Passing parameters to a program is a common practice when using and/or developing subroutines. The parameter communications protocol (API) can take different forms depending on established APIs or newly defined APIs.
This post will focus on two types of parameter layouts encountered in a TSO / ISPF environment when invoking a program or command:
- Parameter layout used by TSO CALL requests (same as using PARM= keyword in the MVS JCL EXEC statement)
- Parameter layout used by TSO COMMAND requests (i.e. TSO LISTDSI DIR)
Both type of requests pass (share) the starting address (Register 1 in Assembler, resembling a pointer) of the actual communications content) comprised of more than the actual parameter data.
Let’s review each of the parameter layout APIs…
TSO CALL Requests
For this request, the content layout includes a parameter length and data as shown below:
Upon program entry, +----------+-----------------------+ R1 will point here--> | Length | Parm Data.... | +----------+-----------------------+ 2-bytes Binary
Assembler and COBOL declarations that support the above construct are as follows:
ASSEMBLER 0 1 2 1...5....0....5....0....5 PARMLEN DS H PARMDAT DS CLnn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COBOL LINKAGE 0 1 2 3 4 5 1...5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5 01 PARM-DATA. 05 PARM-LEN PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 PARM-DATA PIC X(nn). Note: Developer finalizes nn based on program (subroutine) parameter communication design.
Refer to the two use cases below to examine how data is represented in actual memory:
Using TSO: TSO CALL 'MY.PDS(PGMNAME)' '1234AB' - or - Using TSO/ISPF: TSO ISPEXEC SELECT PGM(PGMNAME) PARM(1234AB) Program PGMNAME receives control with an address (i.e. x'00001046') in R1 whose EBCDIC content is represented by the below memory map: Address- -------- -----Hex Data --- -------- ---- Char Data ---- 00001040 0000FF00 F0C50006 F1F2F3F4 C1C2FF0D .... 0E.. 1234 AB.. 00001050 10800809 00005FB8 00008890 00000000 .... ..^. .... .... o The parm length (actual length of parm data) is 6 o The parm data is '1234AB' o Both are represented by the highlighted area
For this request, the content layout includes a parameter length, offset and data as shown below:
Upon program entry, +----------+----------+-----------------------+ R1 will point here--> | Length | Offset | Parm Data.... | +----------+----------+-----------------------+ 2-bytes 2-bytes Command Buffer Binary Binary
Assembler and COBOL declarations that support the above figure follows:
ASSEMBLER 0 1 2 1...5....0....5....0....5 CMDLLEN DS H CMDLOFF DS H CMDLDAT DS CLnn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COBOL LINKAGE 0 1 2 3 4 5 1...5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5....0....5 01 CMDL-DATA. 05 CMDL-LEN PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 CMDL-OFF PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 CMDL-DATA PIC X(nn). Note: Developer finalizes nn based on program (subroutine) parameter communications design.
Refer to the two use cases below to examine how data is represented in actual memory:
Using TSO: TSO PGMNAME 1234AB - or - Using TSO/ISPF: TSO ISPEXEC SELECT CMD(PGMNAME 1234AB) Program PGMNAME receives control with an address (i.e. x'00001046') in R1 whose EBCDIC content is represented by the below memory map: Address- -------- -----Hex Data --- -------- ---- Char Data ---- 00001040 0000FF00 F0C50012 0008D7C7 D4D5C1D4 .... 0E.. ..PG MNAM 00001050 C540F1F2 F3F4C1C2 00005FB8 00008890 E 12 34AB ..^. .... Referring to the highlighted area in the memory map, the parm length is 18, parm offset is 8 and parm data is 'PGMNAME 1234AB'. Note: Parm Data is the command line buffer! The developer uses the offset to position to start of actual passed parameter data. Ultimately, the passed parameter is "1234AB". Passed Parameter Content ....PGMNAME 1234AB ^ ^ {----} | | ^ | Parm data starts at R1 (address); | | | | let's call it A o----------------------+ | | | | | | Command Buffer starts at A + 4 (parm header) | | | let's call it B o--------------------------+ | | | | Parameters starts at A + 4 + 8 | | let's call it C o----------------------------------+ | | Parm length - Parm header - Offset = Length of parameters | 18 - 4 - 8 = 6 o-------------+ Note: Parm header is 4, 2-bytes for length and 2-bytes for offset fields.
