINE ALIAS function being bypassed. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 4. Load CNTL data set from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST01) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC001 JOB (SYS),'Install CNTL PDS', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST01 Load CNTL PDS from distribution tape * //* * Note: Uses tape drive 480 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADCNTL PROC THLQ=DVTOC,TVOLSER=VS1003, // HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCNTL DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CNTL.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(1,SL) //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //STEP001 EXEC LOADCNTL Load CNTL PDS //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCNTL,OUTDD=CNTL // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 3: $INST01 JCL a) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\DVTOC.V1R0M03.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. b) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE c) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the CNTL data set. f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 5. Load Other data sets from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST02) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC002 JOB (SYS),'Install Other PDSs', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST02 Load other PDS from distribution tape * //* * Tape Volume: File 1 - CNTL * //* * File 2 - CLIST * //* * File 3 - HELP * //* * File 4 - ISPF * //* * File 5 - ASM * //* * File 6 - MACLIB * //* * Note: Default TAPE=480, DASD=DISK on PUB006 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADOTHR PROC THLQ=DVTOC,TVOLSER=VS1003, // HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03, // DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=PUB006,DUNIT=DISK <-- Review and Modify //LOAD02 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..CLIST.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(2,SL) //INHELP DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..HELP.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(3,SL) //INISPF DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ISPF.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(4,SL) //INASM DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..ASM.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(5,SL) //INMACLIB DD DSN=&THLQ..&VRM..MACLIB.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(6,SL) //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(25,05,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(30,10,10)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(06,02,02)), // DISP=&DDISP, // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //* //STEP001 EXEC LOADOTHR Load ALL other PDSs //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCLIST,OUTDD=CLIST COPY INDD=INHELP,OUTDD=HELP COPY INDD=INISPF,OUTDD=ISPF COPY INDD=INASM,OUTDD=ASM COPY INDD=INMACLIB,OUTDD=MACLIB // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 4: $INST02 JCL a) Member $INST02 installs remaining data sets from distribution tape. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\DVTOC.V1R0M03.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. d) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE e) Submit the job. f) Review job output for successful loads. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 6. FULL or UPGRADE Installation | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($UP1003) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC00U JOB (SYS),'Upgrade DVTOC', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC in MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $UP1003 Upgrade DVTOC software * //* * Upgrade DVTOC Software from release V1R0M01 * //* * * //* * Review JCL before submitting!! * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DDNAME=PVTMAC ** PVTMAC ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //PVTMAC DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR * placeholder* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * ISPF Library Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPF Libraries * //* * - ISPCLIB, ISPMLIB, ISPPLIB, ISPSLIB, ISPTLIB * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPxLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ISPFLIBS EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //ISPFIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOC to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOC EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOC, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOCFA to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOCFA EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOCFA, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Update ISPF parts for this release distribution * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ISPFPRTS EXEC PARTSI,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((ISPFIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=CDVTCSEL COPY INDD=((ISPFIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=DVTC07 COPY INDD=((ISPFIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=HDVTOKCX SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC1 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC2 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC3 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC4 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC5 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK1 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK2 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK3 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK4 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK5 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTC003 