Update:  Thanks to Ron Lucas, version V0R9M11 includes missing ISPF CLIST, C$FNDSRH. 


FINDSRCH – ISPF Find/Search Utilities for MVS38J / Hercules
(current version 0.9.11  2022-02-14)

After installing MVS38J on my personal computer with Hercules, this legacy operating system provides a nice nostalgic development and computing environment similar to one from our days as software developers, systems programmers, operators or other development / systems roles from this MVS era.

With the installment of ISPF 2.1 from Wally Mclaughlin, my system appears to better ‘imitate’ my old development environment. However, some functions are not available such as Search or Compare or File-Aid.

Both REVIEW (launching from =3.4 member list and using the find ‘argument’ command) and RPF (launching from =3.8), offer a search string function across a dataset. In fact, both browser / editor products offer an elaborate panel to declare search string arguments.

Sometimes, the FIND or SEARCH task involves searching for a PDS member in a load or system library. Thus, the focus of this post.

MVS38J distributions (TK3 and TK4-) include several TSO CP programs from various CBT contributors (see download page at CBTTAPE.ORG) that provide command line interface functionality such as COMPARE and VTOC. Other software contributions include those from Xephon MVS Update and/or other technical journals.

In fact, from TSO on MVS38J, type HELP COMPARE or HELP VTOC to display help information on COMPARE or VTOC, respectively.

Using already written and proven software from CBTTAPE.ORG or MVS Update, let’s design a Search-For equivalent for ISPF 2.1 under a menu that offers such functions as:
– Finding PDS Members
– Finding Datasets on online DASD volumes
– Searching for PDS members with a given Search String
– Finding a load member across system libraries
– Finding a PDS member in allocated DDNs

Now, we have a new supplementing FIND function to enhance the ISPF Productivity tool for the MVS 3.8J hobbyist community using CLISTS, Panels, and Messages.

General Dataset Collection

For most find requests, a qualifying set of datasets are collected using CP VTOC. The specific and value-adding feature of VTOC is requesting a dataset string to be matched within the dataset name.

For example, ‘SYS1’ as the dataset string contained in the DSN yields datasets such as SYS1.MACLIB, HERC01.SYS1.MACLIB.BACKUP, SYS1.LINKLIB, etc.

Another example, ‘MACLIB’ as the dataset string at the end of the DSN yields datasets such as SYS1.MACLIB, SYS2.MACLIB. HERC01.TEST.MACLIB, etc.

This provides greater flexibility in locating datasets with a premium on processing time, but worth the search!!!

As mentioned, a set of qualifying datasets are assembled as the DSN search base before issuing the select FIND request from the menu for options 1-3.

Options 4 and 5 are self-explanatory and results are produced as a browsable dataset or terminal response.


 ----------------------         FINDSRCH Menu         --------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                                   
  1  Find MEMBER in DSL                                             LARRY01 
  2  List Datasets in DSL                                           PFINDM  
  3  Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr                                 
       optionally grouped by MEMBER                                             
  4  Find MEMBER in system libraries                                       
  5  Find MEMBER in allocated DDName                                           
  DSL (Dataset List) includes datasets with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS             
   where S start of DSN,  E end of DSN,  or C contained in DSN.                      
 DSNstrPOS ===> C  S/E/C                                                      
 DSNstr ======> CBT249.FILE00                                         
 DDName ======> ISPCLIB 
 MEMBER ======> WRLDWTCH                                
 SEARCHstr ===> 'COMPAREB'                       Use single quotes
 Fast Search => Y  Y/N  Stop member search after first found occurrence             
 ListAll DSN => Y  Y/N  List all datasets processed (options 1-3)             

At first glance, the data entry fields may appear overwhelming among several menu options… What data is completed on the panel? When is SEARCHstr or ListAll DSN options used?

Let me explain… Purposely, I correlated keywords between menu option and data entry parameters…

For option 1, only MEMBER and DSL (DSNstrPOS and DSNstr) are required.

For option 2, DSL (DSNstrPOS and DSNstr) are required

For option 3, SEARCHstr, Fast Search, DSL (DSNstrPOS and DSNstr) are required with optional grouping, if Member name is specified.

For option 4, only Member Name is required.

For option 5, DD Name and Member Name are required.

Lastly, ListAll DSN is used for options 1, 2, and 3.

1) Find Member Results

 -------------------   Find Member Results   -----------------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
 DSN CONTAINS: LARRY01                                                  LARRY01 
 Member Name : $        ListAll: N                                      PMEMFIND
 PF3-End   PF7-Up   PF8-Down                                                    
 Dataset can be Browsed or Edited                                               
 DSNs            DSNs           Not Found     Found         Total               
 Extracted: 374  Searched: 200  Members: 199  Members: 1    Others: 0           
 S   Dataset Name---------------------------------- Member   Found Volume   
     LARRY01.CBT.V488.FILE077.PDS                   $          Y   PUB005    
 ******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ******************************* 

Each result screen for options 1-3 include query parameters in the top portion of the display to summarize the find request. In this example, the dataset list includes DSNs that contain ‘LARRY01’ whose member name is ‘$’ but only listing the DSNs with FOUND entries. Otherwise, the results list would contain 200 DSNs!

2) List Datasets Results

 ------------------    List Datasets Results    --------------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
 FIND004  Exceeded DSN limit.  DSNs Searched reflects applied limit. 
 DSN CONTAINS: LARRY01                                                  LARRY01 
 PF3-End   PF7-Up   PF8-Down                      C catalogued               
 Dataset can be Browsed or Edited                 N not catalogued           
                                                  W catalogued on another vol
 DSNs            DSNs                             E catalog processing error 
 Extracted: 617  Listed: 250                      ^
 S   Dataset Name-------------------------------- C Volume DSO RFM LRECL BLKSZ
     LARRY01.$$$TEMP.BACKUP                       C PUB006 PS  FB     80    80
     LARRY01.$$JOL.LIST                           C PUB007 PS  VBA   138  6144
     LARRY01.ACCT.OUT                             C PUB000 PS  FB     80  3360
     LARRY01.APVTMACS.TK4V8                       C PUB007 PO  FB     80 19040
     LARRY01.APVTMACS                             C PUB007 PO  FB     80 19040
     LARRY01.ARCHIVE.LOAD                         C TSO00B PO  U       0  6440
     LARRY01.ARCHIVE.OBJ                          C PUB006 PO  FB     80   800
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ1                 C PUB007 PS  FB     80  3200
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ2                 C PUB007 PS  FB     80  3200
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG.XMIT.SEQ                  C PUB007 PS  FB     80  3200
     LARRY01.BACKUP.LOG                           C PUB004 PS  FB     80 26400
     LARRY01.BREXX.V2R1M0.INSTALL                 C PUB007 PO  FB     80 19200
     LARRY01.BRX370.EXEC                          C PUB002 PO  VB    255 15050                 

List Datasets is a excellent function to locate datasets given a portion of the dataset name with a position (end of DSN, start of DSN, or contained within DSN).