The code…
A developer can distinguish the difference in PARM layouts by inspecting the high-order bit in the passed address (Register 1).
If the high-order bit is ON, it designates a TSO CALL PARM type. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a TSO COMMAND PARM type. Of course, this can easily be determined using Assembler as shown in the following code snippet:
* * /********************************************************/ * * /* Get PARAMTER information passed to program */ * * /* - R1 myPARMS address on entry */ * * /* - R4 Starting parms address */ * * /* - R6 Starting parms length */ * * /* - R3, R5 Working Register */ * * /********************************************************/ LTR R1,R1 Do I have a PARM? BZ ... NO, EXIT LR R3,R1 PARM/CMDL addr TM 0(R3),X'80' Is it PARM or CMDL addr? BZ CMDL$IN YES, CMDL addr PARM$IN EQU * NO, PARM addr L R4,0(,R3) Addr of PARM LH R6,0(,R4) Length of PARM LTR R6,R6 PARM > 0 length? BZ ... NO, EXIT LA R4,2(,R4) YES, point to start of PARM data B DOPARMS and continue... CMDL$IN EQU * L R4,0(,R3) Command Buffer addr LH R5,2(,R4) Offset to Command Variables LTR R5,R5 Any Variables? BZ ... NO, EXIT LH R6,0(,R4) Length of Command Buffer SR R6,R5 Subtract variable offset SH R6,=H'4' Subtract prefix BM ... EXIT, NO VARIABLES LA R4,4(R4,R5) Point to variables start addr DOPARMS EQU * * * /********************************************************/ * * /* Uppercase translation of PARMIN */ * * /* - R4 Starting parms address */ * * /* - R6 Parm Length */ * * /* - R2, R7 Working Register */ * * /********************************************************/ UP#EM EQU * LR R2,R4 Start addr - PARMS LR R7,R6 Length of - PARMS BCTR R7,0 Adjust for EXecute EX R7,UPPERCS Execute Uppercase translate FUNCT *UPPERCS OC 0(0,R2),BLANKS EBCDIC Lower-Upper Case Translate * . . . .
However, in COBOL, specifically with the version of COBOL compiler supplied with the MVS 3.8J public domain version, the language is limited in comparison to today’s Z/OS COBOL compiler.
What follows is a ‘GUESS’ determination approach, written in COBOL some time ago, to differentiate PARAMETER types for a program executing under TSO or TSO/ISPF.
This program includes COBOL compile and link-edit JCL:
//COBPARM0 JOB (SYS),'Install COBPARM', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * Compile Link-edit COBPARM * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //COBPARM EXEC COBUCL,CPARM1='LIST,LOAD,NODECK,PMAP,DMAP' //COB.SYSPUNCH DD DUMMY //COB.SYSIN DD * IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID. COBPARM. AUTHOR. Larry Belmontes. DATE-WRITTEN. JULY 2018. REMARKS. ****************************************************************** * * ============================================================= * * CCCCC OOOOO BBBBBB PPPPPP AAAAA RRRRRR MM MM * CC CC OO OO BB BB PP PP AA AA RR RR MMM MMM * CC OO OO BB BB PP PP AA AA RR RR MMM MMM * CC OO OO BBBBBB PPPPPP AAAAAAA RRRRR MM M MM * CC OO OO BB BB PP AA AA RR RR MM MM * CC CC OO OO BB BB PP AA AA RR RR MM MM * CCCCC OOOOO BBBBBB PP AA AA RR RR MM MM * * ============================================================= * 1234567--1234567--1234567--1234567--1234567--1234567-1234567-- * * Program: COBPARM * * Author: Larry Belmontes Jr. * https://ShareABitofIT.net/PARMs-in-MVS38J * Copyright (C) 2018 Larry Belmontes, Jr. * * Disclaimer: * ============================================================== * * No guarantee; No warranty; Install / Use at your own risk. * * This software is provided "AS IS" and without any expressed * or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the * implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a * particular purpose. * * The author requests keeping authors name intact in any * modified versions. * * In addition, the author requests readers to submit any * code modifications / enhancements and associated comments * for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit * to contributor(s)) thus, improving overall functionality * and further benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain * community. * * EJECT * * Overview: * ============================================================= * * This program will differentiate between a PARM area or * COMMAND LINE area. * * This program is written in COBOL using the compiler * supplied with MVS 3.8J public domain OS. * * The software components are: * - COBPARM COBOL Program for MVS38J * * See program documentation for more logic detail. * * * --------------------------------------------------------------- * Use the following command to start COBPARM from TSO/ISPF * command line which uses a COMMAND LINE area: * * TSO COBPARM A PARM * * Use the following command to start COBPARM from TSO/ISPF * command line which uses a COMMAND LINE area: * * TSO ISPEXEC SELECT CMD(COBPARM A PARM) * * * Use the following command to start COBPARM from TSO/ISPF * command line which uses a PARM area: * * TSO CALL 'MY.LOAD.PDS(COBPARM)' 'SOME PARM DATA' * * * Use the following command to start COBPARM from TSO/ISPF * command line which uses a PARM area: * * TSO ISPEXEC SELECT PGM(COBPARM) PARM(SOME PARM DATA) * * * * * Enjoy! * * Larry Belmontes Jr. * * EJECT * * Prerequisite: User Modifications * ============================================================== * * No user-mods are REQUIRED to use this software under * MVS38J / TSO. * * However, if ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin's ISPF-like product) * is being used on your system, check for any required user * modifications. * * More information on the above user-mods can be obtained * from the ISPF 2.x distribution tape (HET). * * * * COBPARM Programs / Services: * ================================================================== * * 1) None None * * * * References: * ============================================================== * * - None * * * Messages: * ============================================================== * * +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ * |Msg ID |Description | * +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ * | |None | * +--------+---------------------------------------------------+ * * * * Change History: * ============================================================== * * MM/DD/CCYY Version Name / Description * ---------- ------- ------------------------------------------ * * 02/11/2019 0.9.00 Larry Belmontes Jr. * - Initial version released to MVS 3.8J * hobbyist public domain * * * * EJECT ENVIRONMENT DIVISION. DATA DIVISION. WORKING-STORAGE SECTION. * * /********************************************************/ * /* Program Timestamp */ * /********************************************************/ 01 WS-PGM-TIMESTAMP. 05 WS-PROGRAM-ID PIC X(08) VALUE 'COBPARM '. 05 FILLER PIC X(08) VALUE 'MVS3.8J '. 05 WS-PROGRAM-VRM PIC X(08) VALUE 'V0.9.00 '. 05 FILLER PIC X(08) VALUE '08072018'. 05 FILLER PIC X(02) VALUE ' '. 05 WS-COBOL-CTS PIC X(21) VALUE SPACES. 05 FILLER REDEFINES WS-COBOL-CTS. 10 WS-TIMESTAMP PIC X(08). * 'HH.MM.SS' 10 WS-DATESTAMP PIC X(12). * 'mmm dd, ccyy' 05 FILLER PIC X(25) VALUE 'Copyright (C) 2018'. 05 FILLER PIC X(25) VALUE 'Larry Belmontes, Jr. '. 05 FILLER PIC X(50) VALUE 'https://ShareABitofIT.net/PARMs-in-MVS38J'. 01 TEXT-L PIC S9(04) COMP. 01 CLPRML PIC S9(04) COMP. EJECT LINKAGE SECTION. ************************************************************ * * This program can be started from a TSO command line * or SELECT PGM() ISPF service request. * * The TSO COBPARM PARMDATA uses the form (command line): * 2-byte binary length, 2-byte offset, text * * The SELECT PGM(COBPARM) PARM(PARMDATA) uses the form (PARM): * 2-byte binary length, text * * Typically, in ASSEMBLER, you test the high-order bit * of Register 1 for X'80'. If bit is on, it is a PARM * DATA layout. * * The following COBOL logic is a GUESS approach to determine * the invoking method. * ************************************************************ 01 PARM-DATA. 05 PARM-LEN PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 PARM-DAT PIC X(35). 