ISPF Option 6 in MVS38J


Using ISPF 2.x (Wally Mclaughlin’s ISPF-like product), Option 6 is a common panel utilized to execute TSO commands under ISPF on your Hercules/MVS 3.8J system. Simply, type the command plus any parameters (if any), and press ENTER.

While developing CLISTs , especially one with two or three parameters where one parameter is a dataset name, retyping that command for testing purposes quickly becomes laborious and prone to typing errors. Yes, using the clipboard copy-paste function can ease the repetitive workflow. However, if variations of the command parameters exist, why not select a ‘saved’ command and execute! This was the junction point that gave birth to the idea of enhancing the TSO Command Processor panel while reviewing more current panel versions.

ISPF 2.x includes the standard TSO Command Processor panel (ISPOP6) as shown below:

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  

Enhanced ISPF Option 6

The enhanced TSO Command Processor panel offers a command save area using point-and-shoot fields for quick selection and execution of saved commands including save area control fields as depicted below.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   /C Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

Enhancements include:

  • Command Save Area to hold (save) the last 10 commands as point-and-shoot fields
  • Command Save Area Controls (Yes/No Indicators)
    ExecI – Execute Command Immediately
    ClrCMD – Clear TSO Command field after command execution
    UpdtSA – Update command save area
    RBlank – Remove blank commands when updating command save area
    DelChr – Designated character to Delete saved commands
  • Command execution action mode on Place cursor line
    ‘Place cursor on choice and press ENTER to Retrieve Command’, or
    ‘Place cursor on choice and press ENTER to Retrieve n Execute Command’
  • Confirmation messages under the Controls line
  • Help Panel

New Help Panel

Pressing PF1 while in Option 6 will display the following help panel.

 --HELP---------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ----------------- v1.1.00 -
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
  Command     List of 10 recent commands saved for quick retrieval.             
  Save Area:  Saved commands are retrieved by placing cursor on desired command 
              and pressing ENTER key.  Command Execution occurs immediately or 
              after pressing ENTER key again based on control field ExecI value.
              Note: Press ENTER with no TSO Command to redisplay panel. 

  Control     ExecI  - Execute selected command immediately                                
  Fields:     ClrCMD - Clear TSO Command field after command execution
   (Y,N)      UpdtSA - Update command save area (CommSA)
              RBlank - Remove blank commands when updating command save area
              DelChr - Character placed in position 1 of TSO Command and
                       saved command(s) to be deleted.
                       Valid value are: / or \
              Note: Use /C as TSO Command to update Control Fields.         


Only one set of dialog variables are used for the command save area per USER ID. If multiple Option 6 panels are used via SPLIT sessions, the command save area including control fields may be compromised. The most recently used TSO Processor panel updates the command save area. Thus, the remaining sessions now display stale data unless the screen display is refreshed by pressing ENTER with no TSO Command.

It is recommended being cautious when using SPLIT option 6 panels to maintain current command save area and control fields by refreshing the panel using a blank TSO Command before submitting a new or saved command.

Use Scenario – Update Control Fields

Use the /C command as the TSO Command line to update control fields. The below illustrates changing ExecI from N to Y.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
 ===> /C                                                                          
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   => SS                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

After pressing ENTER, the panel displays as shown below:

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   => SS                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** Controls Fields Updated                                                                             

Use Scenario – Execute command

The last three commands are listed in the command save area. The Controls settings are Execute command immediately, Clear TSO command after execution, Update command save area, Remove blank commands from command save area, and character ‘/’ used to delete command entries in command save area.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   => SS                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

Type the command, DATE, into the TSO Command line and press ENTER.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
 ===> DATE                                                                          
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   => SS                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

After execution, the command DATE is ‘pushed’ onto the command save area as shown.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => DATE                                                                      
   => TIME                                                                       
   => WHO                                                                        
   => SS                                                                          
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** TSO Command Executed  DATE                                                                             

The TSO Command line is cleared due to ClrCMD being set to Y.