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC03 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC04 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC05 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC06 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCF02 COPY INDD=((ISPFIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ COPY INDD=((ISPFIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 5: $UP1003.JCL Upgrade from previous version to V1R0M03 a) If this is the INITIAL software distribution, proceed to STEP 7. b) This software may be installed in FULL or UPGRADE from a prior version. Note: If the installed software version is NOT the most recent ----- PREVIOUS version, perform a FULL install. Note: If the installed software version is customized, a manual ----- review and evaluation is suggested to properly incorporate customizations into this software distribution before proceeding with the installation. Refer to the $UPvrmm.JCL members for upgraded software components being installed. Note: $UPvrmm.JCL members exist in each software version. ----- For example, V1R3M00 software contains $UP1300.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R2M00 distribution. For example, V1R2M00 software contains $UP1200.JCL to upgrade from previous V1R1M00 distribution. c) If a FULL install of this software distribution is elected regardless of previous version installed on your system, proceed to STEP 7. d) If this is an UPGRADE from the PREVIOUS version, execute the below JCL based on current installed version: - Upgrading from V1R0M02, use $UP1003.JCL - Upgrading from V1R0M01, use $UP1002.JCL - Upgrading from V1R0M00, use $UP1001.JCL - Upgrading from V0R9M00, use $UP1000.JCL - V0R9M00 is initial release, thus, no updates available! e) After upgrade is applied, proceed to validation, STEP 11. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 7. Install TSO parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST03) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC003 JOB (SYS),'Install TSO Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST03 Install TSO parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CLIST,DISP=SHR //INHELP DD DSN=SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.HELP,DISP=SHR //OUTCLIST DD DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC,DISP=SHR //OUTHELP DD DSN=SYS2.HELP,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((INCLIST,R)),OUTDD=OUTCLIST SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ COPY INDD=((INHELP,R)),OUTDD=OUTHELP SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 6: $INST03 JCL a) Member $INST03 installs TSO component(s). Note: If no TSO components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 8. Install DVTOC Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST04) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC004 JOB (SYS),'Install DVTOC', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST04 Install DVTOC Software * //* * * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DDNAME=PVTMAC ** PVTMAC ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //PVTMAC DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR * placeholder* //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOC to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOC EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOC, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOCFA to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOCFA EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOCFA, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOCFS to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOCFS EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOCFS, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DVTOCVR to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DVTOCVR EXEC ASML,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03,MBR=DVTOCVR, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: $INST04 JCL a) Member $INST04 installs program(s). Note: If no components are included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 9. Install ISPF parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST05) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC005 JOB (SYS),'Install ISPF Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC in MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST05 Install ISPF parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* * * //* * * //* * - Uses ISPF 2.2 product from Wally Mclaughlin * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * CLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPCLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPCLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDCLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //CLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * MLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPMLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPMLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDMLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPPLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPPLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDPLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //PLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * SLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPSLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPSLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDSLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * TLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPTLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPTLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDTLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //TLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //ISPF