Results include dataset name and some attributes.

3) Search String Results

 --------------------   Search String Results   --------------------------------
 COMMAND ===>                                                   SCROLL ===> CSR 
 Group:          Fast: N   ListAll: Y                                  LARRY01 
 DSN Contains: LARRY01.TEST                                            PSRCH   
 Search String: LARRY01                                                         

 PF3-End   PF7-Up   PF8-Down                                                    
 Dataset can be Browsed or Edited                                               
 DSNs            DSNs           DSN w/       Found      Total                   
 Extracted: 13   Searched: 13   NoHits: 9    Mbrs: 97   Hits: 387               
 S   Dataset Name---------------------------------- Member   Found              
     LARRY01.TEST.ASM.D20259.T171229                >*NONE*<                    
     LARRY01.TEST.ASM                               >*NONE*<                    
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $ASMFCLG     2              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $COBUCLG     2              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $FORHCLG     2              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $FORTCLG     2              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $PL1LFCL     1              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              $RPGECLG     2              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              AAINTRDR     1              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              BKUPHERC     3              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              BKUPHRC1     3              
     LARRY01.TEST.CNTL                              BKUPHRC2     3              

Query parameters are displayed on the top portion of the screen.

Before the column headings line, five accumulators are listed:
1) DSNs Extracted – number of datasets meeting DSL criteria
2) DSNs Searched – number of datasets searched
3) DSNs w/ NoHits – number of datasets searched where search criteria was NOT met (no hits)
4) Found Mbrs – number of members across DSL where search criteria was met
5) Total Hits – number of total hits across DSL where search criteria was met (includes multiple hits in a member)

Each result row contains dataset name, member name, found count and Volume columns.

If Member name equals ‘>*NONE*<‘, that indicates no member met the search criteria for dataset name.

If Member name equals ‘ MBRS->>’, that indicates total members searched for dataset name.

If Member name equals ‘ HITS->>’, that indicates total string hits for dataset name.

Otherwise, the member name is the actual PDS member with total string hits.

4) Find Member in System Libraries

 LARRY02.CLOC8.S1.LOC8OUT.Dccjjj.Thhmmss on XMIT01 -----------------------------
 Command ===>                                                                   
1       10        20        30        40        50        60        70        80
1:  CUTIL00 IS A MEMBER IN SYS2.CMDLIB                                          
RESULTS: 'LARRY02.CLOC8.S1.LOC8OUT.D22038.T154044'                              
COMMAND: LOCATE (CUTIL00) ALL                                                   
******EOF-TTR=00010100************************************ BOTTOM OF DATA ******

Find Member results are generated into a temporary dataset and presented as a browse session for review. See help member, LOCATE, for details on the LOCATE CP.

5) Find Member in Allocated DD

 REQUEST: FIND MEMBER-CMEMFIND   IN DD-ISPCLIB                            
 *$$** DDNAME   VOLUME LRECL BLKSZ DATASETNAME                            
 *$$** ISPCLIB  TSO00B 00080 03120 LARRY02.ISPCLIB                        
 *$$**          PUB007 00080 03120 ISP.SYSCOM.ISPCLIB                     
 *$$**          PUB005 00080 03120 ISP.V2R2M0.CLIB                        
 *$$**          PUB005 00080 03120 REVIEW.R50M0.CLIST                     
 *$$**          PUB007 00080 03120 LARRY01.SYSLOG.ISPCLIB                 
 *$$**          PUB007 00080 03120 LARRY01.ISPCLIB.CBT143                 
 LINES PROCESSED:171                                                      

Find Member in allocated DD displays all results on terminal display. Also, a list of datasets allocated to the requested DD is conveniently listed for informational purposes. See help member, FIND, for details on FIND CP.

The DD/DSN list is created by CLIST CFLDSI. See help member, CFLDSI, for details.


Each menu option is a TSO CLIST issuing CLIST commands. Some issue ISPEXEC services. As you know, CLISTS are interpreted at execution time. However, a CLIST is easily maintained in comparison to a ISPF Dialogue Management module written in Assembler or a high-level language.

Some of the functions have a dataset limit to keep overall processing time to a manageable wait. The dataset limits are set in each CLIST for options 1-3.

Prerequisite: User Modifications

Two user-mods, ZP60014 and ZP60038, are REQUIRED to process CLIST symbolic variables via the API, IKJCT441, on MVS 3.8J for CUTIL00 and LISTDSJ.  Otherwise, these modules are are rendered useless!

More information on the above user-mods can be obtained from the following website:

Check your system to determine if one or both user-mods are required. ZP60038 requires ZP60014.

If IKJCT441 is not found when CUTIL00 or LISTDSJ executes, MVS38J will report a system error code 806-4 on program IKJCT441.

Software Disclaimer

No guarantee; No warranty; Install / Use at your own risk.

This software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The author requests keeping authors name intact to any modified versions.

In addition, the author requests readers to submit any code modifications / enhancements and associated comments for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit to contributors) thus, improving overall functionality benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain community.

Access FINDSRCH now for a demo!

Take FINDSRCH for a ‘test drive’ before downloading and installing onto your MVS38J system.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator using SSL to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 2

Once connected, log on using any of the TK4- default user ids and passcodes.

After successful logon, select option I (I for ISPF) from the TSO Applications Menu. Note, option I is not listed on the menu – this is intentional.

From the ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU, type L in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER to display the ShareABitOfIT Software Demo Menu.

Type F in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press ENTER.

Use PF1 to display help panel.

Use PF3 to end FINDSRCH.

Use PF3 to exit from ISPF and TSO Applications Menu returning to the TSO READY prompt.

Log off TSO.

Terminate 3270 session.

Installing FINDSRCH Software

After downloading the ZIP file, the approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the distribution content from your personal computing device to MVS with minimal JCL and continue the installation procedure using supplied JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO.