If ClrCMD was set to N, the TSO Command line would contain ‘DATE’.

If UpdtSA was set to N, no update activity would occur to the command save area remaining unchanged as shown below.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   => SS                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** TSO Command Executed  DATE                                                                             

Use Scenario – Execute Saved Command

To execute a saved command, position cursor to the desired command, TIME, and press ENTER. The command will execute immediately.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => DATE                                                                      
   => TIME                                                                       
   => WHO                                                                        
   => SS                                                                          
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

After execution of TIME command, the command save area is updated as shown below.

Commands are ‘pushed’ down into the command save area.

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => TIME                                                                      
   => DATE                                                                       
   => WHO                                                                        
   => SS                                                                          
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** Command Retrieved & Executed  TIME                                                                                

If ExecI was set to N, the saved command would be Retrieved to the TSO Command line allowing the user to make modifications such as adding or modifying parameters. To Execute, press ENTER.

Use Scenario – Delete Command

To delete command(s) from the command save area, type the DelChr designated character in the TSO Command line and the desired saved command(s) to be deleted.

For example, delete saved commands TIME and SS by typing a slash (/) in position 1 of the TSO Command line and the two corresponding commands as follows:

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
 ===> /                                                                          
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => DATE                                                                      
   => /IME                                                                       
   => WHO                                                                        
   => /S                                                                          
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           

After pressing ENTER, the two commands are deleted and the screen is displayed as follows:

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => DATE                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                       
   /C Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** Save Command(s) Deleted                                                                                

If the RBlank field was set to N, blank commands between other commands would not be deleted as shown below:

 ---------------------------  TSO COMMAND PROCESSOR  ---------------------------
 ENTER TSO COMMAND, CLIST, OR REXX EXEC BELOW:                                  
   Place cursor on choice and press enter to Retrieve n Execute Command                    
   => DATE                                                                      
   => WHO                                                                        
   Controls: ExecI Y  ClrCMD Y  UpdtSA Y  RBlank Y     DelChr /           
   ** Save Command(s) Deleted                                                                             

Software Disclosure

This software is provided “AS IS” and without any expressed or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The author requests keeping authors name intact to any modified versions.

In addition, the author requests readers to submit any code modifications / enhancements and associated comments for consideration into a subsequent release (giving credit to contributors) thus, improving overall functionality benefiting the MVS 3.8J hobbyist public domain community.

Access ISPF Option 6 now for a demo!

Take the new Option 6 for a ‘test drive’ before downloading and installing onto your MVS38J system.

Point your TN3270 terminal emulator using SSL to

PORT: 5000
TLS : Version 2

Once connected, log on using any of the TK4- default user ids and passcodes.

After successful logon, select option I (I for ISPF) from the TSO Applications Menu. Note, option I is not listed on the menu – this is intentional.

Type 6 in the command field (OPTION ==>) and press <ENTER> to display the new TSO PROCESSOR COMMAND panel.

Refer to the above use scenarios as you trial the demo ISPF option 6.

A help panel can be displayed by pressing <PF1>.

Use <PF3> to terminate from ISPF and TSO Applications Menu returning to the TSO READY prompt.

Log off TSO.

Terminate 3270 session.

Download and Install

Click here to download distribution ZIP file.

Once the ZIP file is downloaded and extracted, refer to $readme.txt to load and install software distribution to your MVS38J system.

ISPF Option 6 in MVS38J / Hercules

Date: 06/22/2021  Release V1R1M00            
Date: 11/10/2019  Release V1R0M00            

Author: Larry Belmontes Jr.   
        Copyright (C) 20192021  Larry Belmontes, Jr.