EXEC PARTSI,HLQ='SHRABIT.DVTOC',VRM=V1R0M03, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //ADDCLIB.SYSIN DD * CLIB COPY INDD=((CLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=C$DVTOC SELECT MEMBER=C$DVTOCB SELECT MEMBER=CDVTCFL SELECT MEMBER=CDVTCSEL SELECT MEMBER=CDVTCSRT //ADDMLIB.SYSIN DD * MLIB COPY INDD=((MLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=DVTC01 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC02 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC03 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC04 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC05 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC06 SELECT MEMBER=DVTC07 //ADDPLIB.SYSIN DD * PLIB COPY INDD=((PLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOCD SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOCFA SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOCI SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOCR SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOCNF SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC0 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC1 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC2 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC3 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC4 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOC5 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK1 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK2 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK3 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK4 SELECT MEMBER=PDVTOK5 SELECT MEMBER=HDVTOC0 SELECT MEMBER=HDVTOCNF SELECT MEMBER=HDVTOKCX SELECT MEMBER=TDVTOC00 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTOC01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTC100 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTC001 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTC002 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTC003 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA03 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA04 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA05 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCA11 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCB01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCB02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC03 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC04 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC05 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC06 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCC07 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCD01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCD02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE03 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE04 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE05 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE06 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE07 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCE08 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCF01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCF02 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCV01 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCV10 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCV11 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCV12 SELECT MEMBER=TDVTCV13 //ADDSLIB.SYSIN DD * SLIB COPY INDD=((SLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDTLIB.SYSIN DD * TLIB COPY INDD=((TLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 8: $INST05 JCL a) Member $INST05 installs ISPF component(s). Note: If no ISPF components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Review and update DD statements for ISPCLIB (clist), ISPMLIB (messages), and/or ISPPLIB (panel) library names. The DD statements are tagged with '<--TARGET'. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 10. Install Other Software | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL($INST40) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //DVTOC040 JOB (SYS),'Install Other Pgms', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * DVTOC in MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST40 Install Other Software * //* * Install xxxxxx Programs * //* * * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * IEFBR14 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DUMMY EXEC PGM=IEFBR14 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 9: $INST40 JCL a) Member $INST40 installs additional software. Note: If no other software is included for this distribution, ----- an IEFBR14 step is executed. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 11. Validate DVTOC | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ The purpose of this step is to initiate the VTOC Utility menu and display a VTOC data set list with 'HERC*' partial HLQ. a) From the ISPF Main Menu, enter the following command: TSO C$DVTOC b) Panel PDVTOC0 is displayed. Enter the following data, see Figure 9a for reference. 1. Enter V for COMMAND 2. Enter ALL for Volume 3. Enter HERC for DSNstr 4. Enter N for Limit Use 5. Enter space for Display Mode 6. Enter N for Show no DSNs 7. Enter Y for Show CAT 8. Enter A for Sysout Class 9. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ VTOC Utility --------------------------------- COMMAND ===> V LARRY01 V - Display VTOC entries PV - Print VTOC entries PDVTOC0 U - Display Uncatalog VTOC entries PU - Print Uncatalog VTOC entries /C - DVTOC Display Defaults F - DASD Free Space D - DASD UCB List DD - Display DD/DSN Allocations X - Disk Space Info CBT161 ULXL01 CM - Catalog Management VTOC DSN Search Parameters: Volume ===> ALL Full/Prefixed Volume name or ALL DSNstr ===> HERC Limit Use: N KW%==> DSO Op ==> EQ Value ==> PO VTOC Processing Parameters: Display Mode ===> blank-ISPF B-Browse T-Terminal Show no DSNs ===> N Display Results when no DSNs (Y/N) Show CAT ===> Y Show DSN Catalogued status (Y/N) Sysout Class ===> A For Print requests ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 9a: Sample PDVTOC VTOC Utility Menu Panel c) Panel PDVTOK5 is displays with data set list similar to Figure 9b. ________________________________________________________________________________ dd/mm/yy.jjj hh:mm ---- VTOC Entries -------------- ROW 1 OF 134 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE LARRY01 PDVTOK5 VTOC ALL CAT Lvl=HERC Sorted by: DSN PF1-Help PF3-End PF7-Up PF8-Down PF10-Left PF11-Right TOTALS - 134 DATA SETS, 4820 TRKS ALLOC, 895 TRKS USED VSAM nonVSAM ISAM DA PO PS Other VSrch 00015 00119 00000 00000 00095 00020 00004 ALL Select Action: B BC DC D E FI P PI R SC UC CT S DSN----------------------------------------- CAT VOLUME DSO ALLOC PCT EX HERC01.ACCT.OUT C PUB000 PS 1 100 1 HERC01.BRX370.EXEC C PUB007 PO 45 4 1 HERC01.CCOMPR.CNTL C PUB007 PO 100 9 1 HERC01.CHKDSN.CNTL C PUB007 PO 100 32 1 HERC01.CHKDSN2.CNTL C PUB007 PO 100 5 1 HERC01.CMDPROC C MVSCAT PO 15 6 1 HERC01.CONDENSE C XMIT00 PS 579 30 1 HERC01.EMP.DATA C PUB007 PS 5 20 1 HERC01.FPDS0001.CNTL C PUB000 PS 60 3 1 HERC01.IMREPORT C TSO00A 45 0 1 HERC01.ISP.PROF C PUB000 PO 30 66 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 9b: Sample PDVTOK5 VTOC Entries Panel (partial list) d) Use PF7/PF8 for Page Up and Page Down scrolling. e) Use PF10/PF11 vary the VTOC Listing View. Each view of the five, displays different data set attributes. Default view is PDVTOK5 or PDVTOC5. f) Select on of the data sets with a selection code of B to browse the data set. g) Use PF3 until the ISPF Main Menu is displayed. h) Validation for VTOC utility is complete. i) Provided other software is installed on your system, other DVTOC menu options can be exercised such as PRINT VTOC. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 12. Done | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Congratulations! You completed the installation for DVTOC. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 13. Incorporate DVTOC into ISPF UTILITY SELECTION Menu | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) To integrate DVTOC into your ISPF system, refer to SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ASM(DVTOC) for suggested steps in the Overview section as a menu item or ISPF command. Enjoy DVTOC for ISPF 2.x on MVS 3.8J! ====================================================================== * IV. S o f t w a r e I n v e n t o r y L i s t | ====================================================================== - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ASM $ . DVTOC TSO CP VTOC Display $ . DVTOCFA Subroutine, Allocate/Deallocate File . DVTOCFS Subroutine, DSCB-4 Volume Information . DVTOCVR Subroutine, ISPF VDEFine, VGET, VPUT - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CLIST . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.CNTL $ . $INST00 Define Alias for HLQ DVTOC $ . $INST01 Load CNTL data set from distribution tape (HET) $ . $INST02 Load other data sets from distribution tape (HET) $ . $INST03 Install TSO Parts $ . $INST04 Install DVTOC Software $ . $INST05 Install ISPF Parts $ . $INST40 Install Other Software # . $RECVTSO Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via TSO RECEIVE $ . $RECVXMI Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via RECV370 # . $UP1003 Upgrade to V1R0M03 from V1R0M02 $ . DSCLAIMR Disclaimer $ . PREREQS Required User-mods $ . README Documentation and Installation instructions - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.HELP . README Dummy member, this is intentional - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.ISPF . C$DVTOC IVP DVTOC CLIST . C$DVTOCB DVTOC Ext API CLIST . CDVTCFL Find/Locate CLIST $ . CDVTCSEL Select Processor CLIST . CDVTCSRT Sort Display CLIST . DVTC01 Messages . DVTC02 Messages . DVTC03 Messages . DVTC04 Messages . DVTC05 Messages . DVTC06 Messages # . DVTC07 Messages . PDVTOCD VTOC Dataset Action Panel (Delete, Uncat, Catlg, Scratch) . PDVTOCFA VTOC Display Dataset Attributes Panel . PDVTOCI VTOC Dataset Information Panel . PDVTOCR VTOC Dataset Rename Panel . PDVTOCNF VTOC Default Config Panel . PDVTOC0 VTOC Utility Menu . PDVTOC1 VTOC Dataset List Panel 1 (w/Volume Summary) . PDVTOC2 VTOC Dataset List Panel 2 (w/Volume Summary) . PDVTOC3 VTOC Dataset List Panel 3 (w/Volume Summary) . PDVTOC4 VTOC Dataset List Panel 4 (w/Volume Summary) . PDVTOC5 VTOC Dataset List Panel 5 (w/Volume Summary) . PDVTOK1 VTOC Dataset List Panel 1 . PDVTOK2 VTOC Dataset List Panel 2 . PDVTOK3 VTOC Dataset List Panel 3 . PDVTOK4 VTOC Dataset List Panel 4 . PDVTOK5 VTOC Dataset List Panel 5 . HDVTOC0 VTOC Utility Menu (HELP) . HDVTOCNF VTOC Default Config Panel (HELP) $ . HDVTOKCX VTOC Dataset List (HELP) . TDVTOC00 VTOC Utilities Tutorial Panel . TDVTOC01 VTOC Utilities Tutorial Panel . TDVTC100 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Main Menu . TDVTC001 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Overview . TDVTC002 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Overview $ . TDVTC003 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Overview . TDVTCA01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCA02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCA03 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCA04 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCA05 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCA11 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Search Request . TDVTCB01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Display Defaults . TDVTCB02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Display Defaults $ . TDVTCC01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets $ . TDVTCC02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets $ . TDVTCC03 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets $ . TDVTCC04 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets $ . TDVTCC05 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets $ . TDVTCC06 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets . TDVTCC07 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Result Snippets . TDVTCD01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel SYSOUT Report . TDVTCD02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel SYSOUT Report . TDVTCE01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE03 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE04 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE05 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE06 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE07 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCE08 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Column Descriptions . TDVTCF01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Selection Codes $ . TDVTCF02 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Selection Codes . TDVTCV01 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Limit Operators . TDVTCV10 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Limit Keywords . TDVTCV11 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Limit Keywords . TDVTCV12 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Limit Keywords . TDVTCV13 DVTOC Tutorial Panel Limit Keywords - SHRABIT.DVTOC.V1R0M03.MACLIB . DVCTBL Device Table Entries . DVTCFACA DVTOCFA Comm Area . DVTCFSCA DVTOCFS Comm Area . DVTCVRCA DVTOCVR Comm Area . DVTCVRDT DVTOC ISPF Var Data Fields . DVTCVRNL DVTOC ISPF Var Names and Lengths . ISPFPL ISPF Parameter Address List (10) . ISPFSRV ISPF Service keywords . ISPFSRVC ISPF Service keywords (COBOL) . LA#ST Load Address and Store . LBISPL Call to ISPLINK (LarryB version) . MISCDC Constants for double-quotes and Apostrophe . MOVEC Move VAR at R6, len reflected in R8 (requires MOVEI) . MOVEI Init R6 w/ addr of VAR, init R8 to 0 . MOVER Move VAR at R6 until BLANK is found . MOVEV Move VAR at R6 . RDTECOMA DateTime comm area . RDTECOMC DateTime comm area (COBOL) . RTRIM Remove trailing spaces . SVC78A SVC78 message area - After downloading any other required software, consult provided documentation including any configuration steps (if applicable) for software and HELP file installation. $ - Denotes modified software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION # - Denotes new software component for THIS DISTRIBUTION relative to prior DISTRIBUTION


Thanks to the various software contribution authors in realizing a new function for the MVS38J community!

Use ISPF DVTOC to quickly ascertain data set information across your MVS38J system.

Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections or issues regarding this post.

Thank You.

Version History

*  MM/DD/CCYY Version  Change Description
*  ---------- -------  -----------------------------------------------
*  01/16/2024 1.0.03   - Modify DVTOC VTOCIN DCB to use GETMAIN        
*                        storage                        
*                      - Modify DVTOCFA to use GETMAIN storage        
*                      - Add L command on PDVTOCx selection list            
*                      - Add VI/VSI command on PDVTOCx selection list
*                      - Modify help and tutorial panels for release
*                      - Capture TERMINAL request via LOGIT
*                      - Delete VTOC temp dataset for BROWSE and
*                        PRINT requests
*                      - Add new msg file DVTC07
*  11/15/2023 1.0.02   - Use software HLQ of SHRABIT                 
*                      - Combine DSNstr position and DSNstr into one
*                        data-entry field
*                      - Updated existing tutorial panels for combining
*                        of DSNstr  
*                      - Add LIMIT processing to VTOC DSN search
*                      - Added tutorial panels for LIMIT processing   
*  10/09/2023 1.0.01   - Misc documenation updates
*                      - Ignore DSNTYP for status and log recording     
*                        when blank in DVTOC                            
*                      - Add PF1 to PF Keys line and    
*                        combined UserID and PanelID on line 4
*                        for panels PDVTOCx and PDVTOKx
*                      - Correct PF5 logic error and rework            
*                        RFIND logic
*                      - Add Option CM to menu PDVTOC0  
*                      - Update msg DVTC011             
*                      - Position DVTOC for LIMIT processing
*  06/07/2023 1.0.00   - Add Option X  to menu PDVTOC0
*                      - Add Option /C to menu PDVTOC0  
*                      - Update panels with consistent placement of
*                        request, PFkeys, and selection codes
*                      - Check for ISPF active system
*                      - Use upgraded ISPF variables for SCRNCLK
*                      - Externalize VDEF, VGET, and VPUT to new
*                        module, DVTOCVR
*                      - Create commarea macros for DVTOCFA, DVTOCFS
*                      - Eliminate panel cursor setting
*                      - Consolidate select logic in DVTOC
*                      - Add RFIND command to DVTOC
*                      - Add MYTUTOR command to menu PDVTOC0 and DVTOC
*  02/10/2022 0.9.00   - Initial version released to MVS 3.8J
*                        hobbyist public domain
*  08/10/2020 0.5.00   Initial prototyping and development
*                      w ISPF 2.x
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