  • Click here to download the zip file to your PC local drive.
FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J / Hercules                                               

Date: 02/14/2022  Release V0R9M11
      10/22/2021  Release V0R9M10
       9/26/2020  Release V0R9M00

*  Author:  Larry Belmontes Jr.
*           Copyright (C) 2020-2021  Larry Belmontes, Jr.

|    FINDSRCH     I n s t a l l a t i o n   R e f e r e n c e        | 

   The approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the
distribution content from your personal computing device to MVS with
minimal JCL and to continue the installation procedure using supplied
JCL from the MVS CNTL data set under TSO.                         

   Below are descriptions of ZIP file content, pre-installation
requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.
Good luck and enjoy this software as added value to MVS 3.8J!
-Larry Belmontes

* I. C o n t e n t   o f   Z I P   F i l e                           |

o  $INST00.JCL          Define Alias for HLQ FINDSRCH in Master Catalog
o  $INST01.JCL          Load CNTL data set from distribution tape
o  $RECVXMI.JCL         Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs                  
o  FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HET Hercules Emulated Tape (HET) multi-file volume
                        with VOLSER of VS0911 containing software  
o  RECVXMIT.V0R9M11.XMI XMIT file containing software distribution.   
o  DSCLAIMR.TXT         Disclaimer
o  PREREQS.TXT          Required user-mods 
o  README.TXT           This File                                              
Note:   ISPF v2.1 or higher must be installed under MVS3.8J TSO             
-----   including associated user-mods per ISPF Installation Pre-reqs.
Note:   VTOC (TSO CP) is a pre-requisite for this install
-----   and is available on MVS3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems.          
        Various versions of VTOC are available from CBT website. 
        More information at:               
Credit: Program FIND is authored by Vinh Vu as part of CBT File #166.
------- More information at:  FILE #166
        FIND was modified by Jay Moseley for assembly under MVS 3.8J using
        the IFOX00 assembler.  Jay consolidated FIND source with assemble,
        link-edit and IEBUPDTE steps into a single JCL installation package.
        More information at:
Note:   Using Jay's version of FIND as the base, FINDSRCH was created and 
-----   modifed to include new keywords for use by this new ISPF Find add-on.
        A new name, FINDSRCH, was selected to preserve the original 
        FIND program, should it exist on your system.
        Thanks to Vinh and Jay for their contributions to CBT and MVS 3.8J
Credit: Program LOCATE originally authored by Sam Lepore and modified 
------- by Kermit Kiser as part of CBT File #270.
        More information at:  FILE #270
        LOCATE uses DSNTAB, as a sub-routine.  Thanks to Sam and Kermit for 
        their contributions to CBT and MVS 3.8J communities.      
Note:   Both programs, LOCATE and DSNTAB, are used as-is and include        
-----   in-line macros for successful assembly sourced from File #270.
Credit: Program FINDMEM is authored by Rob Wunderlich as part of CBT File #474.
------- More information at:  FILE #474
Note:   FINDMEM is modified to run under MVS 3.8J / Hercules and
-----   ISPF 2.1 (Wally Mclaughlin's ISPF-like product).              
        Thanks to Rob for his contributions to CBT and MVS 3.8J communities.