   Enhancement to ISPF 2.x Option 6 TSO Command Processor panel to  
save the last 10 commands in the Users ISPF Profile including control
   The ISPF 2.x runs on MVS38J under TSO.  The ISPF 2.x product is owned 
by Wally Mclaughlin.
| I n s t a l l a t i o n   R e f e r e n c e                        | 

   The approach for this installation procedure is to transfer the
distribution tape content from the your personal computing device to
MVS with minimal JCL (less than 24 lines for easy copy-paste) and to
continue the installation procedure using supplied JCL from the MVS
CNTL data set under TSO.                         

   Below are description of ZIP file content, pre-installation
requirements and installation steps.
Good luck and enjoy!
-Larry Belmontes

* I. C o n t e n t   o f   Z I P   F i l e                           |

o  $INST01.JCL          Load CNTL data set from distrubtion tape
o  ISP60000_V1R1M00.HET Hercules Emulated Tape (HET) with VOLSER VS1100 
                        containing the ISPF Option 6 enhancement       
                        software distribution.                  
o  DSCLAMR.TXT          Disclaimer
o  README.TXT           This File                                              

* II. P r e - i n s t a l l a t i o n   R e q u i r e m e n t s      |

o  Tape files use device 480.
o  HERC01.ISP61100.CNTL (PDS) will be created.
o  DASD file(s) are loaded to VOLSER=PUB000, type 3350 device.
   Confirm that 100 tracks are available.
o  Download ZIP file to your PC local drive.    
o  Unzip the downloaded file into a temp directory on your PC device.
o  If dataset name, HERC01.ISP61100.CNTL is changed, some JCL changes
   may be necessary in the supplied JCL.
* III. I n s t a l l a t i o n   S t e p s                           |
| Step 1. Load CNTL data set from distribution tape                  |
|         JCL Member: $INST01                                        |
//$INST01  JOB (SYS),'Load HET ISP60000',        <-- Review and Modify
//             CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=A,               <-- Review and Modify
//             MSGLEVEL=(1,1)                    <-- Review and Modify
//* -------------------------------------------------------*
//* *  ISPF Option 6 in MVS38J / Hercules                  *
//* *                                                      *
//* *  JOB: $INST01                                        *
//* *       Load CNTL data set from distribution tape      *
//* -------------------------------------------------------*
//STEP001  EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY                                           
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                              
//             VOL=SER=VS1100,LABEL=(1,SL),                  
//             UNIT=480                          <-- Review and Modify   
//             DISP=(,CATLG),DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80,BLKSIZE=19040),
//             SPACE=(TRK,(100,10,10)), 
//             UNIT=3350,VOL=SER=PUB000          <-- Review and Modify   
//SYSIN    DD  DUMMY                                                    
Figure 1: $INST01 JCL
    a) Before submitting the above job, the distribution tape   
       must be made available to MVS by issuing the following
       command from the Hercules console:
       where X:\DIRNAME is the complete path to the location
       of the Hercules Emulated Tape file. 
    b) Issue the following command from the MVS console to vary
       device 480 online:
       V 480,ONLINE
    c) Copy and paste the above JCL to a PDS member, update JOB 
       statement to conform to your installation standard.
    d) Submit the job.                                              
    e) Review job output for successful load of the CNTL data set.
| Step 2. Copy New ISPF Panels to user Panel Library                 |
    a) Review ISPF panel library concatenation on your installation.
       Target panel library should be before your ISPF System Panel 
       library to resolve ISPOPT6 and HISPOPT6 correctly.
    b) Copy the two panels in HERC01.ISP61100.CNTL to the target
       panel library using ISPF 3.3 Copy function
       Note: Do not OVERLAY the default ISPOP6 panel in the ISPF
             System Panel library.
    c) Return to ISPF main menu and select option 6.  New TSO Command
       Processor panel should display.               
    d) Congratulations!  Installation complete.


In Closing

ISPF Panels were developed and tested successfully using ISPF 2.1 on MVS38J TK3 running under the Hercules 3.13 emulator on MS Windows 10 Professional.

Please use the comment box below or the contact us link on the menu bar to communicate any suggestions, improvements, corrections or issues.

Larry Belmontes


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