01 CMDL-DATA REDEFINES PARM-DATA. 05 CMDL-LEN PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 CMDL-OFF PIC S9(04) COMP. 05 CMDL-DAT PIC X(33). 05 FILLER REDEFINES CMDL-DAT. 10 CMDL-DAT-1 PIC X OCCURS 33 TIMES. EJECT PROCEDURE DIVISION USING PARM-DATA. * ** Not available in MVS 3.8J COBOL Compiler. ** MOVE WHEN-COMPILED TO WS-COBOL-CTS. * * /********************************************************/ * /* PARM passed to program? */ * /********************************************************/ IF PARM-LEN > 0 * /*************************************************/ * /* Yes, offset present within range of length? */ * /*************************************************/ IF (CMDL-OFF > 0) AND ((CMDL-OFF < PARM-LEN) OR (CMDL-OFF = PARM-LEN)) * /*********************************************/ * /* Yes, assume 'Command Buffer' layout... */ * /* Parms in Command Line? */ * /*********************************************/ IF (CMDL-LEN - 4) > CMDL-OFF * /*********************************************/ * /* Yes. */ * /*********************************************/ DISPLAY 'CMDL Detected' DISPLAY 'CMDL-LEN="' CMDL-LEN '"' DISPLAY 'CMDL-OFF="' CMDL-OFF '"' COMPUTE TEXT-L = CMDL-LEN - 4 DISPLAY 'TEXT-L="' TEXT-L '"' COMPUTE CLPRML = CMDL-LEN - 4 - CMDL-OFF DISPLAY 'CLPRML="' CLPRML '"' DISPLAY 'CMDL-DAT="' CMDL-DAT '"' ELSE * /*********************************************/ * /* No. */ * /*********************************************/ DISPLAY 'No CMDL parms detected!' ELSE * /*********************************************/ * /* No, assume 'PARM' layout... */ * /*********************************************/ DISPLAY 'PARM Detected' DISPLAY 'PARM-LEN="' PARM-LEN '"' DISPLAY 'PARM-DAT="' PARM-DAT '"' ELSE * /*************************************************/ * /* NO, no parm passed to program */ * /*************************************************/ DISPLAY 'No parm detected!'. EJECT * * /********************************************************/ * /* Return to caller */ * /********************************************************/ GOBACK. EJECT /* //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DSN=my.tso.ispf.load(COBPARM), <-- TARGET // DISP=SHR //
Below are some use cases to demonstrate COBPARMs ‘GUESS’ approach for parameter layout. Each command is entered into the TSO/ISPF command line.
OPTION ===> TSO COBPARM CMDL Detected CMDL-LEN="0011" CMDL-OFF="0007" TEXT-L="0007" CLPRML="0000" CMDL-DAT="COBPARM " *** OPTION ===> TSO COBPARM SOME DATA CMDL Detected CMDL-LEN="0021" CMDL-OFF="0008" TEXT-L="0017" CLPRML="0009" CMDL-DAT="COBPARM SOME DATA " *** OPTION ===> tso ispexec select pgm(cobparm) parm(some data here) PARM Detected PARM-LEN="0014" PARM-DAT="SOME DATA HERE " *** OPTION ===> tso ispexec select cmd(cobparm some more data) CMDL Detected CMDL-LEN="0027" CMDL-OFF="0009" TEXT-L="0023" CLPRML="0014" CMDL-DAT="COBPARM SOME MORE DATA " *** OPTION ===> tso call 'my.tso.ispf.loadlib(cobparm)' 'my data passed here' PARM Detected PARM-LEN="0019" PARM-DAT="MY DATA PASSED HERE " *** Note: TEXT-L is the actual length of CMDL-DAT. PARM-L is the actual length of PARM-DAT.
Software Disclaimer
No guarantee; No warranty; Install / Use at your own risk.
This software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
The author requests keeping authors name intact to any modified versions.
In addition, the author requests readers to submit any code modifications / enhancements and associated comments for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit to contributors) thus, improving overall functionality benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain community.
I hope you find this post helpful in your overall learnings and use of software in the MVS 3.8J OS environment.
Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections or issues.
Larry Belmontes