Note:   CHKDSN checks for presence of a dataset or dataset/member.
-----   For convenience purposes, a current version is included.
        More information at:
Note: CUTIL00 is a TSO utility for CLIST variables. ----- For convenience purposes, a current version is included. More information at:
CUTIL00 for MVS 3.8J
Note: LISTDSJ, alias LISTDSI, is a LISTDSI-like program that creates CLIST ----- variables for some dataset attributes. For convenience purposes, a current version is included. More information at:
====================================================================== * II. P r e - i n s t a l l a t i o n R e q u i r e m e n t s | ====================================================================== o The Master Catalog password may be required for some installation steps. o Tape files use device 480. o As default, DASD files will be loaded to VOLSER=MVSDLB, type 3350 device. Below is a DATASET List after tape distribution load for reference purposes: DATA-SET-NAME------------------------------- VOLUME ALTRK USTRK ORG FRMT % XT FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ASM MVSDLB 90 83 PO FB 92 2 FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CLIST MVSDLB 4 2 PO FB 50 1 FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL MVSDLB 20 10 PO FB 50 1 FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HELP MVSDLB 4 3 PO FB 75 1 FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ISPF MVSDLB 20 14 PO FB 70 1 FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.MACLIB MVSDLB 2 1 PO FB 50 1 **END** TOTALS: 140 TRKS ALLOC 113 TRKS USED 7 EXTENTS Confirm the TOTAL track allocation is available on MVSDLB. Note: A different DASD device type may be used to yield different usage results. o TSO user-id with sufficient access rights to update SYS2.CMDPROC, SYS2.CMDLIB, SYS2.HELP, SYS2.LINKLIB and/or ISPF libraries. o For installations with a security system (e.g. RAKF), you MAY need to insert additional JOB statement information. // USER=???????,PASSWORD=???????? o Names of ISPCLIB (Clist), ISPMLIB (Message), ISPLLIB (Load) and/or ISPPLIB (Panel) libraries. o Download ZIP file to your PC local drive. o Unzip the downloaded file into a temp directory on your PC device. o Install pre-requisite (if any) software and/or user modifications. ====================================================================== * III. I n s t a l l a t i o n S t e p s | ====================================================================== +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 1. Define Alias for HLQ FINDSRCH in MVS User Catalog | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST00) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC0 JOB (SYS),'Def FINDSRCH Alias', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST00 Define Alias for HLQ FINDSRCH * //* * Note: The master catalog password will be required * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DEFALIAS EXEC PGM=IDCAMS //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSIN DD * PARM GRAPHICS(CHAIN(SN)) LISTCAT ALIAS ENT(FINDSRCH) IF LASTCC NE 0 THEN - DEFINE ALIAS(NAME(FINDSRCH) RELATE(SYS1.UCAT.MVS)) /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 1: $INST00 JCL a) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. b) Submit the job. c) Review job output for successful DEFINE ALIAS. Note: Job step DEFALIAS returns RC=0004 due to LISTCAT function completing with condition code of 4 and DEFINE ALIAS function completing with condition code of 0. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 2. Determine software installation source | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | HET or XMI ? | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Software can be installed from two sources, HET or XMI. - For tape installation (HET), proceed to STEP 4. **** or - For XMIT installation (XMI), proceed to next STEP. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 3. Load XMIPDS data set from XMI SEQ file | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($RECVXMI) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //RECV000A JOB (SYS),'Receive FINDSRCH XMI', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,REGION=0M, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * JOB: $RECVXMI Receive Application XMI Files * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //RECV PROC HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,TYP=XXXXXXXX, // DSPACE='(TRK,(10,05,40))',DDISP='(,CATLG,DELETE)', // DUNIT=3350,DVOLSER=MVSDLB <-- Review and Modify //* //RECV370 EXEC PGM=RECV370 //STEPLIB DD DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR <-- Review and Modify //RECVLOG DD SYSOUT=* //XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&&XMIPDS(&TYP) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD DSN=&&SYSUT1, // UNIT=SYSALLDA,SPACE=(CYL,(10,05)),DISP=(,DELETE,DELETE) //SYSUT2 DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..&TYP,DISP=&DDISP, // UNIT=&DUNIT,SPACE=&DSPACE,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER //SYSIN DD DUMMY //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=* // PEND //* RECEIVE XMIPDS TEMP //XMIPDS EXEC RECV,TYP=XMIPDS,DSPACE='(CYL,(10,05,10),RLSE)' //RECV370.XMITIN DD DISP=SHR,DSN=your.transfer.xmi <-- XMI File //RECV370.SYSUT2 DD DSN=&&XMIPDS,DISP=(,PASS), // UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=&DSPACE //* RECEIVE CNTL, HELP, CLIST, ISPF, ASM, MACLIB //CNTL EXEC RECV,TYP=CNTL,DSPACE='(TRK,(20,10,10))' //HELP EXEC RECV,TYP=HELP,DSPACE='(TRK,(04,02,02))' //CLIST EXEC RECV,TYP=CLIST,DSPACE='(TRK,(04,02,02))' //ISPF EXEC RECV,TYP=ISPF,DSPACE='(TRK,(20,05,10))' //ASM EXEC RECV,TYP=ASM,DSPACE='(TRK,(80,10,10))' //MACLIB EXEC RECV,TYP=MACLIB,DSPACE='(TRK,(02,02,02))' // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 2: $RECVXMI.JCL a) Transfer FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.XMI to MVS using your 3270 emulator. Make note of the DSN assigned on MVS transfer. Use transfer IND$FILE options: NEW BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB Ensure the DSN on MVS exists with the correct DCB information: ORG=PS BLKSIZE=3200 LRECL=80 RECFM=FB b) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation including the DSN assigned during the transfer above for the XMI file. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the following PDSs: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ASM FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CLIST FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HELP FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ISPF FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.MACLIB f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. g) Proceed to STEP 6. **** +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 4. Load CNTL data set from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST01) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC1 JOB (SYS),'Install CNTL PDS', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST01 Load CNTL PDS from distribution tape * //* * Note: Uses tape drive 480 * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADCNTL PROC HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,TVOLSER=VS0911, // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=MVSDLB,DUNIT=3350 <-- Review and Modify //LOAD001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(1,SL) //CNTL DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CNTL, // UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,10,10)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //STEP001 EXEC LOADCNTL Load CNTL PDS //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCNTL,OUTDD=CNTL // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 3: $INST01 JCL a) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. b) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE c) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB statement to conform to your installation standard. Review JCL and apply any modifications per your installation. