Demo MVS38J System


Demo MVS System
Updated: 2023/10/24

In the interest of providing direct access to my personal MVS38J community software contributions, I wanted to offer real-time access to my software functions to facilitate a ‘test drive’ experience for potential and interested community members before downloading and installing my packaged software onto your system.

Therefore, a minimal capacity demonstration system comprised of the public domain operating system MVS38J TK4- version 8 from Jürgen Winkelmann along with the ISPF v2.1 product from Wally Mclaughlin was installed on a Windows 10 Pro system and made available for public access hosting some my personal community software.

Software and Demo System Disclaimer

No guarantee; No warranty; Use at your own risk.

This demo system and associated software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

No data backups (manual or automated) are maintained, therefore, no systematic restore opportunities exist in this demo system.

No systems operations monitoring (manual or automated) regarding computing utilization and/or software execution on the demo system.

No data protection. That is, any data stored on the demo system may be accessed by other users on the demo system.

Accessing Demo System

The system is fully operational and uses the default user ids and passcodes defined by the MVS38J TK4- version 8 system.

More information on TK4- can be accessed from:

More information on ISPF v2.1 can be accessed from Wally Mclaughlin (owner and author of ISPF v2.x) via the MVS Yahoo mail forum.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 2

Terminal 3270 communications are encrypted per TLS. No SSL certificate is necessary for authentication.

Once connected, the TK4- default NETSOL screen is displayed.

Log on using any of the TK4- default user ids.

After successful logon, the TSO Applications Menu will be displayed.

You are now in the demo system!

Type I for the Option to use ISPF v2.1!

The ISPF Primary menu is displayed as shown below:

 -------------------------  ISPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU  --------------------------
 OPTION  ===>                                                                   
                                                            USERID   - HERC01   
    0  ISPF PARMS  - Specify terminal and user parms        TIME     - 09:17    
    1  BROWSE      - Display source data using Review       TERMINAL - 3278     
    2  EDIT        - Change source data using Revedit       PF KEYS  - 0012     
    3  UTILITIES   - Perform utility functions              PANEL    - ISP@PRIM 
    4  FOREGROUND  - Invoke language processors             SCREEN   - 1        
    5  BATCH       - Submit job for language processing     LANGUAGE - ENGLISH  
    6  COMMAND     - Enter TSO command or CLIST             APPL ID  - ISP      
    7  DIALOG TEST - Perform dialog testing                 RELEASE  - V2.2.000 
    A  ACETEST     - APF-authorized test facility           PRIM     - YES      
    C  CHANGES     - Summary of changes for this release    SYSTEMID - TK4-     
    T  TUTORIAL    - Display information about ISPF         PROC     - TSOLOGON 
    X  EXIT        - Terminate ISPF using log and list defaults                 
    L  LBDEMO      - ShareABitOfIT Software Demo Menu      October 2023     297
                                                            S  M  T  W  T  F  S
 Enter END command to terminate ISPF.                       1  2  3  4  5  6  7 
                                                            8  9 10 11 12 13 14
                                                           15 16 17 18 19 20 21
                                                           22 23 24 25 26 27 28
                                                           29 30 31

In addition to accessing the demo system, menu option L displays a panel menu which provides access to ShareABitOfIT software contribution application demos. A representative menu is below:

 --------------------- ShareABitofIT Demo Software Menu ------------------------
 OPTION  ===>                                                                   
                                                            USERID   - HERC01   
                                                            PANEL    - PLBDEMO  
    0  LISTDSJ - Display dataset attributes using LISTDSJ(LISTDSI)              
    1  CUTIL00 - Testing harness for CUTIL00                                    
    2  ISPTBLS - Using ISPF Tables menu panel                                   
    3  CFLDSI  - List allocated DD and DSN                                      
    4  DALCDS  - List TSO allocations using ISPF Table Display                  
    5  DFSPC   - List DASD Free Space using ISPF Table Display                  
    6  DUCBD   - List DASD and TAPE UCB Info using ISPF Table Display           
    7  ULXL01  - Display Disk Space Information for a volume                    
    8  WW      - World WATCH via IFOX00                                         
    C  COMPARE - Compare Two Datasets                                           
    F  FINDSRCH- Find-Search Menu                                               
   DC  DSCOPY  - Data Set Copy (SEQ/PDS) on DASD                                
   B5  BATCH   - Background Selection (Language Processors)                     
               PF1 HELP         PF3 END                                         

In closing…

In the spirit to further benefit the MVS 3.8J hobbyist community, please feel free to use this demo system for your educational needs. Keep in mind the system is not a production-like environment with super computing and storage capacity!

Please be courteous in using the demo system. For example, delete any output from the queues after job submission to keep JES2 queue capacity to a minimum.

Do not store any data on the demo system for longevity purposes. The demo system may be restored at anytime, therefore, losing any data created after the original system build.

Also, the demo system will be restored to its original build in the event of unstable usability.

Comments or feedback? Use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar.

Have fun!

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