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load of the CNTL data set. f) Subsequent installation steps will be submitted from members contained in the CNTL data set. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 5. Load Other data sets from distribution tape | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST02) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC2 JOB (SYS),'Install Other PDSs', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * JOB: $INST02 Load other PDS from distribution tape * //* * Tape Volume: File 1 - CNTL * //* * File 2 - CLIST * //* * File 3 - HELP * //* * File 4 - ISPF * //* * File 5 - ASM * //* * File 6 - MACLIB * //* * Note: Default TAPE=480, DASD=3350 on MVSDLB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOADOTHR PROC HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,TVOLSER=VS0911, // TUNIT=480,DVOLSER=MVSDLB,DUNIT=3350 <-- Review and Modify //LOAD02 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(2,SL) //INHELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(3,SL) //INISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(4,SL) //INASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(5,SL) //INMACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB.TAPE,UNIT=&TUNIT, // VOL=SER=&TVOLSER,DISP=OLD,LABEL=(6,SL) //CLIST DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..CLIST,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(04,02,02)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //HELP DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..HELP,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(04,02,02)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ISPF DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(20,05,10)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //ASM DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(80,10,10)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) //MACLIB DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,UNIT=&DUNIT,VOL=SER=&DVOLSER, // SPACE=(TRK,(02,02,02)),DISP=(,CATLG), // DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=3600) // PEND //* //STEP001 EXEC LOADOTHR Load ALL other PDSs //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INCLIST,OUTDD=CLIST COPY INDD=INHELP,OUTDD=HELP COPY INDD=INISPF,OUTDD=ISPF COPY INDD=INASM,OUTDD=ASM COPY INDD=INMACLIB,OUTDD=MACLIB // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 4: $INST02 JCL a) Member $INST02 installs remaining data sets from distribution tape. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape must be made available to MVS by issuing the following command from the Hercules console: DEVINIT 480 X:\dirname\FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HET READONLY=1 where X:\dirname is the complete path to the location of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. d) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary device 480 online: V 480,ONLINE e) Submit the job. f) Review job output for successful loads. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 6. Install TSO parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST03) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC3 JOB (SYS),'Install TSO Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST03 Install TSO parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //STEP001 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INCLIST DD DSN=FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CLIST,DISP=SHR //INHELP DD DSN=FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HELP,DISP=SHR //OUTCLIST DD DSN=SYS2.CMDPROC,DISP=SHR //OUTHELP DD DSN=SYS2.HELP,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=((INCLIST,R)),OUTDD=OUTCLIST SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ COPY INDD=((INHELP,R)),OUTDD=OUTHELP SELECT MEMBER=CHKDSN SELECT MEMBER=CUTIL00 SELECT MEMBER=FINDSRCH SELECT MEMBER=LOCATE SELECT MEMBER=FINDMEM SELECT MEMBER=CFLDSI SELECT MEMBER=CLDSI SELECT MEMBER=LISTDSJ /* // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 5: $INST03 JCL a) Member $INST03 installs TSO component(s). Note: If no TSO components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 7. Install FINDSRCH Programs | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST04) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC4 JOB (SYS),'Install FINDSRCH', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST04 * //* * Install FINDSRCH Programs * //* * * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit FINDSRCH to ISPLLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //FINDSRCH EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=FINDSRCH, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=XXXXXXXX.ISPLLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit DSNTAB to SYS2.LINKLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DSNTAB EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=DSNTAB, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit LOCATE to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LOCATE EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=LOCATE, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //LKED.SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS2.LINKLIB,DISP=SHR //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit FINDMEM to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //FINDMEM EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=FINDMEM, // PARM.ASM='NODECK,LOAD,TERM,XREF', // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,XREF' //*** PARM.LKED=(XREF,LET,LIST,NCAL) //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * If SYSn.LINKLIB or SYSn.CMDLIB is updated * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DBSTOP EXEC DBSTOP, // COND=(0,NE) //DBSTART EXEC DBSTART, // COND=(0,NE) // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 6: $INST04 JCL a) Member $INST04 installs program(s). b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 8. Install ISPF parts | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST05) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSRC5 JOB (SYS),'Install ISPF Parts', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH in MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST05 Install ISPF parts * //* * * //* * Note: Duplicate members are over-written. * //* * * //* * * //* * - Uses ISPF 2.1 product from Wally Mclaughlin * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: PARTSISPF * //* * Copy ISPF Parts * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //PARTSI PROC HLQ=MYHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * CLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPCLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPCLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDCLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //CLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //CLIBOUT DD DSN=&CLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * MLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPMLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPMLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDMLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //MLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //MLIBOUT DD DSN=&MLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPPLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPPLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDPLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //PLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //PLIBOUT DD DSN=&PLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * SLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPSLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPSLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDSLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //SLIBOUT DD DSN=&SLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * TLIB Member Installation * //* * * //* * Suggested Location: * //* * DSN defined or concatenated to ISPTLIB DD * //* * * //* * Note: If you use a new PDS, it must be defined * //* * before executing this install job AND the * //* * ISPF start-up procedure should include the * //* * new PDS in the ISPTLIB allocation step. * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ADDTLIB EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //TLIBIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ISPF,DISP=SHR //TLIBOUT DD DSN=&TLIB,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //ISPF EXEC PARTSI,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11, // CLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPCLIB', <--TARGET // MLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPMLIB', <--TARGET // PLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPPLIB', <--TARGET // SLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPSLIB', <--TARGET // TLIB='XXXXXXXX.ISPTLIB' <--TARGET //ADDCLIB.SYSIN DD * CLIB COPY INDD=((CLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=CLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=C$FNDSRH SELECT MEMBER=CMEMFIND SELECT MEMBER=CSRCH SELECT MEMBER=CVOL SELECT MEMBER=CLOC8 SELECT MEMBER=CMEMINDD //ADDMLIB.SYSIN DD * MLIB COPY INDD=((MLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=MLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=FIND00 SELECT MEMBER=FIND01 //ADDPLIB.SYSIN DD * PLIB COPY INDD=((PLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=PLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=PFINDM SELECT MEMBER=HFINDM SELECT MEMBER=PMEMFIND SELECT MEMBER=HMEMFIND SELECT MEMBER=PSRCH SELECT MEMBER=HSRCH SELECT MEMBER=PVOL SELECT MEMBER=HVOL //ADDSLIB.SYSIN DD * SLIB COPY INDD=((SLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=SLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ //ADDTLIB.SYSIN DD * TLIB COPY INDD=((TLIBIN,R)),OUTDD=TLIBOUT SELECT MEMBER=NO#MBR# /*dummy entry no mbrs! */ // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 7: $INST05 JCL a) Member $INST05 installs ISPF component(s). Note: If no ISPF components are included for this distribution, ----- RC = 4 is returned by the corresponding IEBCOPY step. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Review and update DD statements for ISPCLIB (clist), ISPMLIB (messages), and/or ISPPLIB (panel) library names. The DD statements are tagged with '<--TARGET'. d) Submit the job. e) Review job output for successful load(s). +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 9. Install Other Program(s) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | JCL Member: FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL($INST40) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ ______________________________________________________________________ //FINDSR40 JOB (SYS),'Install Other Pgms', <-- Review and Modify // CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X, <-- Review and Modify // MSGLEVEL=(1,1),NOTIFY=&SYSUID <-- Review and Modify //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * FINDSRCH for MVS3.8J TSO / Hercules * //* * * //* * JOB: $INST40 * //* * Install CHKDSN Programs * //* * Install CUTIL00 Programs * //* * Install LISTDSJ Programs * //* * **Note: CUTIL00 and LISTSDJ * //* * require two user-mods * //* * ZP60014 and ZP60038. * //* * Refer to program documenation * //* * or pre-reqs documenation. * //* * * //* * - CHKDSN programs installs to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* * - CUTIL00 programs installs to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* * - LISTDSJ program installs to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* * - Install libraries marked... * //* * - Search for '<--TARGET' * //* * - Update install libraries per your * //* * installation standard * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * PROC: ASMLKED * //* * Assembler Link-Edit * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //ASML PROC HLQ=WHATHLQ,VRM=VXRXMXX, // MBR=WHOWHAT //* //ASM EXEC PGM=IFOX00, // PARM='NODECK,LOAD,RENT,TERM,XREF' //SYSGO DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(MOD,PASS),SPACE=(CYL,(1,1)), // UNIT=VIO,DCB=(DSORG=PS,RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=800) //SYSLIB DD DSN=SYS1.MACLIB,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS1.AMODGEN,DISP=SHR // DD DSN=SYS2.MACLIB,DISP=SHR ** YREG ** // DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..MACLIB,DISP=SHR * myMACLIB ** //SYSTERM DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSPUNCH DD DSN=NULLFILE //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT2 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSUT3 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(6,1)) //SYSIN DD DSN=&HLQ..&VRM..ASM(&MBR),DISP=SHR <--INPUT //* //LKED EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF', // COND=(0,NE,ASM) //SYSLIN DD DSN=&&LOADSET,DISP=(OLD,DELETE) // DD DDNAME=SYSIN //SYSLMOD DD DUMMY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=VIO,SPACE=(CYL,(5,2)) //SYSIN DD DUMMY //* // PEND //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit CHKDSN to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //CHKDSN EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=CHKDSN, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit CHKDSNMS to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //CHKDSNSM EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=CHKDSNMS, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit CUTIL00 to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //CUTIL00 EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=CUTIL00, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit CUTILTBL to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //CUTILTBL EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=CUTILTBL, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB(&MBR) <--TARGET //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * Assemble Link-Edit LISTDSJ to SYS2.CMDLIB * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //LISTDSJ EXEC ASML,HLQ=FINDSRCH,VRM=V0R9M11,MBR=LISTDSJ, // PARM.LKED='MAP,LIST,LET,RENT,XREF,REUS,REFR' //LKED.SYSLMOD DD DISP=SHR, // DSN=SYS2.CMDLIB <--TARGET //LKED.SYSIN DD * ALIAS LISTDSI NAME LISTDSJ(R) /* //* //* -------------------------------------------------------* //* * * //* * If SYSn.LINKLIB or SYSn.CMDLIB is updated * //* * * //* -------------------------------------------------------* //DBSTOP EXEC DBSTOP, // COND=(0,NE) //DBSTART EXEC DBSTART, // COND=(0,NE) // ______________________________________________________________________ Figure 8: $INST40 JCL Note: If CHKDSN and/or CUTIL00 already installed on your system, ----- comment the appropriate job steps. Note: If both CHKDSN and CUTIL00 are installed on your system, ----- proceed to next step. a) Member $INST40 installs programs CHKDSN and CUTIL00. b) Review and update JOB statement and other JCL to conform to your installation standard. c) Submit the job. d) Review job output for successful completion. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 10. Validate FINDSRCH | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) From the ISPF Main Menu, enter the following command: TSO %C$FNDSRH b) Panel PFINDM is displayed. 1a) This test uses VTOC and CHKDSN CPs for finding a specified member name across selected dataset names. Enter data on panel: 1. Enter 1 in COMMAND as shown below 2. Enter c in DSNstrPOS as shown below 3. Enter maclib in DSNstr as shown below 4. Enter wto in MEMBER as shown below 5. Enter y in ListAll DSN as shown below 6. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- FINDSRCH Menu -------------------------- COMMAND ===> 1 1 Find MEMBER in DSL LARRY03 2 List Datasets in DSL PFINDM 3 Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr optionally grouped by MEMBER 4 Find MEMBER in system libraries 5 Find MEMBER in allocated DDName DSL (Dataset List) includes dataset names with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS where S start of DSN, or E end of DSN, or C contained in DSN. DSNstrPOS ===> C S/E/C DSNstr ======> maclib DDName ======> MEMBER ======> wto SEARCHstr ==> Use single quotes Fast Search => Y Y/N Stop string member search after first found occurrence ListAll DSN => Y Y/N List all datasets processed (options 1-3) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 9a: PFINDM FIND Utilities Menu Panel 1b) Below is a representative response: ________________________________________________________________________________ ------------------- Find Member Results ----------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR DSN CONTAINS: MACLIB LARRY03 Member Name : WTO ListAll: Y PMEMFIND PF3-End PF7-Up PF8-Down Dataset can be Browsed or Edited DSNs DSNs Not Found Found Total Extracted: 40 Searched: 40 Members: 37 Members: 3 Others: 0 S Dataset Name-------------------------------- Member Found Volume OSMVT.V218.MACLIB WTO Y PUB007 SYS1.AMACLIB WTO Y MVSDLB SYS1.MACLIB WTO Y MVSRES CBT.MVS38J.MACLIB N CBTCAT CCOMPR.V1R0M00.MACLIB N MVSDLB DALCDS.V1R0M00.MACLIB N PUB006 DFSPC.V1R0M00.MACLIB N PUB006 DUCBD.V1R0M00.MACLIB N PUB006 HERC01.KICKSSYS.V1R4M1.MACLIB N MVSCAT LARRY01.CBT.V494.FILE066.MACLIB N PUB007 LARRY01.CBT.V494.FILE300.MACLIB N PUB007 LARRY01.CBT.V495.FILE270.MACLIB N PUB007 LARRY01.COV466.FILE301.SMACLIB N PUB007 LARRY01.DBCOLE.MACLIB N PUB007 LARRY01.DDT.MACLIB N PUB005 ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 9b: PMEMFIND Results Panel 1c) Note that DSNs containing 'MACLIB' in the DSN are listed including whether member WTO is found or not found. 1d) Press PF3 to return to menu PFINDM. 2a) This test uses VTOC to search for a specific DSNstring in dataset names. Enter data on panel: 1. Enter 2 in COMMAND as shown below 2. Enter c in DSNstrPOS as shown below 3. Enter maclib in DSNstr as shown below 4. Enter y in ListAll DSN as shown below 5. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- FINDSRCH Menu -------------------------- COMMAND ===> 2 1 Find MEMBER in DSL LARRY03 2 List Datasets in DSL PFINDM 3 Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr optionally grouped by MEMBER 4 Find MEMBER in system libraries 5 Find MEMBER in allocated DDName DSL (Dataset List) includes dataset names with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS where S start of DSN, or E end of DSN, or C contained in DSN. DSNstrPOS ===> C S/E/C DSNstr ======> maclib DDName ======> MEMBER ======> SEARCHstr ==> Use single quotes Fast Search => Y Y/N Stop string member search after first found occurrence ListAll DSN => Y Y/N List all datasets processed (options 1-3) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 10a: PFINDM FIND Utilities Menu Panel 2b) Below is a representative response: ________________________________________________________________________________ ------------------ Find Datasets Results -------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR DSN CONTAINS: MACLIB LARRY01 PVOL PF3-End PF7-Up PF8-Down C catalogued Dataset can be Browsed or Edited N not catalogued W catalogued on another vol DSNs DSNs E catalog processing error Extracted: 49 Listed: 49 ^ S Dataset Name-------------------------------- C Volume DSO RFM LRECL BLKSZ CALNDR.V0R9M00.MACLIB C MVSDLB PO FB 80 3600 CBT.MVS38J.MACLIB C CBTCAT PO FB 80 19040 CCOMPR.V0R9M00.MACLIB C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 CCOMPR.V0R9M00.MACLIB.OLD C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 CCOMPR.V0R9M00.MACLIB2 C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 DALCDS.V1R0M00.MACLIB C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 DFSPC.V1R0M00.MACLIB C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 DUCBD.V1R0M00.MACLIB C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 FINDSRCH.V0R9M10.MACLIB C PUB006 PO FB 80 3600 HERC01.KICKSSYS.V1R4M1.MACLIB C MVSCAT PO FB 80 6000 LARRY01.CBT.V494.FILE066.MACLIB C PUB007 PO FB 80 19040 LARRY01.CBT.V494.FILE300.MACLIB C PUB007 PO FB 80 19040 LARRY01.CBT.V495.FILE270.MACLIB C PUB007 PO FB 80 19040 LARRY01.COV466.FILE301.SMACLIB C PUB007 PO FB 80 19040 LARRY01.DBCOLE.MACLIB C PUB007 PO FB 80 19040 ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 10b: PVOL Results Panel 2c) Note that DSNs containing 'MACLIB' in the DSN are listed including some dataset attributes. 2d) Press PF3 to return to menu PFINDM. 3a) This test uses VTOC, CHKDSN and FINDSRCH to find a member name and search for a search string across qualifying DSNs based on DSNstr Type and DSNstring. For clarity, the request is: Search for first occurrence of string "vtoc" in PDSs whose DSN contain "asm" Enter data on panel: 1. Enter 3 in COMMAND as shown below 2. Enter c in DSNstr Type as shown below 3. Enter asm in DSNstring as shown below 4. Enter vtoc in Search String as shown below 5. Enter y in Quick Search as shown below 6. Enter y in List all DSN as shown below 7. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- FINDSRCH Menu -------------------------- COMMAND ===> 3 1 Find MEMBER in DSL LARRY03 2 List Datasets in DSL PFINDM 3 Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr optionally grouped by MEMBER 4 Find MEMBER in system libraries 5 Find MEMBER in allocated DDName DSL (Dataset List) includes dataset names with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS where S start of DSN, or E end of DSN, or C contained in DSN. DSNstrPOS ===> C S/E/C DSNstr ======> asm DDName ======> MEMBER ======> SEARCHstr ==> vtoc Use single quotes Fast Search => Y Y/N Stop string member search after first found occurrence ListAll DSN => Y Y/N List all datasets processed (options 1-3) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 11a: PFINDM FIND Utilities Menu Panel 3b) Below is a representative response: ________________________________________________________________________________ -------------------- Search String Results -------------------------------- COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> CSR FIND004 Exceeded DSN limit. DSNs Searched reflects applied limit. Group : Quick: Y ListAll: Y LARRY03 DSN CONTAINS : ASM PSRCH Search String: VTOC PF3-End PF7-Up PF8-Down Dataset can be Browsed or Edited DSNs DSNs DSN w/ Found Total Extracted: 60 Searched: 20 NoHits: 15 Mbrs: 7 Hits: 7 S Dataset Name-------------------------------- Member Found Volume CBT.MVS38J.ASM BSPAPFCK 1 CBTCAT CBT.MVS38J.ASM REQUEUE 1 CBTCAT CBT.MVS38J.ASM MBRS->> 2 CBT.MVS38J.ASM HITS->> 2 CBT072.DCMS.ASM >*NONE*< CBTCAT CCOMPR.V0R9M00.ASM CHKDSN 1 PUB006 CCOMPR.V0R9M00.ASM MBRS->> 1 CCOMPR.V0R9M00.ASM HITS->> 1 CUTIL00.V1R0M00.ASM >*NONE*< MVSDLB CUTIL00.V1R1M00.ASM >*NONE*< PUB006 DALCDS.V1R0M00.ASM >*NONE*< PUB006 DFSPC.V1R0M00.ASM DFSPC 1 PUB006 DFSPC.V1R0M00.ASM MBRS->> 1 DFSPC.V1R0M00.ASM HITS->> 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 11b: PSRCH Results Panel 3c) Referring to the first dataset, CBT.MVS38J.ASM. Two members contain the string 'vtoc' at least once! Members BSPAPFCK and REQUEUE. As summarized, a total of two members (MBRS->>) in CBTMVS38J.ASM contain the requested search string for a total of 2 hits (HITS->>). 3d) Press PF3 to return to menu PFINDM. 4a) This test uses LOCATE CP to search for a load member in a system library. Enter data on panel: 1. Enter 4 in COMMAND as shown below 2. Enter bsposcmd in Member Name as shown below 3. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- FINDSRCH Menu -------------------------- COMMAND ===> 1 Find MEMBER in DSL LARRY03 2 List Datasets in DSL PFINDM 3 Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr optionally grouped by MEMBER 4 Find MEMBER in system libraries 5 Find MEMBER in allocated DDName DSL (Dataset List) includes dataset names with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS where S start of DSN, or E end of DSN, or C contained in DSN. DSNstrPOS ===> S/E/C DSNstr ======> DDName ======> MEMBER ======> bsposcmd SEARCHstr ==> Use single quotes Fast Search => Y/N Stop string member search after first found occurrence ListAll DSN => Y/N List all datasets processed (options 1-3) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 12a: PFINDM FIND Utilities Menu Panel 4b) Below is a representative response in a browse session: ________________________________________________________________________________ LARRY01.CLOC8.S1.LOC8OUT.Dccjjj.Thhmmss on PUB001 ----------------------------- Command ===> 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 +---+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+ 1: BSPOSCMD IS A MEMBER IN SYS2.LINKLIB RESULTS: 'LARRY01.CLOC8.S1.LOC8OUT.D22038.T112736' COMMAND: LOCATE (BSPOSCMD) ALL ******EOF-TTR=00010100************************************ BOTTOM OF DATA ****** ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 12b: Find Load Member results 4c) BSPOSCMD is located in SYS2.LINKLIB. 4d) Press PF3 to return to menu PFINDM. 5a) This test uses FIND CP for locating a PDS member in libraries (PDSs) assigned to a TSO session DD. Enter data on panel: 1. Enter 5 in Command as shown below 2. Enter cvol in Member Name as shown below 3. Enter ispclib in DD as shown below ***** ispclib is your ISPF CLIB DD name on your system 4. Press ENTER ________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------- FINDSRCH Menu -------------------------- COMMAND ===> 5 1 Find MEMBER in DSL LARRY03 2 List Datasets in DSL PFINDM 3 Find members in DSL with SEARCHstr optionally grouped by MEMBER 4 Find MEMBER in system libraries 5 Find MEMBER in allocated DDName DSL (Dataset List) includes dataset names with DSNstr located at DSNstrPOS where S start of DSN, or E end of DSN, or C contained in DSN. DSNstrPOS ===> S/E/C DSNstr ======> DDName ======> ispclib MEMBER ======> cvol SEARCHstr ==> Use single quotes Fast Search => Y/N Stop string member search after first found occurrence ListAll DSN => Y/N List all datasets processed (options 1-3) ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 13a: PFINDM FIND Utilities Menu Panel 5b) The following is a satisfactory representative terminal response: ________________________________________________________________________________ REQUEST: FIND MEMBER-CVOL IN DD-ISPCLIB ============================================ MEMBER CVOL FOUND IN PRIVATE LIB AT ISPCLIB+000 (ISP.SYSCOM.ISPCLIB) . *$$** DDNAME VOLUME LRECL BLKSZ DATASETNAME *$$** ISPCLIB PUB007 00080 03120 ISP.SYSCOM.ISPCLIB *$$** PUB005 00080 03120 ISP.V2R2M0.CLIB *$$** PUB005 00080 03120 REVIEW.R50M0.CLIST *$$** PUB007 00080 03120 LARRY01.SYSLOG.ISPCLIB *$$** PUB007 00080 03120 LARRY01.ISPCLIB.CBT143 LINES PROCESSED:159 *** ________________________________________________________________________________ Figure 13b: Find PDS Member in DD results 5c) Note location (PDS) where CVOL resides is displayed including a list of libriaries associated with DD ISPCLIB. 5d) Press PF3 to return to menu PFINDM. e) Validation for FINDSRCH is complete. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 11. Done | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) Congratulations! You completed the installation for FINDSRCH. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Step 12. Incorporate FINDSRCH into ISPF UTILITY SELECTION Menu | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ a) It is suggested using option F from the UTILITY SELECTION MENU (panel ISPUTILS) as option 3.F. b) Create a copy of ISPUTILS in your application panel library instead of the ISPF system panel library to preserve the original system panel in addition to preserving your ISPUTILS changes when upgrading your ISPF system with a new version. c) Add the 'NEW ENTRY' line as shown below after option 9 as new menu option: % 9 +COMMANDS - Create/change an application command table % F +FIND - Find-Search Menu <-- NEW ENTRY d) Add the 'NEW ENTRY' line as shown below to process the FM option: )PROC &ZSEL = TRANS( TRUNC (&ZCMD,'.') 1,'CMD(RFE 3.1;X) NEWAPPL(ISR)' . . 9,'PANEL(ISPUCMA)' F,'PANEL(PFINDM) NEWAPPL(FIND)' <-- NEW ENTRY . . ' ',' ' *,'?' ) )END e) Save UTILITY SELECTION MENU panel changes. f) Type =3 in the COMMAND line. The new menu item (F) should display. g) Type F in the COMMAND line. The new FIND menu (panel PFINDM) should display. Enjoy FINDSRCH for ISPF 2.x on MVS 3.8J! ====================================================================== * IV. S o f t w a r e I n v e n t o r y L i s t | ====================================================================== - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ASM . CHKDSN TSO CP Check for datasets presence . CHKDSNMS CHKDSN messages program . CUTIL00 TSO CP for CLIST Variables . CUTILTBL CUTIL00 messages program . DSNTAB Subroutine used by LOCATE 4 . FINDMEM TSO CP Find PDS Member in DD list 5 . FINDSRCH TSO CP Find Member in PDS containing string 3 . LISTDSJ TSO CP LISTDSI-like program 5 . LOCATE TSO CP Find Load Member location and attributes 4 - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CLIST . CFLDSI Display DD/DSN allocations and some file attributes 5 . CLDSI Display DSN attributes using LISTDSI - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.CNTL . $INST00 Define Alias for HLQ FINDSRCH . $INST01 Load CNTL data set from distribution tape (HET) . $INST02 Load other data sets from distribution tape (HET) . $INST03 Install TSO Parts . $INST04 Install FINDSRCH CP . $INST05 Install ISPF Parts . $INST40 Install CHKDSN, CUTIL00 and LISTDSJ CPs . $RECVXMI Receive XMI SEQ to MVS PDSs via RECV370 . DSCLAIMR Disclaimer . PREREQS Required User-mods . README Documentation and Installation instructions - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.HELP . CFLDSI Help file 5 . CHKDSN CHKDSN TSO help file . CLDSI CLDSI TSO help file . FINDMEM Help file 5 . FINDSRCH Help file 3 . LISTDSI * Help file(Alias) 5 . LISTDSJ Help file 5 . LOCATE Help file 4 - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.ISPF . C$FNDSRH Invoke Compare Panel from TSO command line . CLOC8 Find Load Member CLIST, uses LOCATE 4 . CMEMFIND Find Member CLIST, uses CPs VTOC and CHKDSN 1 . CMEMINDD Find PDS Member in DD CLIST, uses FINDMEM and CFLDSI CLIST 5 . FIND00 Find Message file . FIND01 Find Message file . HMEMFIND Find Member Help panel 1 . PFINDM Find Menu panel 0 . HFINDM Find Menu Help panel 0 . PMEMFIND Find Member results panel 1 . PVOL Find Datasets results panel 2 . HVOL Find Datasets Help panel 2 . CVOL Find Member CLIST, uses VTOC 2 . PSRCH Find String results panel 3 . HSRCH Find String Help panel 3 . CSRCH Find Member CLIST, uses VTOC and FINDSRCH 3 - FINDSRCH.V0R9M11.MACLIB . README Dummy member, this is intentional - Find-Search Menu options - 1 Find PDS MEMBER in DSN - 2 Find Datasets with DSN - 3 Find PDS members with SEARCH STRING in DSN - 4 Find Load MEMBER in system libraries - 5 Find PDS MEMBER in allocated DD - Other Software used by FINDSRCH o VTOC Extract VTOC information for a given DSN parameter (included in MVS 3.8J TK3 and TK4- systems)

The below README file includes a ZIP file content list, pre-installation requirements (notes, credits) and installation steps.


Although this conglomerate solution is not a 3.14 in Z/OS, it does provide a convenient find-search function using community contributed software.

Thanks to the VTOC, FIND, LOCATE, and FINDMEM authors and/or contributors!

Use ISPF option 3.F to quickly navigate to and process find-search requests on your MVS38J / ISPF system.

Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections or issues.

Thank You.

Version History

2022-02-140.9.11♦ Include C$FNDSRH ISPF CLIST, omitted from previous version.
2021-10-220.9.10♦ Added options 4 and 5
2020-09-260.9.00♦ Initial version released to MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain
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3 thoughts on “FINDSRCH in MVS38J

  1. Hi Larry,

    I was installing FINDSRCH on my TK4- System under Wally’s ISPF v2.2.0 and I found that the ISPF CLIST needed to invoke FINDSRCH, C$FNDSRH, wasn’t included in either the *.HET tape or the *.XMI file. Could I get a copy of this CLIST?

    Thank you,

      1. Larry,

        Thank you! I installed v0.9.11 and tested using the CLIST and everything works perfectly.

        Thank you for the useful tools!
        Ron Lucas

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